#![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(clippy::clone_on_ref_ptr)] #![feature(label_break_value, option_zip)] pub mod cmd; pub mod error; // Reexports pub use crate::error::Error; pub use authc::AuthClientError; pub use specs::{ join::Join, saveload::{Marker, MarkerAllocator}, Builder, DispatcherBuilder, Entity as EcsEntity, ReadStorage, WorldExt, }; use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian}; use common::{ character::{CharacterId, CharacterItem}, comp::{ self, chat::{KillSource, KillType}, group, ControlAction, ControlEvent, Controller, ControllerInputs, GroupManip, InventoryManip, InventoryUpdateEvent, }, event::{EventBus, LocalEvent}, msg::{ validate_chat_msg, world_msg::SiteInfo, ChatMsgValidationError, ClientGeneral, ClientMsg, ClientRegister, ClientType, DisconnectReason, InviteAnswer, Notification, PingMsg, PlayerInfo, PlayerListUpdate, PresenceKind, RegisterError, ServerGeneral, ServerInfo, ServerInit, ServerRegisterAnswer, MAX_BYTES_CHAT_MSG, }, outcome::Outcome, recipe::RecipeBook, span, sync::{Uid, UidAllocator, WorldSyncExt}, terrain::{block::Block, neighbors, BiomeKind, SitesKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize}, vol::RectVolSize, }; use common_state::State; use comp::BuffKind; use futures_executor::block_on; use futures_timer::Delay; use futures_util::{select, FutureExt}; use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet}; use image::DynamicImage; use network::{Network, Participant, Pid, ProtocolAddr, Stream}; use num::traits::FloatConst; use rayon::prelude::*; use specs::Component; use std::{ collections::VecDeque, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use tracing::{debug, error, trace, warn}; use uvth::{ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuilder}; use vek::*; const PING_ROLLING_AVERAGE_SECS: usize = 10; pub enum Event { Chat(comp::ChatMsg), Disconnect, DisconnectionNotification(u64), InventoryUpdated(InventoryUpdateEvent), Kicked(String), Notification(Notification), SetViewDistance(u32), Outcome(Outcome), CharacterCreated(CharacterId), } pub struct Client { registered: bool, presence: Option, thread_pool: ThreadPool, pub server_info: ServerInfo, /// Just the "base" layer for LOD; currently includes colors and nothing /// else. In the future we'll add more layers, like shadows, rivers, and /// probably foliage, cities, roads, and other structures. pub lod_base: Vec, /// The "height" layer for LOD; currently includes only land altitudes, but /// in the future should also water depth, and probably other /// information as well. pub lod_alt: Vec, /// The "shadow" layer for LOD. Includes east and west horizon angles and /// an approximate max occluder height, which we use to try to /// approximate soft and volumetric shadows. pub lod_horizon: Vec, /// A fully rendered map image for use with the map and minimap; note that /// this can be constructed dynamically by combining the layers of world /// map data (e.g. with shadow map data or river data), but at present /// we opt not to do this. /// /// The second element of the tuple is the world size (as a 2D grid, /// in chunks), and the third element holds the minimum height for any land /// chunk (i.e. the sea level) in its x coordinate, and the maximum land /// height above this height (i.e. the max height) in its y coordinate. pub world_map: (Arc, Vec2, Vec2), pub player_list: HashMap, pub character_list: CharacterList, sites: Vec, recipe_book: RecipeBook, available_recipes: HashSet, max_group_size: u32, // Client has received an invite (inviter uid, time out instant) group_invite: Option<(Uid, std::time::Instant, std::time::Duration)>, group_leader: Option, // Note: potentially representable as a client only component group_members: HashMap, // Pending invites that this client has sent out pending_invites: HashSet, _network: Network, participant: Option, general_stream: Stream, ping_stream: Stream, register_stream: Stream, character_screen_stream: Stream, in_game_stream: Stream, client_timeout: Duration, last_server_ping: f64, last_server_pong: f64, last_ping_delta: f64, ping_deltas: VecDeque, tick: u64, state: State, entity: EcsEntity, view_distance: Option, // TODO: move into voxygen loaded_distance: f32, pending_chunks: HashMap, Instant>, } /// Holds data related to the current players characters, as well as some /// additional state to handle UI. #[derive(Default)] pub struct CharacterList { pub characters: Vec, pub loading: bool, pub error: Option, } impl Client { /// Create a new `Client`. pub fn new>(addr: A, view_distance: Option) -> Result { let mut thread_pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .name("veloren-worker".into()) .build(); // We reduce the thread count by 1 to keep rendering smooth thread_pool.set_num_threads((num_cpus::get() - 1).max(1)); let (network, scheduler) = Network::new(Pid::new()); thread_pool.execute(scheduler); let participant = block_on(network.connect(ProtocolAddr::Tcp(addr.into())))?; let stream = block_on(participant.opened())?; let mut ping_stream = block_on(participant.opened())?; let mut register_stream = block_on(participant.opened())?; let character_screen_stream = block_on(participant.opened())?; let in_game_stream = block_on(participant.opened())?; register_stream.send(ClientType::Game)?; let server_info: ServerInfo = block_on(register_stream.recv())?; // TODO: Display that versions don't match in Voxygen if server_info.git_hash != *common::util::GIT_HASH { warn!( "Server is running {}[{}], you are running {}[{}], versions might be incompatible!", server_info.git_hash, server_info.git_date, common::util::GIT_HASH.to_string(), common::util::GIT_DATE.to_string(), ); } debug!("Auth Server: {:?}", server_info.auth_provider); ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?; // Wait for initial sync let ( state, entity, lod_base, lod_alt, lod_horizon, world_map, sites, recipe_book, max_group_size, client_timeout, ) = match block_on(register_stream.recv())? { ServerInit::GameSync { entity_package, time_of_day, max_group_size, client_timeout, world_map, recipe_book, ability_map, } => { // Initialize `State` let mut state = State::default(); // Client-only components state .ecs_mut() .register::>(); let entity = state.ecs_mut().apply_entity_package(entity_package); *state.ecs_mut().write_resource() = time_of_day; state.ecs_mut().insert(ability_map); let map_size_lg = common::terrain::MapSizeLg::new(world_map.dimensions_lg) .map_err(|_| { Error::Other(format!( "Server sent bad world map dimensions: {:?