use crate::{ render::Renderer, ui::{self, ScaleMode, Ui}, window::Window, }; use common::assets; use conrod_core::{ color::TRANSPARENT, image::Id as ImgId, position::{Dimension, Relative}, text::font::Id as FontId, widget::{text_box::Event as TextBoxEvent, Button, Image, Rectangle, Text, TextBox}, widget_ids, Borderable, Color, Colorable, Labelable, Positionable, Sizeable, Widget, }; widget_ids! { struct Ids { // Background and logo bg, v_logo, alpha_version, // Login, Singleplayer login_button, login_text, login_error, login_error_bg, address_text, address_bg, address_field, username_text, username_bg, username_field, singleplayer_button, singleplayer_text, // Buttons servers_button, settings_button, quit_button, } } struct Imgs { bg: ImgId, v_logo: ImgId, input_bg: ImgId, login_button: ImgId, login_button_hover: ImgId, login_button_press: ImgId, button: ImgId, button_hover: ImgId, button_press: ImgId, } impl Imgs { fn new(ui: &mut Ui, renderer: &mut Renderer) -> Imgs { // TODO: update paths let mut load = |filename| { let fullpath: String = ["/voxygen/", filename].concat(); let image = image::load_from_memory( assets::load(fullpath.as_str()) .expect("Error loading file") .as_slice(), ) .unwrap(); ui.new_image(renderer, &image).unwrap() }; Imgs { bg: load("background/bg_main.png"), v_logo: load("element/v_logo.png"), // Input fields input_bg: load("element/misc_backgrounds/textbox.png"), // Login button login_button: load("element/buttons/button_login.png"), login_button_hover: load("element/buttons/button_login_hover.png"), login_button_press: load("element/buttons/button_login_press.png"), // Servers, settings, and quit buttons button: load("element/buttons/button.png"), button_hover: load("element/buttons/button_hover.png"), button_press: load("element/buttons/button_press.png"), } } } pub enum Event { LoginAttempt { username: String, server_address: String, }, Quit, } pub struct MainMenuUi { ui: Ui, ids: Ids, imgs: Imgs, font_metamorph: FontId, font_opensans: FontId, username: String, server_address: String, login_error: Option, connecting: Option, } impl MainMenuUi { pub fn new(window: &mut Window) -> Self { let mut ui = Ui::new(window).unwrap(); // TODO: adjust/remove this, right now it is used to demonstrate window scaling functionality ui.scaling_mode(ScaleMode::RelativeToWindow([1920.0, 1080.0].into())); // Generate ids let ids = Ids::new(ui.id_generator()); // Load images let imgs = Imgs::new(&mut ui, window.renderer_mut()); // Load fonts let font_opensans = ui.new_font( conrod_core::text::font::from_file(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/../assets/voxygen/font/OpenSans-Regular.ttf" )) .unwrap(), ); let font_metamorph = ui.new_font( conrod_core::text::font::from_file(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/../assets/voxygen/font/Metamorphous-Regular.ttf" )) .unwrap(), ); Self { ui, imgs, ids, font_metamorph, font_opensans, username: "Username".to_string(), server_address: "".to_string(), login_error: None, connecting: None, } } fn update_layout(&mut self) -> Vec { let mut events = Vec::new(); let ref mut ui_widgets = self.ui.set_widgets(); // Background image, Veloren logo, Alpha-Version Label Image::new( .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .set(, ui_widgets); Button::image(self.imgs.v_logo) .w_h(346.0, 111.0) .top_left_with_margins(30.0, 40.0) .label("Alpha 0.1") .label_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) .label_font_size(10) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(-40.0)) .label_x(Relative::Scalar(-100.0)) .set(self.ids.v_logo, ui_widgets); // Input fields // Used when the login button is pressed, or enter is pressed within input field macro_rules! login { () => { self.login_error = None; self.connecting = Some(std::time::Instant::now()); events.push(Event::LoginAttempt { username: self.username.clone(), server_address: self.server_address.clone(), }); }; } const TEXT_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // Username // TODO: get a lower resolution and cleaner input_bg.png Image::new(self.imgs.input_bg) .w_h(337.0, 67.0) .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .set(self.ids.username_bg, ui_widgets); for event in TextBox::new(&self.username) .w_h(580.0 / 2.0, 60.0 / 2.0) .mid_bottom_with_margin_on(self.ids.username_bg, 44.0 / 2.0) .font_size(20) .font_id(self.font_opensans) .text_color(TEXT_COLOR) // transparent background .color(TRANSPARENT) .border_color(TRANSPARENT) .set(self.ids.username_field, ui_widgets) { match event { TextBoxEvent::Update(username) => { // Note: TextBox limits the input string length to what fits in it self.username = username.to_string(); } TextBoxEvent::Enter => { login!