use crate::{ client::Client, persistence::PersistedComponents, pet::restore_pet, presence::{Presence, RepositionOnChunkLoad}, settings::Settings, sys::sentinel::DeletedEntities, wiring, BattleModeBuffer, SpawnPoint, }; use common::{ calendar::Calendar, character::CharacterId, combat, combat::DamageContributor, comp::{ self, skills::{GeneralSkill, Skill}, Group, Inventory, Poise, }, effect::Effect, link::{Link, LinkHandle}, mounting::Mounting, resources::{Time, TimeOfDay}, slowjob::SlowJobPool, uid::{Uid, UidAllocator}, }; use common_net::{ msg::{CharacterInfo, PlayerListUpdate, PresenceKind, ServerGeneral}, sync::WorldSyncExt, }; use common_state::State; use rand::prelude::*; use specs::{ saveload::MarkerAllocator, Builder, Entity as EcsEntity, EntityBuilder as EcsEntityBuilder, Join, WorldExt, }; use std::time::Duration; use tracing::{trace, warn}; use vek::*; pub trait StateExt { /// Updates a component associated with the entity based on the `Effect` fn apply_effect(&self, entity: EcsEntity, effect: Effect, source: Option<Uid>); /// Build a non-player character #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn create_npc( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, stats: comp::Stats, skill_set: comp::SkillSet, health: Option<comp::Health>, poise: comp::Poise, inventory: comp::Inventory, body: comp::Body, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder; /// Build a static object entity fn create_object(&mut self, pos: comp::Pos, object: comp::object::Body) -> EcsEntityBuilder; fn create_ship<F: FnOnce(comp::ship::Body) -> comp::Collider>( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, ship: comp::ship::Body, make_collider: F, mountable: bool, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder; /// Build a projectile fn create_projectile( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, vel: comp::Vel, body: comp::Body, projectile: comp::Projectile, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder; /// Build a shockwave entity fn create_shockwave( &mut self, properties: comp::shockwave::Properties, pos: comp::Pos, ori: comp::Ori, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder; /// Build a beam entity fn create_beam( &mut self, properties: comp::beam::Properties, pos: comp::Pos, ori: comp::Ori, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder; /// Creates a safezone fn create_safezone(&mut self, range: Option<f32>, pos: comp::Pos) -> EcsEntityBuilder; fn create_wiring( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, object: comp::object::Body, wiring_element: wiring::WiringElement, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder; // NOTE: currently only used for testing /// Queues chunk generation in the view distance of the persister, this /// entity must be built before those chunks are received (the builder /// borrows the ecs world so that is kind of impossible in practice) fn create_persister( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, view_distance: u32, world: &std::sync::Arc<world::World>, index: &world::IndexOwned, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder; /// Insert common/default components for a new character joining the server fn initialize_character_data(&mut self, entity: EcsEntity, character_id: CharacterId); /// Update the components associated with the entity's current character. /// Performed after loading component data from the database fn update_character_data(&mut self, entity: EcsEntity, components: PersistedComponents); /// Iterates over registered clients and send each `ServerMsg` fn send_chat(&self, msg: comp::UnresolvedChatMsg); fn notify_players(&self, msg: ServerGeneral); fn notify_in_game_clients(&self, msg: ServerGeneral); /// Create a new link between entities (see [`common::mounting`] for an /// example). fn link<L: Link>(&mut self, link: L) -> Result<(), L::Error>; /// Maintain active links between entities fn maintain_links(&mut self); /// Delete an entity, recording the deletion in [`DeletedEntities`] fn delete_entity_recorded( &mut self, entity: EcsEntity, ) -> Result<(), specs::error::WrongGeneration>; } impl StateExt for State { fn apply_effect(&self, entity: EcsEntity, effects: Effect, source: Option<Uid>) { match effects { Effect::Health(change) => { self.ecs() .write_storage::<comp::Health>() .get_mut(entity) .map(|mut health| health.change_by(change)); }, Effect::Damage(damage) => { let inventories = self.ecs().read_storage::<Inventory>(); let stats = self.ecs().read_storage::<comp::Stats>(); let groups = self.ecs().read_storage::<comp::Group>(); let