}", world_map.dimensions_lg, )) })?; let map_size = map_size_lg.chunks(); let max_height = world_map.max_height; let sea_level = world_map.sea_level; let rgba = world_map.rgba; let alt = world_map.alt; let expected_size = (u32::from(map_size.x) * u32::from(map_size.y)) as usize; if rgba.len() != expected_size { return Err(Error::Other("Server sent a bad world map image".into())); } if alt.len() != expected_size { return Err(Error::Other("Server sent a bad altitude map.".into())); } let [west, east] = world_map.horizons; let scale_angle = |a: u8| (a as f32 / 255.0 * ::FRAC_PI_2()).tan(); let scale_height = |h: u8| h as f32 / 255.0 * max_height; let scale_height_big = |h: u32| (h >> 3) as f32 / 8191.0 * max_height; ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?; debug!("Preparing image..."); let unzip_horizons = |(angles, heights): &(Vec<_>, Vec<_>)| { ( angles.iter().copied().map(scale_angle).collect::>(), heights .iter() .copied() .map(scale_height) .collect::>(), ) }; let horizons = [unzip_horizons(&west), unzip_horizons(&east)]; // Redraw map (with shadows this time). let mut world_map_rgba = vec![0u32; rgba.len()]; let mut map_config = common::terrain::map::MapConfig::orthographic( map_size_lg, core::ops::RangeInclusive::new(0.0, max_height), ); map_config.horizons = Some(&horizons); let rescale_height = |h: f32| h / max_height; let bounds_check = |pos: Vec2| { pos.reduce_partial_min() >= 0 && pos.x < map_size.x as i32 && pos.y < map_size.y as i32 }; ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?; map_config.generate( |pos| { let (rgba, alt, downhill_wpos) = if bounds_check(pos) { let posi = pos.y as usize * map_size.x as usize + pos.x as usize; let [r, g, b, a] = rgba[posi].to_le_bytes(); let alti = alt[posi]; // Compute downhill. let downhill = { let mut best = -1; let mut besth = alti; for nposi in neighbors(map_size_lg, posi) { let nbh = alt[nposi]; if nbh < besth { besth = nbh; best = nposi as isize; } } best }; let downhill_wpos = if downhill < 0 { None } else { Some( Vec2::new( (downhill as usize % map_size.x as usize) as i32, (downhill as usize / map_size.x as usize) as i32, ) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32), ) }; (Rgba::new(r, g, b, a), alti, downhill_wpos) } else { (Rgba::zero(), 0, None) }; let wpos = pos * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32); let downhill_wpos = downhill_wpos .unwrap_or(wpos + TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32)); let alt = rescale_height(scale_height_big(alt)); common::terrain::map::MapSample { rgb: Rgb::from(rgba), alt: f64::from(alt), downhill_wpos, connections: None, } }, |wpos| { let pos = wpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e / f as i32); rescale_height(if bounds_check(pos) { let posi = pos.y as usize * map_size.x as usize + pos.x as usize; scale_height_big(alt[posi]) } else { 0.0 }) }, |pos, (r, g, b, a)| { world_map_rgba[pos.y * map_size.x as usize + pos.x] = u32::from_le_bytes([r, g, b, a]); }, ); ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?; let make_raw = |rgba| -> Result<_, Error> { let mut raw = vec![0u8; 4 * world_map_rgba.len()]; LittleEndian::write_u32_into(rgba, &mut raw); Ok(Arc::new( image::DynamicImage::ImageRgba8({ // Should not fail if the dimensions are correct. let map = image::ImageBuffer::from_raw(u32::from(map_size.x), u32::from(map_size.y), raw); map.ok_or_else(|| Error::Other("Server sent a bad world map image".into()))? }) // Flip the image, since Voxygen uses an orientation where rotation from // positive x axis to positive y axis is counterclockwise around the z axis. .flipv(), )) }; ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?; let lod_base = rgba; let lod_alt = alt; let world_map_img = make_raw(&world_map_rgba)?; let horizons = (west.0, west.1, east.0, east.1) .into_par_iter() .map(|(wa, wh, ea, eh)| u32::from_le_bytes([wa, wh, ea, eh])) .collect::>(); let lod_horizon = horizons; let map_bounds = Vec2::new(sea_level, max_height); debug!("Done preparing image..."); Ok(( state, entity, lod_base, lod_alt, lod_horizon, (world_map_img, map_size, map_bounds), world_map.sites, recipe_book, max_group_size, client_timeout, )) }, ServerInit::TooManyPlayers => Err(Error::TooManyPlayers), }?; ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?; let mut thread_pool = ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .name("veloren-worker".into()) .build(); // We reduce the thread count by 1 to keep rendering smooth thread_pool.set_num_threads((num_cpus::get() - 1).max(1)); debug!("Initial sync done"); Ok(Self { registered: false, presence: None, thread_pool, server_info, world_map, lod_base, lod_alt, lod_horizon, player_list: HashMap::new(), character_list: CharacterList::default(), sites, recipe_book, available_recipes: HashSet::default(), max_group_size, group_invite: None, group_leader: None, group_members: HashMap::new(), pending_invites: HashSet::new(), _network: network, participant: Some(participant), general_stream: stream, ping_stream, register_stream, character_screen_stream, in_game_stream, client_timeout, last_server_ping: 0.0, last_server_pong: 0.0, last_ping_delta: 0.0, ping_deltas: VecDeque::new(), tick: 0, state, entity, view_distance, loaded_distance: 0.0, pending_chunks: HashMap::new(), }) } pub fn with_thread_pool(mut self, thread_pool: ThreadPool) -> Self { self.thread_pool = thread_pool; self } /// Request a state transition to `ClientState::Registered`. pub fn register( &mut self, username: String, password: String, mut auth_trusted: impl FnMut(&str) -> bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Authentication let token_or_username = self.server_info.auth_provider.as_ref().map(|addr| // Query whether this is a trusted auth server if auth_trusted(&addr) { Ok(authc::AuthClient::new(addr) .sign_in(&username, &password)? .serialize()) } else { Err(Error::AuthServerNotTrusted) } ).unwrap_or(Ok(username))?; self.send_msg_err(ClientRegister { token_or_username })?; match block_on(self.register_stream.recv::())? { Err(RegisterError::AlreadyLoggedIn) => Err(Error::AlreadyLoggedIn), Err(RegisterError::AuthError(err)) => Err(Error::AuthErr(err)), Err(RegisterError::InvalidCharacter) => Err(Error::InvalidCharacter), Err(RegisterError::NotOnWhitelist) => Err(Error::NotOnWhitelist), Err(RegisterError::Banned(reason)) => Err(Error::Banned(reason)), Ok(()) => { self.registered = true; Ok(()) }, } } fn send_msg_err(&mut self, msg: S) -> Result<(), network::StreamError> where S: Into, { let msg: ClientMsg = msg.into(); #[cfg(debug_assertions)] { const C_TYPE: ClientType = ClientType::Game; let verified = msg.verify(C_TYPE, self.registered, self.presence); assert!( verified, format!( "c_type: {:?}, registered: {}, presence: {:?}, msg: {:?