# unittests: # extends: .recompile-branch # stage: build # image: registry.gitlab.com/veloren/veloren-docker-ci/cache/quality:${CACHE_IMAGE_TAG} # variables: # GIT_DEPTH: 9999999999999 # script: # - ln -s /dockercache/target target # - rm -r target/debug/incremental/veloren_* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly # - cargo test --package veloren-i18n --lib test_all_localizations -- --nocapture --ignored # - rm -r target/debug/incremental* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly # - cargo test # retry: # max: 2 benchmarks: extends: .post-merge stage: build image: registry.gitlab.com/veloren/veloren-docker-ci/cache/bench:${CACHE_IMAGE_TAG} tags: - veloren-benchmark script: - unset DISABLE_GIT_LFS_CHECK - ln -s /dockercache/target target - ls -la target/* - rm -r target/debug/incremental/veloren_* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly - rm -r target/release/incremental/veloren_* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly - rm -r target/debug/incremental/* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly - rm -r target/release/incremental/* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly - cargo bench || exit 0 #temp fix - TAGUUID="Z$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 16 | head -n 1)" || echo "ignore this returncode, dont ask me why, it works" - echo $TAGUUID - echo 'SET veloren.timestamp = "'"$(git show --no-patch --no-notes --pretty='%cd' HEAD)"'";' > upload.sql - echo "SET veloren.branch = \$${TAGUUID}\$${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}\$${TAGUUID}\$;" >> upload.sql - echo "SET veloren.sha = \$${TAGUUID}\$${CI_COMMIT_SHA}\$${TAGUUID}\$;" >> upload.sql - find target/criterion -wholename "*new/*.csv" -exec echo '\copy benchmarks ("group", "function", "value", throughput_num, throughput_type, sample_measured_value, unit, iteration_count) from '"'{}' csv header" >> upload.sql \; - cat upload.sql - PGPASSWORD="${CIDBPASSWORD}" PGSSLROOTCERT="./.gitlab/ci-db.crt" psql "sslmode=verify-ca host=auth.veloren.net dbname=benchmarks" -U bsdrftsejrhdrjhgd -f upload.sql; retry: max: 2 # Coverage is needed on master for the README.md badge to work # tmp remove simd as it doesnt work with tarpaulin: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/77529 coverage: extends: .post-merge stage: build image: registry.gitlab.com/veloren/veloren-docker-ci/cache/tarpaulin:${CACHE_IMAGE_TAG} script: - ln -s /dockercache/target target - rm -r target/debug/incremental/veloren_* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly - find ./* -name "Cargo.toml" -exec sed -i 's/, "simd"]/]/g' {} \; - find ./* -name "Cargo.toml" -exec sed -i 's/"simd"]/]/g' {} \; - sed -i 's/vek /#vek /g' ./Cargo.toml; - cargo tarpaulin -v -- --test-threads=2 retry: max: 2 #linux, windows, macos builds here as template .tlinux: image: registry.gitlab.com/veloren/veloren-docker-ci/cache/release-linux:${CACHE_IMAGE_TAG} script: - ln -s /dockercache/target target - rm -r target/release/incremental/veloren_* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly - VELOREN_USERDATA_STRATEGY=executable cargo build --release - cp -r target/release/veloren-server-cli $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp -r target/release/veloren-voxygen $CI_PROJECT_DIR artifacts: paths: - veloren-server-cli - veloren-voxygen - assets/ - LICENSE expire_in: 1 week .twindows: image: registry.gitlab.com/veloren/veloren-docker-ci/cache/release-windows:${CACHE_IMAGE_TAG} script: - update-alternatives --set x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix - update-alternatives --set x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix - ln -s /dockercache/target target - rm -r target/release/incremental/veloren_* || echo "all good" # TMP FIX FOR 2021-03-22-nightly - VELOREN_USERDATA_STRATEGY=executable cargo build --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu --release - cp -r target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/release/veloren-server-cli.exe $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp -r target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/release/veloren-voxygen.exe $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3-posix/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3-posix/libstdc++-6.dll $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/libwinpthread-1.dll $CI_PROJECT_DIR artifacts: paths: - veloren-server-cli.exe - veloren-voxygen.exe - assets/ - LICENSE - libgcc_s_seh-1.dll - libstdc++-6.dll - libwinpthread-1.dll expire_in: 1 week .tmacos: tags: ["veloren-macos"] before_script: - source $HOME/.cargo/env - cargo --version - export DISABLE_GIT_LFS_CHECK=true - export VELOREN_ASSETS="$(pwd)/assets" - echo "VELOREN_ASSETS=$VELOREN_ASSETS" - export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings" script: - export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.13" - VELOREN_USERDATA_STRATEGY=executable cargo build --release - cp -r target/release/veloren-server-cli $CI_PROJECT_DIR - cp -r target/release/veloren-voxygen $CI_PROJECT_DIR artifacts: paths: - veloren-server-cli - veloren-voxygen - assets/ - LICENSE expire_in: 1 week # e.g. post merge and scheduled builds .tmacos-master-cache: cache: key: "macos-master-cache" paths: - target/ # e.g. optional builds from MRs .tmacos-mr-cache: cache: key: "macos-mr-cache" paths: - target/ # build on release or master linux: extends: - .tlinux - .release windows: extends: - .twindows - .release macos: extends: - .tmacos - .release - .tmacos-master-cache # build on schedule quickfix till airshipper 0.5 air-linux: extends: - .tlinux - .release-nightly-tmp-fix-airshipper air-windows: extends: - .twindows - .release-nightly-tmp-fix-airshipper air-macos: extends: - .tmacos - .release-nightly-tmp-fix-airshipper - .tmacos-master-cache # if NOT release or master, allow optional builds opt-linux: extends: - .tlinux - .optional-release opt-windows: extends: - .twindows - .optional-release opt-macos: extends: - .tmacos - .optional-release - .tmacos-mr-cache