damage_contributor = source.and_then(|uid| { self.ecs().entity_from_uid(uid.0).map(|attacker_entity| { DamageContributor::new(uid, groups.get(attacker_entity).cloned()) }) }); let time = self.ecs().read_resource::<Time>(); let change = damage.calculate_health_change( combat::Damage::compute_damage_reduction( Some(damage), inventories.get(entity), stats.get(entity), ), damage_contributor, false, 0.0, 1.0, *time, ); self.ecs() .write_storage::<comp::Health>() .get_mut(entity) .map(|mut health| health.change_by(change)); }, Effect::Poise(poise) => { let inventories = self.ecs().read_storage::<Inventory>(); let change = Poise::apply_poise_reduction(poise, inventories.get(entity)); // Check to make sure the entity is not already stunned if let Some(character_state) = self .ecs() .read_storage::<comp::CharacterState>() .get(entity) { if !character_state.is_stunned() { let groups = self.ecs().read_storage::<comp::Group>(); let damage_contributor = source.and_then(|uid| { self.ecs().entity_from_uid(uid.0).map(|attacker_entity| { DamageContributor::new(uid, groups.get(attacker_entity).cloned()) }) }); let time = self.ecs().read_resource::<Time>(); let poise_change = comp::PoiseChange { amount: change, impulse: Vec3::zero(), cause: None, by: damage_contributor, time: *time, }; self.ecs() .write_storage::<comp::Poise>() .get_mut(entity) .map(|mut poise| poise.change(poise_change)); } } }, Effect::Buff(buff) => { self.ecs() .write_storage::<comp::Buffs>() .get_mut(entity) .map(|mut buffs| { buffs.insert(comp::Buff::new( buff.kind,, buff.cat_ids, comp::BuffSource::Item, )) }); }, } } fn create_npc( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, stats: comp::Stats, skill_set: comp::SkillSet, health: Option<comp::Health>, poise: comp::Poise, inventory: comp::Inventory, body: comp::Body, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder { self.ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(comp::Vel(Vec3::zero())) .with( comp::Ori::from_unnormalized_vec(Vec3::new( thread_rng().gen_range(-1.0..1.0), thread_rng().gen_range(-1.0..1.0), 0.0, )) .unwrap_or_default(), ) .with(body.mass()) .with(body.density()) .with(match body { comp::Body::Ship(ship) => ship.make_collider(), _ => capsule(&body), }) .with(comp::Controller::default()) .with(body) .with(comp::Energy::new( body, skill_set .skill_level(Skill::General(GeneralSkill::EnergyIncrease)) .unwrap_or(0), )) .with(stats) .with(comp::ActiveAbilities::default()) .with(skill_set) .maybe_with(health) .with(poise) .with(comp::Alignment::Npc) .with(comp::CharacterState::default()) .with(inventory) .with(comp::Buffs::default()) .with(comp::Combo::default()) .with(comp::Auras::default()) } fn create_object(&mut self, pos: comp::Pos, object: comp::object::Body) -> EcsEntityBuilder { let body = comp::Body::Object(object); self.ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(comp::Vel(Vec3::zero())) .with(comp::Ori::default()) .with(body.mass()) .with(body.density()) .with(capsule(&body)) .with(body) } fn create_ship<F: FnOnce(comp::ship::Body) -> comp::Collider>( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, ship: comp::ship::Body, make_collider: F, mountable: bool, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder { let body = comp::Body::Ship(ship); let builder = self .ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(comp::Vel(Vec3::zero())) .with(comp::Ori::default()) .with(body.mass()) .with(body.density()) .with(make_collider(ship)) .with(body) .with(comp::Scale(comp::ship::AIRSHIP_SCALE)) .with(comp::Controller::default()) .with(comp::inventory::Inventory::new_empty()) .with(comp::CharacterState::default()) // TODO: some of these are required in order for the character_behavior system to // recognize a possesed airship; that system should be refactored to use `.maybe()` .with(comp::Energy::new(ship.into(), 0)) .with(comp::Stats::new("Airship".to_string())) .with(comp::SkillSet::default()) .with(comp::ActiveAbilities::default()) .with(comp::Combo::default()); if mountable { // TODO: Re-add mounting check } builder } fn create_projectile( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, vel: comp::Vel, body: comp::Body, projectile: comp::Projectile, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder { let mut projectile_base = self .ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(vel) .with(comp::Ori::from_unnormalized_vec(vel.0).unwrap_or_default()) .with(body.mass()) .with(body.density()); if projectile.is_sticky { projectile_base = projectile_base.with(comp::Sticky) } if projectile.is_point { projectile_base = projectile_base.with(comp::Collider::Point) } else { projectile_base = projectile_base.with(capsule(&body)) } projectile_base.with(projectile).with(body) } fn create_shockwave( &mut self, properties: comp::shockwave::Properties, pos: comp::Pos, ori: comp::Ori, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder { self.ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(ori) .with(comp::Shockwave { properties, creation: None, }) .with(comp::ShockwaveHitEntities { hit_entities: Vec::<Uid>::new(), }) } fn create_beam( &mut self, properties: comp::beam::Properties, pos: comp::Pos, ori: comp::Ori, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder { self.ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(ori) .with(comp::BeamSegment { properties, creation: None, }) } fn create_safezone(&mut self, range: Option<f32>, pos: comp::Pos) -> EcsEntityBuilder { use comp::{ aura::{Aura, AuraKind, AuraTarget, Auras}, buff::{BuffCategory, BuffData, BuffKind, BuffSource}, }; self.ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(Auras::new(vec![Aura::new( AuraKind::Buff { kind: BuffKind::Invulnerability, data: BuffData::new(1.0, Some(Duration::from_secs(1))), category: BuffCategory::Natural, source: BuffSource::World, }, range.unwrap_or(100.0), None, AuraTarget::All, )])) } fn create_wiring( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, object: comp::object::Body, wiring_element: wiring::WiringElement, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder { self.ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(comp::Vel(Vec3::zero())) .with(comp::Ori::default()) .with(capsule(&object.into())) .with(comp::Body::Object(object)) .with(comp::Mass(10.0)) // .with(comp::Sticky) .with(wiring_element) .with(comp::LightEmitter { col: Rgb::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), strength: 2.0, flicker: 1.0, animated: true, }) } // NOTE: currently only used for testing /// Queues chunk generation in the view distance of the persister, this /// entity must be built before those chunks are received (the builder /// borrows the ecs world so that is kind of impossible in practice) fn create_persister( &mut self, pos: comp::Pos, view_distance: u32, world: &std::sync::Arc<world::World>, index: &world::IndexOwned, ) -> EcsEntityBuilder { use common::{terrain::TerrainChunkSize, vol::RectVolSize}; use std::sync::Arc; // Request chunks { let ecs = self.ecs(); let slow_jobs = ecs.write_resource::<SlowJobPool>(); let mut chunk_generator = ecs.write_resource::<crate::chunk_generator::ChunkGenerator>(); let chunk_pos = self.terrain().pos_key(|e| e as i32)); (-(view_distance as i32)..view_distance as i32 + 1) .flat_map(|x| { (-(view_distance as i32)..view_distance as i32 + 1).map(move |y| Vec2::new(x, y)) }) .map(|offset| offset + chunk_pos) // Filter chunks outside the view distance // Note: calculation from client chunk request filtering .filter(|chunk_key| { pos.0.xy().map(|e| e as f64).distance(|e| e as f64 + 0.5) *|e| e as f64), ) < (view_distance as f64 - 1.0 + 2.5 * 2.0_f64.sqrt()) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 }) .for_each(|chunk_key| { #[cfg(feature = "worldgen")] { let time = (*ecs.read_resource::<TimeOfDay>(), (*ecs.read_resource::<Calendar>()).clone()); chunk_generator.generate_chunk(None, chunk_key, &slow_jobs, Arc::clone(world), index.clone(), time); } }); } self.ecs_mut() .create_entity_synced() .with(pos) .with(Presence::new(view_distance, PresenceKind::Spectator)) } fn initialize_character_data(&mut self, entity: EcsEntity, character_id: CharacterId) { let spawn_point = self.ecs().read_resource::<SpawnPoint>().0; if let Some(player_uid) = self.read_component_copied::<Uid>(entity) { // NOTE: By fetching the player_uid, we validated that the entity exists, and we // call nothing that can delete it in any of the subsequent // commands, so we can assume that all of these calls succeed, // justifying ignoring the result of insertion. self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Controller::default()); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Pos(spawn_point)); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Vel(Vec3::zero())); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Ori::default()); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Collider::CapsulePrism { p0: Vec2::zero(), p1: Vec2::zero(), radius: 0.4, z_min: 0.0, z_max: 