}", C_TYPE, self.registered, self.presence, msg ) ); } match msg { ClientMsg::Type(msg) => self.register_stream.send(msg), ClientMsg::Register(msg) => self.register_stream.send(msg), ClientMsg::General(msg) => { let stream = match msg { ClientGeneral::RequestCharacterList | ClientGeneral::CreateCharacter { .. } | ClientGeneral::DeleteCharacter(_) | ClientGeneral::Character(_) | ClientGeneral::Spectate => &mut self.character_screen_stream, //Only in game ClientGeneral::ControllerInputs(_) | ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(_) | ClientGeneral::ControlAction(_) | ClientGeneral::SetViewDistance(_) | ClientGeneral::BreakBlock(_) | ClientGeneral::PlaceBlock(_, _) | ClientGeneral::ExitInGame | ClientGeneral::PlayerPhysics { .. } | ClientGeneral::TerrainChunkRequest { .. } | ClientGeneral::UnlockSkill(_) | ClientGeneral::RefundSkill(_) | ClientGeneral::UnlockSkillGroup(_) => &mut self.in_game_stream, //Always possible ClientGeneral::ChatMsg(_) | ClientGeneral::Terminate => { &mut self.general_stream }, }; stream.send(msg) }, ClientMsg::Ping(msg) => self.ping_stream.send(msg), } } fn send_msg(&mut self, msg: S) where S: Into, { let res = self.send_msg_err(msg); if let Err(e) = res { warn!( ?e, "connection to server no longer possible, couldn't send msg" ); } } /// Request a state transition to `ClientState::Character`. pub fn request_character(&mut self, character_id: CharacterId) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::Character(character_id)); //Assume we are in_game unless server tells us otherwise self.presence = Some(PresenceKind::Character(character_id)); } /// Load the current players character list pub fn load_character_list(&mut self) { self.character_list.loading = true; self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::RequestCharacterList); } /// New character creation pub fn create_character(&mut self, alias: String, tool: Option, body: comp::Body) { self.character_list.loading = true; self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::CreateCharacter { alias, tool, body }); } /// Character deletion pub fn delete_character(&mut self, character_id: CharacterId) { self.character_list.loading = true; self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::DeleteCharacter(character_id)); } /// Send disconnect message to the server pub fn logout(&mut self) { debug!("Sending logout from server"); self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::Terminate); self.registered = false; self.presence = None; } /// Request a state transition to `ClientState::Registered` from an ingame /// state. pub fn request_remove_character(&mut self) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ExitInGame); } pub fn set_view_distance(&mut self, view_distance: u32) { self.view_distance = Some(view_distance.max(1).min(65)); self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::SetViewDistance(self.view_distance.unwrap())); } pub fn use_slot(&mut self, slot: comp::slot::Slot) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::InventoryManip( InventoryManip::Use(slot), ))); } pub fn swap_slots(&mut self, a: comp::slot::Slot, b: comp::slot::Slot) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::InventoryManip( InventoryManip::Swap(a, b), ))); } pub fn drop_slot(&mut self, slot: comp::slot::Slot) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::InventoryManip( InventoryManip::Drop(slot), ))); } pub fn pick_up(&mut self, entity: EcsEntity) { // Get the health component from the entity if let Some(uid) = self.state.read_component_copied(entity) { // If we're dead, exit before sending the message if self .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .map_or(false, |h| h.is_dead) { return; } self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::InventoryManip( InventoryManip::Pickup(uid), ))); } } pub fn recipe_book(&self) -> &RecipeBook { &self.recipe_book } pub fn available_recipes(&self) -> &HashSet { &self.available_recipes } pub fn can_craft_recipe(&self, recipe: &str) -> bool { self.recipe_book .get(recipe) .zip(self.inventories().get(self.entity)) .map(|(recipe, inv)| inv.contains_ingredients(&*recipe).is_ok()) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn craft_recipe(&mut self, recipe: &str) -> bool { if self.can_craft_recipe(recipe) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::InventoryManip( InventoryManip::CraftRecipe(recipe.to_string()), ))); true } else { false } } fn update_available_recipes(&mut self) { self.available_recipes = self .recipe_book .iter() .map(|(name, _)| name.clone()) .filter(|name| self.can_craft_recipe(name)) .collect(); } /// Unstable, likely to be removed in a future release pub fn sites(&self) -> &[SiteInfo] { &self.sites } pub fn enable_lantern(&mut self) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::EnableLantern)); } pub fn disable_lantern(&mut self) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::DisableLantern)); } pub fn remove_buff(&mut self, buff_id: BuffKind) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::RemoveBuff( buff_id, ))); } pub fn max_group_size(&self) -> u32 { self.max_group_size } pub fn group_invite(&self) -> Option<(Uid, std::time::Instant, std::time::Duration)> { self.group_invite } pub fn group_info(&self) -> Option<(String, Uid)> { self.group_leader.map(|l| ("Group".into(), l)) // TODO } pub fn group_members(&self) -> &HashMap { &self.group_members } pub fn pending_invites(&self) -> &HashSet { &self.pending_invites } pub fn send_group_invite(&mut self, invitee: Uid) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::GroupManip( GroupManip::Invite(invitee), ))) } pub fn accept_group_invite(&mut self) { // Clear invite self.group_invite.take(); self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::GroupManip( GroupManip::Accept, ))); } pub fn decline_group_invite(&mut self) { // Clear invite self.group_invite.take(); self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::GroupManip( GroupManip::Decline, ))); } pub fn leave_group(&mut self) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::GroupManip( GroupManip::Leave, ))); } pub fn kick_from_group(&mut self, uid: Uid) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::GroupManip( GroupManip::Kick(uid), ))); } pub fn assign_group_leader(&mut self, uid: Uid) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::GroupManip( GroupManip::AssignLeader(uid), ))); } pub fn is_mounted(&self) -> bool { self.state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .is_some() } pub fn is_lantern_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .is_some() } pub fn mount(&mut self, entity: EcsEntity) { if let Some(uid) = self.state.read_component_copied(entity) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::Mount(uid))); } } pub fn unmount(&mut self) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::Unmount)); } pub fn respawn(&mut self) { if self .