use vek::*; use common::vol::ReadVol; use crate::render::{ mesh::{Mesh, Quad}, Pipeline, }; /// Given volume, position, and cardinal directions, compute each vertex's AO value. /// `dirs` should be a slice of length 5 so that the sliding window of size 2 over the slice /// yields each vertex' adjacent positions. fn get_ao_quad( vol: &V, pos: Vec3, shift: Vec3, dirs: &[Vec3], darknesses: &[[[f32; 3]; 3]; 3], is_opaque: impl Fn(&V::Vox) -> bool, ) -> Vec4<(f32, f32)> { .map(|offs| { let (s1, s2) = ( vol.get(pos + shift + offs[0]) .map(&is_opaque) .unwrap_or(false), vol.get(pos + shift + offs[1]) .map(&is_opaque) .unwrap_or(false), ); let mut darkness = 0.0; for x in 0..2 { for y in 0..2 { let dark_pos = shift + offs[0] * x + offs[1] * y + 1; darkness += darknesses[dark_pos.x as usize][dark_pos.y as usize] [dark_pos.z as usize] / 4.0; } } ( darkness, if s1 && s2 { 0.0 } else { let corner = vol .get(pos + shift + offs[0] + offs[1]) .map(&is_opaque) .unwrap_or(false); // Map both 1 and 2 neighbors to 0.5 occlusion. if s1 || s2 || corner { 0.5 } else { 1.0 } }, ) }) .collect::>() } // Utility function fn create_quad, Vec3, Rgb, f32, f32) -> P::Vertex>( origin: Vec3, unit_x: Vec3, unit_y: Vec3, norm: Vec3, col: Rgb, darkness_ao: Vec4<(f32, f32)>, vcons: &F, ) -> Quad

{ let darkness =|e| e.0); let ao =|e| e.1); let ao_map =|e| 0.05 + e.powf(1.6) * 0.95); if ao[0].min(ao[2]) < ao[1].min(ao[3]) { Quad::new( vcons(origin + unit_y, norm, col, darkness[3], ao_map[3]), vcons(origin, norm, col, darkness[0], ao_map[0]), vcons(origin + unit_x, norm, col, darkness[1], ao_map[1]), vcons(origin + unit_x + unit_y, norm, col, darkness[2], ao_map[2]), ) } else { Quad::new( vcons(origin, norm, col, darkness[0], ao_map[0]), vcons(origin + unit_x, norm, col, darkness[1], ao_map[1]), vcons(origin + unit_x + unit_y, norm, col, darkness[2], ao_map[2]), vcons(origin + unit_y, norm, col, darkness[3], ao_map[3]), ) } } pub fn push_vox_verts( mesh: &mut Mesh

, vol: &V, pos: Vec3, offs: Vec3, col: Rgb, vcons: impl Fn(Vec3, Vec3, Rgb, f32, f32) -> P::Vertex, error_makes_face: bool, darknesses: &[[[f32; 3]; 3]; 3], should_add: impl Fn(&V::Vox) -> bool, is_opaque: impl Fn(&V::Vox) -> bool, ) { let (x, y, z) = (Vec3::unit_x(), Vec3::unit_y(), Vec3::unit_z()); // -x if vol .get(pos - Vec3::unit_x()) .map(|v| should_add(v)) .unwrap_or(error_makes_face) { mesh.push_quad(create_quad( offs, Vec3::unit_z(), Vec3::unit_y(), -Vec3::unit_x(), col, get_ao_quad( vol, pos, -Vec3::unit_x(), &[-z, -y, z, y, -z], darknesses, &is_opaque, ), &vcons, )); } // +x if vol .get(pos + Vec3::unit_x()) .map(|v| should_add(v)) .unwrap_or(error_makes_face) { mesh.push_quad(create_quad( offs + Vec3::unit_x(), Vec3::unit_y(), Vec3::unit_z(), Vec3::unit_x(), col, get_ao_quad( vol, pos, Vec3::unit_x(), &[-y, -z, y, z, -y], darknesses, &is_opaque, ), &vcons, )); } // -y if vol .get(pos - Vec3::unit_y()) .map(|v| should_add(v)) .unwrap_or(error_makes_face) { mesh.push_quad(create_quad( offs, Vec3::unit_x(), Vec3::unit_z(), -Vec3::unit_y(), col, get_ao_quad( vol, pos, -Vec3::unit_y(), &[-x, -z, x, z, -x], darknesses, &is_opaque, ), &vcons, )); } // +y if vol .get(pos + Vec3::unit_y()) .map(|v| should_add(v)) .unwrap_or(error_makes_face) { mesh.push_quad(create_quad( offs + Vec3::unit_y(), Vec3::unit_z(), Vec3::unit_x(), Vec3::unit_y(), col, get_ao_quad( vol, pos, Vec3::unit_y(), &[-z, -x, z, x, -z], darknesses, &is_opaque, ), &vcons, )); } // -z if vol .get(pos - Vec3::unit_z()) .map(|v| should_add(v)) .unwrap_or(error_makes_face) { mesh.push_quad(create_quad( offs, Vec3::unit_y(), Vec3::unit_x(), -Vec3::unit_z(), col, get_ao_quad( vol, pos, -Vec3::unit_z(), &[-y, -x, y, x, -y], darknesses, &is_opaque, ), &vcons, )); } // +z if vol .get(pos + Vec3::unit_z()) .map(|v| should_add(v)) .unwrap_or(error_makes_face) { mesh.push_quad(create_quad( offs + Vec3::unit_z(), Vec3::unit_x(), Vec3::unit_y(), Vec3::unit_z(), col, get_ao_quad( vol, pos, Vec3::unit_z(), &[-x, -y, x, y, -x], darknesses, &is_opaque, ), &vcons, )); } }