(); } } } // Login error if let Some(msg) = &self.login_error { let text = Text::new(&msg) .rgba(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) .font_size(30) .font_id(self.font_opensans); let x = match text.get_x_dimension(ui_widgets) { Dimension::Absolute(x) => x + 10.0, _ => 0.0, }; Rectangle::fill([x, 40.0]) .rgba(0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7) .parent(ui_widgets.window) .up_from(self.ids.username_bg, 35.0) .set(self.ids.login_error_bg, ui_widgets); text.middle_of(self.ids.login_error_bg) .set(self.ids.login_error, ui_widgets); } // Server address Image::new(self.imgs.input_bg) .w_h(337.0, 67.0) .down_from(self.ids.username_bg, 10.0) .set(self.ids.address_bg, ui_widgets); for event in TextBox::new(&self.server_address) .w_h(580.0 / 2.0, 60.0 / 2.0) .mid_bottom_with_margin_on(self.ids.address_bg, 44.0 / 2.0) .font_size(20) .font_id(self.font_opensans) .text_color(TEXT_COLOR) // transparent background .color(TRANSPARENT) .border_color(TRANSPARENT) .set(self.ids.address_field, ui_widgets) { match event { TextBoxEvent::Update(server_address) => { self.server_address = server_address.to_string(); } TextBoxEvent::Enter => { login!(); } } } // Login button // Change button text and remove hover/press images if a connection is in progress if let Some(start) = self.connecting { Button::image(self.imgs.login_button) .w_h(258.0, 68.0) .down_from(self.ids.address_bg, 20.0) .align_middle_x_of(self.ids.address_bg) .label("Connecting...") .label_color({ let pulse = ((start.elapsed().as_millis() as f32 * 0.008).sin() + 1.0) / 2.0; Color::Rgba( * (pulse / 2.0 + 0.5), * (pulse / 2.0 + 0.5), * (pulse / 2.0 + 0.5), pulse / 4.0 + 0.75, ) }) .label_font_size(24) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(5.0)) .set(self.ids.login_button, ui_widgets); } else { if Button::image(self.imgs.login_button) .hover_image(self.imgs.login_button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.login_button_press) .w_h(258.0, 68.0) .down_from(self.ids.address_bg, 20.0) .align_middle_x_of(self.ids.address_bg) .label("Login") .label_color(TEXT_COLOR) .label_font_size(24) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(5.0)) .set(self.ids.login_button, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() { login!(); } }; // Singleplayer button if Button::image(self.imgs.login_button) .hover_image(self.imgs.login_button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.login_button_press) .w_h(258.0, 68.0) .down_from(self.ids.login_button, 20.0) .align_middle_x_of(self.ids.address_bg) .label("Singleplayer") .label_color(TEXT_COLOR) .label_font_size(26) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(5.0)) .label_x(Relative::Scalar(2.0)) .set(self.ids.singleplayer_button, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() { login!(); } // Quit if Button::image(self.imgs.button) .w_h(203.0, 53.0) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(ui_widgets.window, 60.0, 30.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.button_press) .label("Quit") .label_color(TEXT_COLOR) .label_font_size(20) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(3.0)) .set(self.ids.quit_button, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::Quit); }; // Settings if Button::image(self.imgs.button) .w_h(203.0, 53.0) .up_from(self.ids.quit_button, 8.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.button_press) .label("Settings") .label_color(TEXT_COLOR) .label_font_size(20) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(3.0)) .set(self.ids.settings_button, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() {}; // Servers if Button::image(self.imgs.button) .w_h(203.0, 53.0) .up_from(self.ids.settings_button, 8.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.button_press) .label("Servers") .label_color(TEXT_COLOR) .label_font_size(20) .label_y(Relative::Scalar(3.0)) .set(self.ids.servers_button, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() {}; events } pub fn login_error(&mut self, msg: String) { self.login_error = Some(msg); self.connecting = None; } pub fn connected(&mut self) { self.connecting = None; } pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: ui::Event) { self.ui.handle_event(event); } pub fn maintain(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer) -> Vec { let events = self.update_layout(); self.ui.maintain(renderer); events } pub fn render(&self, renderer: &mut Renderer) { self.ui.render(renderer); } }