#![allow( clippy::needless_pass_by_ref_mut //until we find a better way for specs )] use clap::Parser; use common::comp; use server::persistence::SqlLogMode; use std::sync::mpsc::Sender; use tracing::error; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Parser)] pub enum Admin { /// Adds an admin Add { /// Name of the admin to whom to assign a role username: String, /// role to assign to the admin #[arg(ignore_case = true, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(comp::AdminRole))] role: comp::AdminRole, }, Remove { /// Name of the admin from whom to remove any existing roles username: String, }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Parser)] pub enum Shutdown { /// Closes the server immediately Immediate, /// Shuts down the server gracefully Graceful { /// Number of seconds to wait before shutting down seconds: u64, #[arg(short, long, default_value = "The server is shutting down")] /// Shutdown reason reason: String, }, /// Cancel any pending graceful shutdown. Cancel, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Parser)] pub enum SharedCommand { /// Perform operations on the admin list Admin { #[command(subcommand)] command: Admin, }, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)] pub enum Message { #[command(flatten)] Shared(SharedCommand), /// Shut down the server (or cancel a shut down) Shutdown { #[command(subcommand)] command: Shutdown, }, /// Loads up the chunks at map center and adds a entity that mimics a /// player to keep them from despawning LoadArea { /// View distance of the loaded area view_distance: u32, }, /// Enable or disable sql logging SqlLogMode { #[arg(default_value_t, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(SqlLogMode))] mode: SqlLogMode, }, /// Disconnects all connected clients DisconnectAllClients, /// returns active player names ListPlayers, ListLogs, /// sends a msg to everyone on the server SendGlobalMsg { msg: String, }, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum MessageReturn { Players(Vec), Logs(Vec), } #[derive(Parser)] #[command( name = "Veloren server TUI", version = common::util::DISPLAY_VERSION_LONG.as_str(), about = "The veloren server tui allows sending commands directly to the running server.", author = "The veloren devs ", )] #[clap(no_binary_name = true)] pub struct TuiApp { #[command(subcommand)] command: Message, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Parser)] pub struct BenchParams { /// View distance of the loaded area (in chunks) #[arg(long)] pub view_distance: u32, /// Duration to run after loading completes (in seconds). #[arg(long)] pub duration: u32, } #[derive(Parser)] pub enum ArgvCommand { #[command(flatten)] Shared(SharedCommand), /// Load an area, run the server for some time, and then exit (useful for /// profiling). Bench(BenchParams), } #[derive(Parser)] #[command( name = "Veloren server CLI", version = common::util::DISPLAY_VERSION_LONG.as_str(), about = "The veloren server cli provides an easy to use interface to start a veloren server.", author = "The veloren devs ", )] pub struct ArgvApp { #[arg(long, short)] /// Enables the tui pub tui: bool, #[arg(long, short)] /// Doesn't listen on STDIN /// /// Useful if you want to send the server in background, and your kernels /// terminal driver will send SIGTTIN to it otherwise. (https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/bash/manual/bash.html#Redirections) and you dont want to use `stty -tostop` /// or `nohub` or `tmux` or `screen` or `<<< \"\\004\"` to the program. pub non_interactive: bool, #[arg(long)] /// Run without auth enabled pub no_auth: bool, #[arg(default_value_t, long, short, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(SqlLogMode))] /// Enables SQL logging pub sql_log_mode: SqlLogMode, #[command(subcommand)] pub command: Option, } pub fn parse_command(input: &str, msg_s: &mut Sender) { match TuiApp::try_parse_from(shell_words::split(input).unwrap_or_default()) { Ok(message) => { msg_s .send(message.command) .unwrap_or_else(|e| error!(?e, "Failed to send CLI message")); }, Err(e) => error!("{}", e), } }