1.75, }); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::CharacterState::default()); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Alignment::Owned(player_uid)); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Buffs::default()); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Auras::default()); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Combo::default()); // Make sure physics components are updated self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::ForceUpdate); const INITIAL_VD: u32 = 5; //will be changed after login self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead( entity, Presence::new(INITIAL_VD, PresenceKind::Character(character_id)), ); // Tell the client its request was successful. if let Some(client) = self.ecs().read_storage::<Client>().get(entity) { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::CharacterSuccess); } } } fn update_character_data(&mut self, entity: EcsEntity, components: PersistedComponents) { let PersistedComponents { body, stats, skill_set, inventory, waypoint, pets, active_abilities, } = components; if let Some(player_uid) = self.read_component_copied::<Uid>(entity) { // Notify clients of a player list update self.notify_players(ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate( PlayerListUpdate::SelectedCharacter(player_uid, CharacterInfo { name: String::from(&, }), )); // NOTE: By fetching the player_uid, we validated that the entity exists, // and we call nothing that can delete it in any of the subsequent // commands, so we can assume that all of these calls succeed, // justifying ignoring the result of insertion. self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, capsule(&body)); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, body); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, body.mass()); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, body.density()); let (health_level, energy_level) = ( skill_set .skill_level(Skill::General(GeneralSkill::HealthIncrease)) .unwrap_or(0), skill_set .skill_level(Skill::General(GeneralSkill::EnergyIncrease)) .unwrap_or(0), ); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Health::new(body, health_level)); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Energy::new(body, energy_level)); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Poise::new(body)); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, stats); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, active_abilities); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, skill_set); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, inventory); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead( entity, comp::InventoryUpdate::new(comp::InventoryUpdateEvent::default()), ); if let Some(waypoint) = waypoint { self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, RepositionOnChunkLoad); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, waypoint); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Pos(waypoint.get_pos())); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Vel(Vec3::zero())); self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::ForceUpdate); } let player_pos = self.ecs().read_storage::<comp::Pos>().get(entity).copied(); if let Some(player_pos) = player_pos { trace!( "Loading {} pets for player at pos {:?}", pets.len(), player_pos ); // This is the same as wild creatures naturally spawned in the world const DEFAULT_PET_HEALTH_LEVEL: u16 = 0; for (pet, body, stats) in pets { let pet_entity = self .create_npc( player_pos, stats, comp::SkillSet::default(), Some(comp::Health::new(body, DEFAULT_PET_HEALTH_LEVEL)), Poise::new(body), Inventory::new_empty(), body, ) .with(comp::Scale(1.0)) .with(comp::Vel(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))) .build(); restore_pet(self.ecs(), pet_entity, entity, pet); } } else { warn!("Player has no pos, cannot load {} pets", pets.len()); } let presences = self.ecs().read_storage::<Presence>(); let presence = presences.get(entity); if let Some(Presence { kind: PresenceKind::Character(char_id), .. }) = presence { let battlemode_buffer = self.ecs().fetch::<BattleModeBuffer>(); let mut players = self.ecs().write_storage::<comp::Player>(); if let Some((mode, change)) = battlemode_buffer.get(char_id) { if let Some(mut player_info) = players.get_mut(entity) { player_info.battle_mode = *mode; player_info.last_battlemode_change = Some(*change); } } else { // FIXME: // ??? // // This probably shouldn't exist, // but without this code, character gets battle_mode from // another character on this account. let settings = self.ecs().read_resource::<Settings>(); let mode = settings.battle_mode.default_mode(); if let Some(mut