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .map_or(false, |h| h.is_dead) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::Respawn)); } } /// Checks whether a player can swap their weapon+ability `Loadout` settings /// and sends the `ControlAction` event that signals to do the swap. pub fn swap_loadout(&mut self) { self.control_action(ControlAction::SwapLoadout) } pub fn toggle_wield(&mut self) { let is_wielding = self .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .map(|cs| cs.is_wield()); match is_wielding { Some(true) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Unwield), Some(false) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Wield), None => warn!("Can't toggle wield, client entity doesn't have a `CharacterState`"), } } pub fn toggle_sit(&mut self) { let is_sitting = self .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .map(|cs| matches!(cs, comp::CharacterState::Sit)); match is_sitting { Some(true) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Stand), Some(false) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Sit), None => warn!("Can't toggle sit, client entity doesn't have a `CharacterState`"), } } pub fn toggle_dance(&mut self) { let is_dancing = self .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .map(|cs| matches!(cs, comp::CharacterState::Dance)); match is_dancing { Some(true) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Stand), Some(false) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Dance), None => warn!("Can't toggle dance, client entity doesn't have a `CharacterState`"), } } pub fn toggle_sneak(&mut self) { let is_sneaking = self .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .map(|cs| matches!(cs, comp::CharacterState::Sneak)); match is_sneaking { Some(true) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Stand), Some(false) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Sneak), None => warn!("Can't toggle sneak, client entity doesn't have a `CharacterState`"), } } pub fn toggle_glide(&mut self) { let is_gliding = self .state .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .map(|cs| { matches!( cs, comp::CharacterState::GlideWield | comp::CharacterState::Glide ) }); match is_gliding { Some(true) => self.control_action(ControlAction::Unwield), Some(false) => self.control_action(ControlAction::GlideWield), None => warn!("Can't toggle glide, client entity doesn't have a `CharacterState`"), } } fn control_action(&mut self, control_action: ControlAction) { if let Some(controller) = self .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .get_mut(self.entity) { controller.actions.push(control_action); } self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlAction(control_action)); } pub fn view_distance(&self) -> Option { self.view_distance } pub fn loaded_distance(&self) -> f32 { self.loaded_distance } pub fn current_chunk(&self) -> Option> { let chunk_pos = Vec2::from( self.state .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .cloned()? .0, ) .map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e: f32, sz| { (e as u32).div_euclid(sz) as i32 }); self.state.terrain().get_key_arc(chunk_pos).cloned() } pub fn current(&self) -> Option where C: Clone, { Some(self.state.read_storage::().get(self.entity).cloned()?) } pub fn current_biome(&self) -> BiomeKind { match self.current_chunk() { Some(chunk) => chunk.meta().biome(), _ => BiomeKind::Void, } } pub fn current_site(&self) -> SitesKind { let mut player_alt = 0.0; if let Some(position) = self.current::() { player_alt = position.0.z; } let mut contains_cave = false; let mut terrain_alt = 0.0; if let Some(chunk) = self.current_chunk() { terrain_alt = chunk.meta().alt(); contains_cave = chunk.meta().contains_cave(); } if player_alt < (terrain_alt - 15.0) && contains_cave { SitesKind::Cave } else if player_alt < (terrain_alt - 15.0) { SitesKind::Dungeon } else { SitesKind::Void } } pub fn inventories(&self) -> ReadStorage { self.state.read_storage() } pub fn loadouts(&self) -> ReadStorage { self.state.read_storage() } /// Send a chat message to the server. pub fn send_chat(&mut self, message: String) { match validate_chat_msg(&message) { Ok(()) => self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ChatMsg(message)), Err(ChatMsgValidationError::TooLong) => tracing::warn!( "Attempted to send a message that's too long (Over {} bytes)", MAX_BYTES_CHAT_MSG ), } } /// Remove all cached terrain pub fn clear_terrain(&mut self) { self.state.clear_terrain(); self.pending_chunks.clear(); } pub fn place_block(&mut self, pos: Vec3, block: Block) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::PlaceBlock(pos, block)); } pub fn remove_block(&mut self, pos: Vec3) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::BreakBlock(pos)); } pub fn collect_block(&mut self, pos: Vec3) { self.send_msg(ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(ControlEvent::InventoryManip( InventoryManip::Collect(pos), ))); } /// Execute a single client tick, handle input and update the game state by /// the given duration. pub fn tick( &mut self, inputs: ControllerInputs, dt: Duration, add_foreign_systems: impl Fn(&mut DispatcherBuilder), ) -> Result, Error> { span!(_guard, "tick", "Client::tick"); // This tick function is the centre of the Veloren universe. Most client-side // things are managed from here, and as such it's important that it // stays organised. Please consult the core developers before making // significant changes to this code. Here is the approximate order of // things. Please update it as this code changes. // // 1) Collect input from the frontend, apply input effects to the state // of the game // 2) Handle messages from the server // 3) Go through any events (timer-driven or otherwise) that need handling // and apply them to the state of the game // 4) Perform a single LocalState tick (i.e: update the world and entities // in the world) // 5) Go through the terrain update queue and apply all changes // to the terrain // 6) Sync information to the server // 7) Finish the tick, passing actions of the main thread back // to the frontend // 1) Handle input from frontend. // Pass character actions from frontend input to the player's entity. if self.presence.is_some() { if let Err(e) = self .state .ecs() .write_storage::() .entry(self.entity) .map(|entry| { entry .or_insert_with(|| Controller { inputs: inputs.clone(), events: Vec::new(), actions: Vec::new(), }) .inputs = inputs.clone(); }) { let entry = self.entity; error!