use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use veloren_plugin_rt::{ api::{event::*, Action, GameMode}, *, }; #[event_handler] pub fn on_load(load: PluginLoadEvent) { match load.game_mode { GameMode::Server => emit_action(Action::Print("Hello, server!".to_owned())), GameMode::Client => emit_action(Action::Print("Hello, client!".to_owned())), GameMode::Singleplayer => emit_action(Action::Print("Hello, singleplayer!".to_owned())), } } #[event_handler] pub fn on_command_testplugin(command: ChatCommandEvent) -> Result, String> { Ok(vec![format!( "Player of id {:?} named {} with {:?} sended command with args {:?}",, command .player .get_player_name() .expect("Can't get player name"), command .player .get_entity_health() .expect("Can't get player health"), command.command_args )]) } static COUNTER: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); #[event_handler] pub fn on_join(input: PlayerJoinEvent) -> PlayerJoinResult { if COUNTER.swap(!COUNTER.load(Ordering::SeqCst), Ordering::SeqCst) { PlayerJoinResult::Kick(format!("You are a cheater {:?}", input)) } else { PlayerJoinResult::None } }