use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use common::terrain::SiteKindMeta; use discord_sdk::{ self as ds, activity, activity::{ActivityArgs, ActivityBuilder}, }; use tokio::{ sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedSender}, time::{interval, MissedTickBehavior}, }; use tracing::{debug, info, warn}; /// Discord app id /// /// **Note:** currently a private app created for testing purposes, can be /// shared to a team or replaced entirely later on const DISCORD_APP_ID: ds::AppId = 1006661232465563698; /// Discord presence update command #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum ActivityUpdate { /// Clear the current Discord activity and exit the activity task Clear, /// Set the activity to "In Main Menu" MainMenu, /// Set the activity to "In Character Selection" CharacterSelection, /// Set the activity to "Playing Singleplayer" JoinSingleplayer, /// Set the activity to "Playing Multiplayer" JoinServer(String), /// Set the large asset text to the location name NewLocation { chunk_name: String, site: SiteKindMeta, }, } impl ActivityUpdate { /// Rich Presence asset keys: the backgrounds used in the main menu and /// loading screen /// /// TODO: randomize images? use them according to the current biome? const ASSETS: [&'static str; 15] = [ "bg_main", "bg_1", "bg_2", "bg_3", "bg_4", "bg_5", "bg_6", "bg_7", "bg_8", "bg_9", "bg_10", "bg_11", "bg_12", "bg_13", "bg_14", ]; /// Rich Presence character screen asset key const CHARACTER_SCREEN_ASSET: &'static str = "character_screen"; /// Rich Presence logo asset key const LOGO_ASSET: &'static str = "logo"; /// Edit the current activity args according to the command in `self`. /// /// - For `MainMenu`, `CharacterSelection`, `JoinSingleplayer` and /// `JoinServer(name)`: create a new activity and discard the previous one /// - For `NewLocation` and `LevelUp`: update the current activity fn edit_activity(self, args: &mut ActivityArgs) { use ActivityUpdate::*; match self { Clear => (), MainMenu => { *args = ActivityBuilder::default() .start_timestamp(SystemTime::now()) .state("Idle") .details("In Main Menu") .assets( activity::Assets::default().large(Self::LOGO_ASSET, Option::<&str>::None), ) .into(); }, CharacterSelection => { *args = ActivityBuilder::default() .start_timestamp(SystemTime::now()) .state("Idle") .details("In Character Selection") .assets( activity::Assets::default() .large(Self::CHARACTER_SCREEN_ASSET, Option::<&str>::None) .small(Self::LOGO_ASSET, Option::<&str>::None), ) .into(); }, JoinSingleplayer => { *args = ActivityBuilder::default() .start_timestamp(SystemTime::now()) .details("Playing Singleplayer") .assets( activity::Assets::default() .large(Self::ASSETS[9], Option::<&str>::None) .small(Self::LOGO_ASSET, Option::<&str>::None), ) .into(); }, JoinServer(server_name) => { *args = ActivityBuilder::default() .start_timestamp(SystemTime::now()) .state(format!("On {server_name}")) .details("Playing Multiplayer") .assets( activity::Assets::default() .large(Self::ASSETS[1], Option::<&str>::None) .small(Self::LOGO_ASSET, Option::<&str>::None), ) .into(); }, NewLocation { chunk_name, site } => { use common::terrain::site::{ DungeonKindMeta::*, SettlementKindMeta::*, SiteKindMeta::*, }; let location = match site { Dungeon(Old) => format!("Battling evil in {chunk_name}"), Dungeon(Gnarling) => format!("Hunting Gnarlings in {chunk_name}"), Dungeon(Adlet) => format!("Finding the Yeti in {chunk_name}"), Dungeon(SeaChapel) => format!("Gathering sea treasures in {chunk_name}"), Dungeon(Terracotta) => format!("Exploring ruins in {chunk_name}"), Cave => "In a Cave".to_string(), Settlement(Default) => format!("Visiting {chunk_name}"), Settlement(CliffTown) => format!("Climbing the towers of {chunk_name}"), Settlement(DesertCity) => format!("Hiding from the sun in {chunk_name}"), Settlement(SavannahPit) => format!("Shop at the market down in {chunk_name}"), Settlement(CoastalTown) => { format!("Dip your feet in the water in {chunk_name}") }, _ => format!