( ?e, ?entry, "Couldn't access controller component on client entity" ); } self.send_msg_err(ClientGeneral::ControllerInputs(inputs))?; } // 2) Build up a list of events for this frame, to be passed to the frontend. let mut frontend_events = Vec::new(); // Prepare for new events { let ecs = self.state.ecs(); for (entity, _) in (&ecs.entities(), &ecs.read_storage::()).join() { let mut last_character_states = ecs.write_storage::>(); if let Some(client_character_state) = ecs.read_storage::().get(entity) { if last_character_states .get(entity) .map(|l| !client_character_state.same_variant(&l.0)) .unwrap_or(true) { let _ = last_character_states .insert(entity, comp::Last(client_character_state.clone())); } } } } // Handle new messages from the server. frontend_events.append(&mut self.handle_new_messages()?); // 3) Update client local data // Check if the group invite has timed out and remove if so if self .group_invite .map_or(false, |(_, timeout, dur)| timeout.elapsed() > dur) { self.group_invite = None; } // 4) Tick the client's LocalState self.state.tick(dt, add_foreign_systems, true); // TODO: avoid emitting these in the first place self.state .ecs() .fetch::>() .recv_all(); // 5) Terrain let pos = self .state .read_storage::() .get(self.entity) .cloned(); if let (Some(pos), Some(view_distance)) = (pos, self.view_distance) { let chunk_pos = self.state.terrain().pos_key(pos.0.map(|e| e as i32)); // Remove chunks that are too far from the player. let mut chunks_to_remove = Vec::new(); self.state.terrain().iter().for_each(|(key, _)| { // Subtract 2 from the offset before computing squared magnitude // 1 for the chunks needed bordering other chunks for meshing // 1 as a buffer so that if the player moves back in that direction the chunks // don't need to be reloaded if (chunk_pos - key) .map(|e: i32| (e.abs() as u32).saturating_sub(2)) .magnitude_squared() > view_distance.pow(2) { chunks_to_remove.push(key); } }); for key in chunks_to_remove { self.state.remove_chunk(key); } // Request chunks from the server. self.loaded_distance = ((view_distance * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x) as f32).powi(2); // +1 so we can find a chunk that's outside the vd for better fog for dist in 0..view_distance as i32 + 1 { // Only iterate through chunks that need to be loaded for circular vd // The (dist - 2) explained: // -0.5 because a chunk is visible if its corner is within the view distance // -0.5 for being able to move to the corner of the current chunk // -1 because chunks are not meshed if they don't have all their neighbors // (notice also that view_distance is decreased by 1) // (this subtraction on vd is omitted elsewhere in order to provide // a buffer layer of loaded chunks) let top = if 2 * (dist - 2).max(0).pow(2) > (view_distance - 1).pow(2) as i32 { ((view_distance - 1).pow(2) as f32 - (dist - 2).pow(2) as f32) .sqrt() .round() as i32 + 1 } else { dist }; let mut skip_mode = false; for i in -top..top + 1 { let keys = [ chunk_pos + Vec2::new(dist, i), chunk_pos + Vec2::new(i, dist), chunk_pos + Vec2::new(-dist, i), chunk_pos + Vec2::new(i, -dist), ]; for key in keys.iter() { if self.state.terrain().get_key(*key).is_none() { if !skip_mode && !self.pending_chunks.contains_key(key) { if self.pending_chunks.len() < 4 { self.send_msg_err(ClientGeneral::TerrainChunkRequest { key: *key, })?; self.pending_chunks.insert(*key, Instant::now()); } else { skip_mode = true; } } let dist_to_player = (self.state.terrain().key_pos(*key).map(|x| x as f32) + TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|x| x as f32) / 2.0) .distance_squared(pos.0.into()); if dist_to_player < self.loaded_distance { self.loaded_distance = dist_to_player; } } } } } self.loaded_distance = self.loaded_distance.sqrt() - ((TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f32 / 2.0).powi(2) + (TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.y as f32 / 2.0).powi(2)) .sqrt(); // If chunks are taking too long, assume they're no longer pending. let now = Instant::now(); self.pending_chunks .retain(|_, created| now.duration_since(*created) < Duration::from_secs(3)); } // Send a ping to the server once every second if self.state.get_time() - self.last_server_ping > 1. { self.send_msg_err(PingMsg::Ping)?; self.last_server_ping = self.state.get_time(); } // 6) Update the server about the player's physics attributes. if self.presence.is_some() { if let (Some(pos), Some(vel), Some(ori)) = ( self.state.read_storage().get(self.entity).cloned(), self.state.read_storage().get(self.entity).cloned(), self.state.read_storage().get(self.entity).cloned(), ) { self.in_game_stream .send(ClientGeneral::PlayerPhysics { pos, vel, ori })?; } } /* // Output debug metrics if log_enabled!(Level::Info) && self.tick % 600 == 0 { let metrics = self .state .terrain() .iter() .fold(ChonkMetrics::default(), |a, (_, c)| a + c.get_metrics()); info!("{:?}", metrics); } */ // 7) Finish the tick, pass control back to the frontend. self.tick += 1; Ok(frontend_events) } /// Clean up the client after a tick. pub fn cleanup(&mut self) { // Cleanup the local state self.state.cleanup(); } fn handle_server_msg( &mut self, frontend_events: &mut Vec, msg: ServerGeneral, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match msg { ServerGeneral::Disconnect(reason) => match reason { DisconnectReason::Shutdown => return Err(Error::ServerShutdown), DisconnectReason::Kicked(reason) => { debug!("sending ClientMsg::Terminate because we got kicked"); frontend_events.push(Event::Kicked(reason)); self.send_msg_err(ClientGeneral::Terminate)?; }, }, ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::Init(list)) => { self.player_list = list }, ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::Add(uid, player_info)) => { if let Some(old_player_info) = self.player_list.insert(uid, player_info.clone()) { warn!( "Received msg to insert {} with uid {} into the player list but there was \ already an entry for {} with the same uid that was overwritten!", player_info.player_alias, uid, old_player_info.player_alias ); } }, ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::Admin(uid, admin)) => { if let Some(player_info) = self.player_list.get_mut(&uid) { player_info.is_admin = admin; } else { warn!( "Received msg to update admin status of uid {}, but they were not in the \ list.", uid ); } }, ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::SelectedCharacter( uid, char_info, )) => { if let Some(player_info) = self.player_list.get_mut(&uid) { player_info.character = Some(char_info); } else { warn!