player_info) = players.get_mut(entity) { player_info.battle_mode = mode; player_info.last_battlemode_change = None; } } } } } /// Send the chat message to the proper players. Say and region are limited /// by location. Faction and group are limited by component. fn send_chat(&self, msg: comp::UnresolvedChatMsg) { let ecs = self.ecs(); let is_within = |target, a: &comp::Pos, b: &comp::Pos| a.0.distance_squared(b.0) < target * target; let group_manager = ecs.read_resource::<comp::group::GroupManager>(); let group_info = msg.get_group().and_then(|g| group_manager.group_info(*g)); let resolved_msg = msg .clone() .map_group(|_| group_info.map_or_else(|| "???".to_string(), |i|; match &msg.chat_type { comp::ChatType::Offline(_) | comp::ChatType::CommandInfo | comp::ChatType::CommandError | comp::ChatType::Meta | comp::ChatType::World(_) => self.notify_players(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg)), comp::ChatType::Online(u) => { for (client, uid) in (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &ecs.read_storage::<Uid>()).join() { if uid != u { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } }, comp::ChatType::Tell(u, t) => { for (client, uid) in (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &ecs.read_storage::<Uid>()).join() { if uid == u || uid == t { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } }, comp::ChatType::Kill(kill_source, uid) => { let comp::chat::GenericChatMsg { message, .. } = msg; let clients = ecs.read_storage::<Client>(); let clients_count = clients.count(); // Avoid chat spam, send kill message only to group or nearby players if a // certain amount of clients are online if clients_count > ecs .fetch::<Settings>() .max_player_for_kill_broadcast .unwrap_or_default() { // Send kill message to the dead player's group let killed_entity = (*ecs.read_resource::<UidAllocator>()).retrieve_entity_internal(uid.0); let groups = ecs.read_storage::<Group>(); let killed_group = killed_entity.and_then(|e| groups.get(e)); if let Some(g) = &killed_group { send_to_group(g, ecs, &resolved_msg); } // Send kill message to nearby players that aren't part of the deceased's group let positions = ecs.read_storage::<comp::Pos>(); if let Some(died_player_pos) = killed_entity.and_then(|e| positions.get(e)) { for (ent, client, pos) in (&*ecs.entities(), &clients, &positions).join() { let client_group = groups.get(ent); let is_different_group = !(killed_group == client_group && client_group.is_some()); if is_within(comp::ChatMsg::SAY_DISTANCE, pos, died_player_pos) && is_different_group { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } } } else { self.notify_players(ServerGeneral::server_msg( comp::ChatType::Kill(kill_source.clone(), *uid), message, )) } }, comp::ChatType::Say(uid) => { let entity_opt = (*ecs.read_resource::<UidAllocator>()).retrieve_entity_internal(uid.0); let positions = ecs.read_storage::<comp::Pos>(); if let Some(speaker_pos) = entity_opt.and_then(|e| positions.get(e)) { for (client, pos) in (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &positions).join() { if is_within(comp::ChatMsg::SAY_DISTANCE, pos, speaker_pos) { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } } }, comp::ChatType::Region(uid) => { let entity_opt = (*ecs.read_resource::<UidAllocator>()).retrieve_entity_internal(uid.0); let positions = ecs.read_storage::<comp::Pos>(); if let Some(speaker_pos) = entity_opt.and_then(|e| positions.get(e)) { for (client, pos) in (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &positions).join() { if is_within(comp::ChatMsg::REGION_DISTANCE, pos, speaker_pos) { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } } }, comp::ChatType::Npc(uid, _r) => { let entity_opt = (*ecs.read_resource::<UidAllocator>()).retrieve_entity_internal(uid.0); let positions = ecs.read_storage::<comp::Pos>(); if let Some(speaker_pos) = entity_opt.and_then(|e| positions.get(e)) { for (client, pos) in (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &positions).join() { if is_within(comp::ChatMsg::NPC_DISTANCE, pos, speaker_pos) { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } } }, comp::ChatType::NpcSay(uid, _r) => { let entity_opt = (*ecs.read_resource::<UidAllocator>()).retrieve_entity_internal(uid.0); let positions = ecs.read_storage::<comp::Pos>(); if let Some(speaker_pos) = entity_opt.and_then(|e| positions.get(e)) { for (client, pos) in (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &positions).join() { if is_within(comp::ChatMsg::NPC_SAY_DISTANCE, pos, speaker_pos) { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } } }, comp::ChatType::NpcTell(from, to, _r) => { for (client, uid) in (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &ecs.read_storage::<Uid>()).join() { if uid == from || uid == to { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } }, comp::ChatType::FactionMeta(s) | comp::ChatType::Faction(_, s) => { for (client, faction) in ( &ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &ecs.read_storage::<comp::Faction>(), ) .join() { if s == &faction.0 { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(resolved_msg.clone())); } } }, comp::ChatType::Group(from, g) => { if group_info.is_none() { // group not found, reply with command error let reply = comp::ChatMsg { chat_type: comp::ChatType::CommandError, message: "You are using group chat but do not belong to a group. Use \ /world or /region to change chat." .into(), }; if let Some((client, _)) = (&ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &ecs.read_storage::<Uid>()) .join() .find(|(_, uid)| *uid == from) { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(reply)); } return; } send_to_group(g, ecs, &resolved_msg); }, comp::ChatType::GroupMeta(g) => { send_to_group(g, ecs, &resolved_msg); }, } } /// Sends the message to all connected clients fn notify_players(&self, msg: ServerGeneral) { let mut msg = Some(msg); let mut lazy_msg = None; for (client, _) in ( &self.ecs().read_storage::<Client>(), &self.ecs().read_storage::<comp::Player>(), ) .join() { if let Some(msg) = msg.take() { lazy_msg = Some(client.prepare(msg)); } lazy_msg.as_ref().map(|msg| client.send_prepared(msg)); } } /// Sends the message to all clients playing in game fn notify_in_game_clients(&self, msg: ServerGeneral) { let mut msg = Some(msg); let mut lazy_msg = None; for (client, _) in ( &mut self.ecs().write_storage::<Client>(), &self.ecs().read_storage::<Presence>(), ) .join() { if let Some(msg) = msg.take() { lazy_msg = Some(client.prepare(msg)); } lazy_msg.as_ref().map(|msg| client.send_prepared(msg)); } } fn link<L: Link>(&mut self, link: L) -> Result<(), L::Error> { let linker = LinkHandle::from_link(link); L::create(&linker, self.ecs().system_data())?; self.ecs_mut() .entry::<Vec<LinkHandle<L>>>() .or_insert_with(Vec::new) .push(linker); Ok(()) } fn maintain_links(&mut self) { fn maintain_link<L: Link>(state: &State) { if let Some(mut handles) = state.ecs().try_fetch_mut::<Vec<LinkHandle<L>>>() { handles.retain(|link| { if L::persist(link, state.ecs().system_data()) { true } else { L::delete(link, state.ecs().system_data()); false } }); } } maintain_link::<Mounting>(self); } fn delete_entity_recorded( &mut self, entity: EcsEntity, ) -> Result<(), specs::error::WrongGeneration> { // Remove entity from a group if they are in one { let clients = self.ecs().read_storage::<Client>(); let uids = self.ecs().read_storage::<Uid>(); let mut group_manager = self.ecs().write_resource::<comp::group::GroupManager>(); group_manager.entity_deleted( entity, &mut self.ecs().write_storage(), &self.ecs().read_storage(), &uids, &self.ecs().entities(), &mut |entity, group_change| { clients .get(entity) .and_then(|c| { group_change .try_map(|e| uids.get(e).copied()) .map(|g| (g, c)) }) .map(|(g, c)| c.send(ServerGeneral::GroupUpdate(g))); }, ); } let (maybe_uid, maybe_pos) = ( self.ecs().read_storage::<Uid>().get(entity).copied(), self.ecs().read_storage::<comp::Pos>().get(entity).copied(), ); let res = self.ecs_mut().delete_entity(entity); if res.is_ok() { if let (Some(uid), Some(pos)) = (maybe_uid, maybe_pos) { if let Some(region_key) = self .ecs() .read_resource::<common::region::RegionMap>() .find_region(entity, pos.0) { self.ecs() .write_resource::<DeletedEntities>() .record_deleted_entity(uid, region_key); } else { // Don't panic if the entity wasn't found in a region maybe it was just created // and then deleted before the region manager had a chance to assign it a // region warn!( ?uid, ?pos, "Failed to find region containing entity during entity deletion, assuming \ it wasn't sent to any clients and so deletion doesn't need to be \ recorded for sync purposes" ); } } } res } } fn send_to_group(g: &comp::Group, ecs: &specs::World, msg: &comp::ChatMsg) { for (client, group) in ( &ecs.read_storage::<Client>(), &ecs.read_storage::<comp::Group>(), ) .join() { if g == group { client.send_fallible(ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(msg.clone())); } } } fn capsule(body: &comp::Body) -> comp::Collider { let (p0, p1, radius) = body.sausage(); comp::Collider::CapsulePrism { p0, p1, radius, z_min: 0.0, z_max: body.height(), } }