use crate::{column::ColumnSample, sim::SimChunk, util::RandomField, IndexRef, CONFIG}; use common::{ comp::{Alignment, quadruped_medium, quadruped_small}, terrain::{Block, SpriteKind}, vol::{BaseVol, ReadVol, RectSizedVol, WriteVol}, generation::{ChunkSupplement, EntityInfo}, }; use noise::NoiseFn; use rand::prelude::*; use std::{f32, ops::Range}; use vek::*; fn close(x: f32, tgt: f32, falloff: f32) -> f32 { (1.0 - (x - tgt).abs() / falloff).max(0.0).powf(0.125) } const BASE_DENSITY: f32 = 1.0e-5; // Base wildlife density #[allow(clippy::eval_order_dependence)] pub fn apply_wildlife_supplement<'a, R: Rng>( // NOTE: Used only for dynamic elements like chests and entities! dynamic_rng: &mut R, wpos2d: Vec2, mut get_column: impl FnMut(Vec2) -> Option<&'a ColumnSample<'a>>, vol: &(impl BaseVol + RectSizedVol + ReadVol + WriteVol), index: IndexRef, chunk: &SimChunk, supplement: &mut ChunkSupplement, ) { let scatter: &[( fn(Vec3, &mut R) -> EntityInfo, // Entity Range, // Group size range bool, // Underwater? fn(&SimChunk, &ColumnSample) -> f32, // Density )] = &[ // Wolves ( |pos, rng| EntityInfo::at(pos) .with_body(quadruped_medium::Body::random_with(rng, &quadruped_medium::Species::Wolf).into()) .with_alignment(Alignment::Enemy), 3..8, false, |c, col| close(c.temp, CONFIG.snow_temp, 0.7) * col.tree_density * BASE_DENSITY * 0.3, ), // Frostfang ( |pos, rng| EntityInfo::at(pos) .with_body(quadruped_medium::Body::random_with(rng, &quadruped_medium::Species::Frostfang).into()) .with_alignment(Alignment::Enemy), 1..4, false, |c, col| close(c.temp, CONFIG.snow_temp, 0.15) * BASE_DENSITY * 0.15, ), // Bonerattler ( |pos, rng| EntityInfo::at(pos) .with_body(quadruped_medium::Body::random_with(rng, &quadruped_medium::Species::Bonerattler).into()) .with_alignment(Alignment::Enemy), 1..3, false, |c, col| close(c.humidity, CONFIG.desert_hum, 0.3) * BASE_DENSITY * 0.5, ), // Deer ( |pos, rng| EntityInfo::at(pos) .with_body(quadruped_medium::Body::random_with(rng, &quadruped_medium::Species::Deer).into()) .with_alignment(Alignment::Wild), 4..10, false, |c, col| close(c.temp, CONFIG.temperate_temp, 0.7) * col.tree_density * BASE_DENSITY * 0.5, ), // Frog ( |pos, rng| EntityInfo::at(pos) .with_body(quadruped_small::Body::random_with(rng, &quadruped_small::Species::Frog).into()) .with_alignment(Alignment::Wild), 1..3, false, |c, col| close(col.temp, CONFIG.tropical_temp, 0.8) * if|d| d < 10.0).unwrap_or(false) { 0.0005 } else { 0.0 }, ), ]; for y in 0..vol.size_xy().y as i32 { for x in 0..vol.size_xy().x as i32 { let offs = Vec2::new(x, y); let wpos2d = wpos2d + offs; // Sample terrain let col_sample = if let Some(col_sample) = get_column(offs) { col_sample } else { continue; }; let underwater = col_sample.water_level > col_sample.alt; let entity_group = scatter .iter() .enumerate() .find_map(|(i, (make_entity, group_size, is_underwater, f))| { let density = f(chunk, col_sample); if density > 0.0 && RandomField::new(i as u32 * 7) .chance(Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, i as i32), density) && underwater == *is_underwater { Some((make_entity, group_size.clone())) } else { None } }); if let Some((make_entity, group_size)) = entity_group { let alt = col_sample.alt as i32; // Find the intersection between ground and air, if there is one near the // surface if let Some(solid_end) = (-4..8) .find(|z| { vol.get(Vec3::new(offs.x, offs.y, alt + z)) .map(|b| b.is_solid()) .unwrap_or(false) }) .and_then(|solid_start| { (1..8).map(|z| solid_start + z).find(|z| { vol.get(Vec3::new(offs.x, offs.y, alt + z)) .map(|b| !b.is_solid()) .unwrap_or(true) }) }) { let group_size = dynamic_rng.gen_range(group_size.start, group_size.end); for _ in 0..group_size { let pos = Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, alt + solid_end) .map(|e| e as f32 + dynamic_rng.gen::()); supplement.add_entity(make_entity(pos, dynamic_rng) .with_automatic_name()); } } } } } }