("In {chunk_name}"), }; args.activity.as_mut().map(|a| { a.assets.as_mut().map(|assets| { assets.large_text = Some(location); }) }); }, } } } /// A channel to the background task that updates the Discord activity. pub enum Discord { /// Active state, receiving updates Active { /// The channel to communicate with the tokio task channel: UnboundedSender, /// Current chunk name, cached to check for updates current_chunk_name: Option, /// Current site, cached to check for updates current_site: SiteKindMeta, }, /// Inactive state: either the Discord app could not be contacted, is not /// installed, or was disconnected Inactive, } impl Discord { /// Start a background [tokio task](tokio::task) that will update the /// Discord activity every 4 seconds (due to rate limits) if it has /// changed. /// /// The [`update`](Discord::update) method can be used on the returned /// struct to update the Discord activity via a channel command pub fn start(rt: &tokio::runtime::Runtime) -> Self { let (sender, mut receiver) = unbounded_channel::(); rt.spawn(async move { let (wheel, handler) = ds::wheel::Wheel::new(Box::new(|err| { warn!(error = ?err, "Encountered an error while connecting to Discord"); })); let mut user = wheel.user(); let discord = match ds::Discord::new( ds::DiscordApp::PlainId(DISCORD_APP_ID), ds::Subscriptions::ACTIVITY, Box::new(handler), ) { Ok(ds) => { if let Err(err) = user.0.changed().await { warn!(err = ?err, "Could not execute handshake to Discord"); // If no handshake is received, exit the task immediately return; } info!("Connected to Discord"); ds }, Err(err) => { info!(err = ?err, "Could not connect to Discord app"); // If no Discord app was found, exit the task immediately return; }, }; let mut args = ActivityArgs::default(); let mut has_changed = false; let mut interval = interval(Duration::from_secs(4)); interval.set_missed_tick_behavior(MissedTickBehavior::Delay); loop { // Check every four seconds if the activity needs to change tokio::select! { biased; // to save the CPU cost of selecting a random branch _ = interval.tick(), if has_changed => { has_changed = false; let activity = args.activity.clone(); match discord.update_activity(args).await { Err(err) => { warn!(error = ?err, "Could not update Discord activity"); } Ok(Some(new_activity)) => { debug!(new_activity = ?new_activity, "Updated Discord activity"); }, Ok(None) => () } args = ActivityArgs::default(); args.activity = activity; } update = receiver.recv() => match update { None | Some(ActivityUpdate::Clear) => { match discord.clear_activity().await { Ok(_) => { info!("Cleared Discord activity"); }, Err(err) => { warn!(error = ?err, "Failed to clear Discord activity") } } return; }, Some(update) => { update.edit_activity(&mut args); has_changed = true; }, } } } }); Self::Active { channel: sender, current_chunk_name: None, current_site: SiteKindMeta::Void, } } /// Send an activity update to the background task #[inline] fn update(&mut self, update: ActivityUpdate) { if let Self::Active { channel, .. } = self { // On error, turn itself into inactive to avoid sending unecessary updates if channel.send(update).is_err() { *self = Self::Inactive; } } } /// Clear the Discord activity #[inline] pub fn clear_activity(&mut self) { self.update(ActivityUpdate::Clear); *self = Discord::Inactive; } /// Sets the current Discord activity to Main Menu #[inline] pub fn enter_main_menu(&mut self) { self.update(ActivityUpdate::MainMenu); } /// Sets the current Discord activity to Character Selection #[inline] pub fn enter_character_selection(&mut self) { self.update(ActivityUpdate::CharacterSelection); } /// Sets the current Discord activity to Singleplayer #[inline] pub fn join_singleplayer(&mut self) { self.update(ActivityUpdate::JoinSingleplayer); } /// Sets the current Discord activity to Multiplayer with the corresponding /// server name #[inline] pub fn join_server(&mut self, server_name: String) { self.update(ActivityUpdate::JoinServer(server_name)); } /// Check the current location name and update it if it has changed #[inline] pub fn update_location(&mut self, chunk_name: &str, site: SiteKindMeta) { if let Self::Active { current_chunk_name, current_site, .. } = self { let different_name = current_chunk_name.as_deref() != Some(chunk_name); if different_name || *current_site != site { if different_name { *current_chunk_name = Some(chunk_name.to_string()); } *current_site = site; self.update(ActivityUpdate::NewLocation { chunk_name: chunk_name.to_string(), site, }); } } } /// Check wether the Discord activity is active and receiving updates #[inline] pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Active { .. }) } }