( "Received msg to update character info for uid {}, but they were not in \ the list.", uid ); } }, ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::LevelChange(uid, next_level)) => { if let Some(player_info) = self.player_list.get_mut(&uid) { player_info.character = match &player_info.character { Some(character) => Some(common::msg::CharacterInfo { name: character.name.to_string(), level: next_level, }), None => { warn!( "Received msg to update character level info to {} for uid {}, \ but this player's character is None.", next_level, uid ); None }, }; } }, ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::Remove(uid)) => { // Instead of removing players, mark them as offline because we need to // remember the names of disconnected players in chat. // // TODO the server should re-use uids of players that log out and log back // in. if let Some(player_info) = self.player_list.get_mut(&uid) { if player_info.is_online { player_info.is_online = false; } else { warn!( "Received msg to remove uid {} from the player list by they were \ already marked offline", uid ); } } else { warn!( "Received msg to remove uid {} from the player list by they weren't in \ the list!", uid ); } }, ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(PlayerListUpdate::Alias(uid, new_name)) => { if let Some(player_info) = self.player_list.get_mut(&uid) { player_info.player_alias = new_name; } else { warn!( "Received msg to alias player with uid {} to {} but this uid is not in \ the player list", uid, new_name ); } }, ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(m) => frontend_events.push(Event::Chat(m)), ServerGeneral::SetPlayerEntity(uid) => { if let Some(entity) = self.state.ecs().entity_from_uid(uid.0) { self.entity = entity; } else { return Err(Error::Other("Failed to find entity from uid.".to_owned())); } }, ServerGeneral::TimeOfDay(time_of_day) => { *self.state.ecs_mut().write_resource() = time_of_day; }, ServerGeneral::EntitySync(entity_sync_package) => { self.state .ecs_mut() .apply_entity_sync_package(entity_sync_package); }, ServerGeneral::CompSync(comp_sync_package) => { self.state .ecs_mut() .apply_comp_sync_package(comp_sync_package); }, ServerGeneral::CreateEntity(entity_package) => { self.state.ecs_mut().apply_entity_package(entity_package); }, ServerGeneral::DeleteEntity(entity) => { if self.uid() != Some(entity) { self.state .ecs_mut() .delete_entity_and_clear_from_uid_allocator(entity.0); } }, ServerGeneral::Notification(n) => { frontend_events.push(Event::Notification(n)); }, _ => unreachable!("Not a general msg"), } Ok(()) } fn handle_server_in_game_msg( &mut self, frontend_events: &mut Vec, msg: ServerGeneral, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match msg { ServerGeneral::GroupUpdate(change_notification) => { use comp::group::ChangeNotification::*; // Note: we use a hashmap since this would not work with entities outside // the view distance match change_notification { Added(uid, role) => { // Check if this is a newly formed group by looking for absence of // other non pet group members if !matches!(role, group::Role::Pet) && !self .group_members .values() .any(|r| !matches!(r, group::Role::Pet)) { frontend_events .push(Event::Chat(comp::ChatType::Meta.chat_msg( "Type /g or /group to chat with your group members", ))); } if let Some(player_info) = self.player_list.get(&uid) { frontend_events.push(Event::Chat( comp::ChatType::GroupMeta("Group".into()).chat_msg(format!( "[{}] joined group", self.personalize_alias(uid, player_info.player_alias.clone()) )), )); } if self.group_members.insert(uid, role) == Some(role) { warn!( "Received msg to add uid {} to the group members but they were \ already there", uid ); } }, Removed(uid) => { if let Some(player_info) = self.player_list.get(&uid) { frontend_events.push(Event::Chat( comp::ChatType::GroupMeta("Group".into()).chat_msg(format!( "[{}] left group", self.personalize_alias(uid, player_info.player_alias.clone()) )), )); } if self.group_members.remove(&uid).is_none() { warn!( "Received msg to remove uid {} from group members but by they \ weren't in there!", uid ); } }, NewLeader(leader) => { self.group_leader = Some(leader); }, NewGroup { leader, members } => { self.group_leader = Some(leader); self.group_members = members.into_iter().collect(); // Currently add/remove messages treat client as an implicit member // of the group whereas this message explicitly includes them so to // be consistent for now we will remove the client from the // received hashset if let Some(uid) = self.uid() { self.group_members.remove(&uid); } }, NoGroup => { self.group_leader = None; self.group_members = HashMap::new(); }, } }, ServerGeneral::GroupInvite { inviter, timeout } => { self.group_invite = Some((inviter, std::time::Instant::now(), timeout)); }, ServerGeneral::InvitePending(uid) => { if !self.pending_invites.insert(uid) { warn!("Received message about pending invite that was already pending"); } }, ServerGeneral::InviteComplete { target, answer } => { if !self.pending_invites.remove(&target) { warn!( "Received completed invite message for invite that was not in the list of \ pending invites" ) } // TODO: expose this as a new event variant instead of going // through the chat let msg = match answer { // TODO: say who accepted/declined/timed out the invite InviteAnswer::Accepted => "Invite accepted", InviteAnswer::Declined => "Invite declined", InviteAnswer::TimedOut => "Invite timed out", }; frontend_events.push(Event::Chat(comp::ChatType::Meta.chat_msg(msg))); }, // Cleanup for when the client goes back to the `presence = None` ServerGeneral::ExitInGameSuccess => { self.presence = None; self.clean_state(); }, ServerGeneral::InventoryUpdate(mut inventory, event) => { match event { InventoryUpdateEvent::CollectFailed => {}, _ => { inventory.recount_items(); // Push the updated inventory component to the client self.state.write_component(self.entity, inventory); }, } self.update_available_recipes(); frontend_events.push(Event::InventoryUpdated(event)); }, ServerGeneral::TerrainChunkUpdate { key, chunk } => { if let Ok(chunk) = chunk { self.state.insert_chunk(key, *chunk); } self.pending_chunks.remove(&key); }, ServerGeneral::TerrainBlockUpdates(mut blocks) => { blocks.drain().for_each(|(pos, block)| { self.state.set_block(pos, block); }); }, ServerGeneral::SetViewDistance(vd) => { self.view_distance = Some(vd); frontend_events.push(Event::SetViewDistance(vd)); }, ServerGeneral::Outcomes(outcomes) => { frontend_events.extend(outcomes.into_iter().map(Event::Outcome)) }, ServerGeneral::Knockback(impulse) => { self.state .ecs() .read_resource::>() .emit_now(LocalEvent::ApplyImpulse { entity: self.entity, impulse, }); }, _ => unreachable!