pub mod site; use crate::data::{ npc::{Npcs, Npc, Profession}, site::{Sites, Site}, Data, Nature, }; use hashbrown::HashMap; use rand::prelude::*; use tracing::info; use common::{ rtsim::WorldSettings, resources::TimeOfDay, }; use world::{ site::SiteKind, IndexRef, World, }; impl Data { pub fn generate(settings: &WorldSettings, world: &World, index: IndexRef) -> Self { let mut seed = [0; 32]; seed.iter_mut().zip(&mut index.seed.to_le_bytes()).for_each(|(dst, src)| *dst = *src); let mut rng = SmallRng::from_seed(seed); let mut this = Self { nature: Nature::generate(world), npcs: Npcs { npcs: Default::default() }, sites: Sites { sites: Default::default() }, time_of_day: TimeOfDay(settings.start_time), }; // Register sites with rtsim for (world_site_id, _) in index .sites .iter() { let site = Site::generate(world_site_id, world, index); this.sites.create(site); } info!("Registering {} rtsim sites from world sites.", this.sites.len()); // Spawn some test entities at the sites for (site_id, site) in this.sites.iter() { let rand_wpos = |rng: &mut SmallRng| { let wpos2d =|e| e + rng.gen_range(-10..10));|e| e as f32 + 0.5) .with_z(world.sim().get_alt_approx(wpos2d).unwrap_or(0.0)) }; for _ in 0..20 { this.npcs.create(Npc::new(rng.gen(), rand_wpos(&mut rng)).with_home(site_id).with_profession(match rng.gen_range(0..15) { 0 => Profession::Hunter, 1 => Profession::Blacksmith, 2 => Profession::Chef, 3 => Profession::Alchemist, 5..=10 => Profession::Farmer, _ => Profession::Guard, })); } this.npcs.create(Npc::new(rng.gen(), rand_wpos(&mut rng)).with_home(site_id).with_profession(Profession::Merchant)); } this } }