use crate::{i18n, ui::ice::RawFont}; use common::assets::{self, AssetExt}; pub struct Font { metadata: i18n::Font, pub conrod_id: conrod_core::text::font::Id, } impl Font { fn new(font: &i18n::Font, ui: &mut crate::ui::Ui) -> Result { let raw_font = RawFont::load(&font.asset_key)?.cloned(); Ok(Self { metadata: font.clone(), conrod_id: ui.new_font(raw_font), }) } /// Scale input size to final UI size pub fn scale(&self, value: u32) -> u32 { self.metadata.scale(value) } } macro_rules! conrod_fonts { ($([ $( $name:ident$(,)? )* ])*) => { $( pub struct Fonts { $(pub $name: Font,)* } impl Fonts { pub fn load(fonts: &i18n::Fonts, ui: &mut crate::ui::Ui) -> Result { Ok(Self { $( $name: Font::new(fonts.get(stringify!($name)).unwrap(), ui)?, )* }) } } )* }; } conrod_fonts! { [opensans, metamorph, alkhemi, cyri, wizard] } pub struct IcedFont { metadata: i18n::Font, pub id: crate::ui::ice::FontId, } impl IcedFont { fn new(font: &i18n::Font, ui: &mut crate::ui::ice::IcedUi) -> Result { let raw_font = RawFont::load(&font.asset_key)?.cloned(); Ok(Self { metadata: font.clone(), id: ui.add_font(raw_font), }) } /// Scale input size to final UI size /// TODO: change metadata to use u16 pub fn scale(&self, value: u16) -> u16 { self.metadata.scale(value as u32) as u16 } } macro_rules! iced_fonts { ($([ $( $name:ident$(,)? )* ])*) => { $( pub struct IcedFonts { $(pub $name: IcedFont,)* } impl IcedFonts { pub fn load(fonts: &i18n::Fonts, ui: &mut crate::ui::ice::IcedUi) -> Result { Ok(Self { $( $name: IcedFont::new(fonts.get(stringify!($name)).unwrap(), ui)?, )* }) } } )* }; } iced_fonts! { [opensans, metamorph, alkhemi, cyri, wizard] }