("Not a in_game message"), } Ok(()) } fn handle_server_character_screen_msg( &mut self, events: &mut Vec, msg: ServerGeneral, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match msg { ServerGeneral::CharacterListUpdate(character_list) => { self.character_list.characters = character_list; self.character_list.loading = false; }, ServerGeneral::CharacterActionError(error) => { warn!("CharacterActionError: {:?}.", error); self.character_list.error = Some(error); }, ServerGeneral::CharacterDataLoadError(error) => { trace!("Handling join error by server"); self.presence = None; self.clean_state(); self.character_list.error = Some(error); }, ServerGeneral::CharacterCreated(character_id) => { events.push(Event::CharacterCreated(character_id)); }, ServerGeneral::CharacterSuccess => { debug!("client is now in ingame state on server"); if let Some(vd) = self.view_distance { self.set_view_distance(vd); } }, _ => unreachable!("Not a character_screen msg"), } Ok(()) } fn handle_ping_msg(&mut self, msg: PingMsg) -> Result<(), Error> { match msg { PingMsg::Ping => { self.send_msg_err(PingMsg::Pong)?; }, PingMsg::Pong => { self.last_server_pong = self.state.get_time(); self.last_ping_delta = self.state.get_time() - self.last_server_ping; // Maintain the correct number of deltas for calculating the rolling average // ping. The client sends a ping to the server every second so we should be // receiving a pong reply roughly every second. while self.ping_deltas.len() > PING_ROLLING_AVERAGE_SECS - 1 { self.ping_deltas.pop_front(); } self.ping_deltas.push_back(self.last_ping_delta); }, } Ok(()) } async fn handle_messages( &mut self, frontend_events: &mut Vec, cnt: &mut u64, ) -> Result<(), Error> { loop { let (m1, m2, m3, m4) = select!( msg = self.general_stream.recv().fuse() => (Some(msg), None, None, None), msg = self.ping_stream.recv().fuse() => (None, Some(msg), None, None), msg = self.character_screen_stream.recv().fuse() => (None, None, Some(msg), None), msg = self.in_game_stream.recv().fuse() => (None, None, None, Some(msg)), ); *cnt += 1; if let Some(msg) = m1 { self.handle_server_msg(frontend_events, msg?)?; } if let Some(msg) = m2 { self.handle_ping_msg(msg?)?; } if let Some(msg) = m3 { self.handle_server_character_screen_msg(frontend_events, msg?)?; } if let Some(msg) = m4 { self.handle_server_in_game_msg(frontend_events, msg?)?; } } } /// Handle new server messages. fn handle_new_messages(&mut self) -> Result, Error> { let mut frontend_events = Vec::new(); // Check that we have an valid connection. // Use the last ping time as a 1s rate limiter, we only notify the user once per // second if self.state.get_time() - self.last_server_ping > 1. { let duration_since_last_pong = self.state.get_time() - self.last_server_pong; // Dispatch a notification to the HUD warning they will be kicked in {n} seconds const KICK_WARNING_AFTER_REL_TO_TIMEOUT_FRACTION: f64 = 0.75; if duration_since_last_pong >= (self.client_timeout.as_secs() as f64 * KICK_WARNING_AFTER_REL_TO_TIMEOUT_FRACTION) && self.state.get_time() - duration_since_last_pong > 0. { frontend_events.push(Event::DisconnectionNotification( (self.state.get_time() - duration_since_last_pong).round() as u64, )); } } let mut handles_msg = 0; block_on(async { //TIMEOUT 0.01 ms for msg handling select!( _ = Delay::new(std::time::Duration::from_micros(10)).fuse() => Ok(()), err = self.handle_messages(&mut frontend_events, &mut handles_msg).fuse() => err, ) })?; if handles_msg == 0 && self.state.get_time() - self.last_server_pong > self.client_timeout.as_secs() as f64 { return Err(Error::ServerTimeout); } Ok(frontend_events) } pub fn entity(&self) -> EcsEntity { self.entity } pub fn uid(&self) -> Option { self.state.read_component_copied(self.entity) } pub fn presence(&self) -> Option { self.presence } pub fn registered(&self) -> bool { self.registered } pub fn get_tick(&self) -> u64 { self.tick } pub fn get_ping_ms(&self) -> f64 { self.last_ping_delta * 1000.0 } pub fn get_ping_ms_rolling_avg(&self) -> f64 { let mut total_weight = 0.; let pings = self.ping_deltas.len() as f64; (self .ping_deltas .iter() .enumerate() .fold(0., |acc, (i, ping)| { let weight = i as f64 + 1. / pings; total_weight += weight; acc + (weight * ping) }) / total_weight) * 1000.0 } /// Get a reference to the client's worker thread pool. This pool should be /// used for any computationally expensive operations that run outside /// of the main thread (i.e., threads that block on I/O operations are /// exempt). pub fn thread_pool(&self) -> &ThreadPool { &self.thread_pool } /// Get a reference to the client's game state. pub fn state(&self) -> &State { &self.state } /// Get a mutable reference to the client's game state. pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> &mut State { &mut self.state } /// Get a vector of all the players on the server pub fn get_players(&mut self) -> Vec { // TODO: Don't clone players. self.state .ecs() .read_storage::() .join() .cloned() .collect() } /// Return true if this client is an admin on the server pub fn is_admin(&self) -> bool { let client_uid = self .state .read_component_copied::(self.entity) .expect("Client doesn't have a Uid!!!"); self.player_list .get(&client_uid) .map_or(false, |info| info.is_admin) } /// Clean client ECS state fn clean_state(&mut self) { let client_uid = self .uid() .map(|u| u.into()) .expect("Client doesn't have a Uid!!!"); // Clear ecs of all entities self.state.ecs_mut().delete_all(); self.state.ecs_mut().maintain(); self.state.ecs_mut().insert(UidAllocator::default()); // Recreate client entity with Uid let entity_builder = self.state.ecs_mut().create_entity(); let uid = entity_builder .world .write_resource::() .allocate(entity_builder.entity, Some(client_uid)); self.entity = entity_builder.with(uid).build(); } /// Change player alias to "You" if client belongs to matching player fn personalize_alias(&self, uid: Uid, alias: String) -> String { let client_uid = self.uid().expect("Client doesn't have a Uid!!!"); if client_uid == uid { "You".to_string() // TODO: Localize } else { alias } } /// Format a message for the client (voxygen chat box or chat-cli) pub fn format_message(&self, msg: &comp::ChatMsg, character_name: bool) -> String { let comp::ChatMsg { chat_type, message, .. } = &msg; let alias_of_uid = |uid| { self.player_list .get(uid) .map_or("".to_string(), |player_info| { if player_info.is_admin { format!