{ nixpkgs ? , sources ? import ./sources.nix { } , system ? builtins.currentSystem , nvidia ? false }: let common = import ./common.nix { inherit nixpkgs system sources; }; in with common.pkgs; let nixGLPackages = ((with nixGL; [ nixGLIntel ]) ++ (lib.optional nvidia (with nixGL; [ nixGLNvidia nixGLNvidiaBumblebee ]))); getAllCratesDeps = name: (lib.concatLists (map (attrset: attrset."${name}") (lib.attrValues common.crateDeps))); bundleCrate = writeScriptBin "bundleCrate" '' #!${stdenv.shell} ${nix-bundle}/bin/nix-bundle "(pkgs.callPackage ./nix/default.nix { cratesToBuild = [ \"$1\" ]; }).$1" /bin/$1 ''; in with common; mkShell { name = "veloren-shell"; nativeBuildInputs = [ bundleCrate git git-lfs niv nixpkgs-fmt crate2nix cargo rustc rustfmt clippy cachix ] ++ nixGLPackages ++ (getAllCratesDeps "nativeBuildInputs"); buildInputs = getAllCratesDeps "buildInputs"; shellHook = '' # Setup our cachix "substituter" export NIX_CONFIG=" substituters = https://cache.nixos.org https://veloren-nix.cachix.org trusted-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= veloren-nix.cachix.org-1:zokfKJqVsNV6kI/oJdLF6TYBdNPYGSb+diMVQPn/5Rc= " # Add libraries Voxygen needs so that it runs export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${lib.makeLibraryPath voxygenNeededLibs} # No need to install git-lfs and run fetch / checkout commands if we have it setup [ "$(${file}/bin/file --mime-type ${gitLfsCheckFile})" = "${gitLfsCheckFile}: image/png" ] || (git lfs install --local && git lfs fetch && git lfs checkout) ''; }