( "ADMIN - {}", self.personalize_alias(*uid, player_info.player_alias.clone()) ) } else { self.personalize_alias(*uid, player_info.player_alias.clone()) } }) }; let name_of_uid = |uid| { let ecs = self.state.ecs(); ( &ecs.read_storage::(), &ecs.read_storage::(), ) .join() .find(|(_, u)| u == &uid) .map(|(c, _)| c.name.clone()) }; let message_format = |uid, message, group| { let alias = alias_of_uid(uid); let name = if character_name { name_of_uid(uid) } else { None }; match (group, name) { (Some(group), None) => format!("({}) [{}]: {}", group, alias, message), (None, None) => format!("[{}]: {}", alias, message), (Some(group), Some(name)) => { format!("({}) [{}] {}: {}", group, alias, name, message) }, (None, Some(name)) => format!("[{}] {}: {}", alias, name, message), } }; match chat_type { // For ChatType::{Online, Offline, Kill} these message strings are localized // in voxygen/src/hud/chat.rs before being formatted here. // Kill messages are generated in server/src/events/entity_manipulation.rs // fn handle_destroy comp::ChatType::Online(uid) => { // Default message formats if no localized message string is set by hud // Needed for cli clients that don't set localization info if message == "" { format!("[{}] came online", alias_of_uid(uid)) } else { message.replace("{name}", &alias_of_uid(uid)) } }, comp::ChatType::Offline(uid) => { // Default message formats if no localized message string is set by hud // Needed for cli clients that don't set localization info if message == "" { format!("[{}] went offline", alias_of_uid(uid)) } else { message.replace("{name}", &alias_of_uid(uid)) } }, comp::ChatType::CommandError => message.to_string(), comp::ChatType::CommandInfo => message.to_string(), comp::ChatType::Loot => message.to_string(), comp::ChatType::FactionMeta(_) => message.to_string(), comp::ChatType::GroupMeta(_) => message.to_string(), comp::ChatType::Kill(kill_source, victim) => { // Default message formats if no localized message string is set by hud // Needed for cli clients that don't set localization info if message == "" { match kill_source { KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Melee) => format!( "[{}] killed [{}]", alias_of_uid(attacker_uid), alias_of_uid(victim) ), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Projectile) => format!( "[{}] shot [{}]", alias_of_uid(attacker_uid), alias_of_uid(victim) ), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Explosion) => format!( "[{}] blew up [{}]", alias_of_uid(attacker_uid), alias_of_uid(victim) ), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Energy) => format!( "[{}] used magic to kill [{}]", alias_of_uid(attacker_uid), alias_of_uid(victim) ), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Other) => format!( "[{}] killed [{}]", alias_of_uid(attacker_uid), alias_of_uid(victim) ), KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Melee) => { format!("{} killed [{}]", attacker_name, alias_of_uid(victim)) }, KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Projectile) => { format!("{} shot [{}]", attacker_name, alias_of_uid(victim)) }, KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Explosion) => { format!("{} blew up [{}]", attacker_name, alias_of_uid(victim)) }, KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Energy) => format!( "{} used magic to kill [{}]", attacker_name, alias_of_uid(victim) ), KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Other) => { format!("{} killed [{}]", attacker_name, alias_of_uid(victim)) }, KillSource::Environment(environment) => { format!("[{}] died in {}", alias_of_uid(victim), environment) }, KillSource::FallDamage => { format!("[{}] died from fall damage", alias_of_uid(victim)) }, KillSource::Suicide => { format!("[{}] died from self-inflicted wounds", alias_of_uid(victim)) }, KillSource::Other => format!("[{}] died", alias_of_uid(victim)), } } else { match kill_source { KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Melee) => message .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid)) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Projectile) => message .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid)) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Explosion) => message .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid)) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Energy) => message .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid)) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::Player(attacker_uid, KillType::Other) => message .replace("{attacker}", &alias_of_uid(attacker_uid)) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Melee) => message .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Projectile) => message .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Explosion) => message .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Energy) => message .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::NonPlayer(attacker_name, KillType::Other) => message .replace("{attacker}", attacker_name) .replace("{victim}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::Environment(environment) => message .replace("{name}", &alias_of_uid(victim)) .replace("{environment}", environment), KillSource::FallDamage => message.replace("{name}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::Suicide => message.replace("{name}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), KillSource::Other => message.replace("{name}", &alias_of_uid(victim)), } } }, comp::ChatType::Tell(from, to) => { let from_alias = alias_of_uid(from); let to_alias = alias_of_uid(to); if Some(*from) == self.uid() { format!("To [{}]: {}", to_alias, message) } else { format!("From [{}]: {}", from_alias, message) } }, comp::ChatType::Say(uid) => message_format(uid, message, None), comp::ChatType::Group(uid, s) => message_format(uid, message, Some(s)), comp::ChatType::Faction(uid, s) => message_format(uid, message, Some(s)), comp::ChatType::Region(uid) => message_format(uid, message, None), comp::ChatType::World(uid) => message_format(uid, message, None), // NPCs can't talk. Should be filtered by hud/mod.rs for voxygen and should be filtered // by server (due to not having a Pos) for chat-cli comp::ChatType::Npc(_uid, _r) => "".to_string(), comp::ChatType::Meta => message.to_string(), } } } impl Drop for Client { fn drop(&mut self) { trace!("Dropping client"); if self.registered { if let Err(e) = self.send_msg_err(ClientGeneral::Terminate) { warn!( ?e, "Error during drop of client, couldn't send disconnect package, is the \ connection already closed?", ); } } else { trace!("no disconnect msg necessary as client wasn't registered") } if let Err(e) = block_on(self.participant.take().unwrap().disconnect()) { warn!(?e, "error when disconnecting, couldn't send all data"); } } }