use super::{ img_ids::{Imgs, ImgsRot}, Show, QUALITY_COMMON, QUALITY_DEBUG, QUALITY_EPIC, QUALITY_HIGH, QUALITY_LOW, QUALITY_MODERATE, TEXT_BG, TEXT_BLUE_COLOR, TEXT_COLOR, TEXT_GRAY_COLOR, TEXT_VELORITE, UI_HIGHLIGHT_0, UI_MAIN, }; use crate::{ session::settings_change::{Interface as InterfaceChange, Interface::*}, ui::{fonts::Fonts, img_ids, ImageFrame, Tooltip, TooltipManager, Tooltipable}, GlobalState, }; use client::{self, Client, SiteInfoRich}; use common::{comp, comp::group::Role, terrain::TerrainChunkSize, trade::Good, vol::RectVolSize}; use common_net::msg::world_msg::{PoiKind, SiteId, SiteKind}; use conrod_core::{ color, position, widget::{self, Button, Image, Rectangle, Text}, widget_ids, Color, Colorable, Labelable, Positionable, Sizeable, Widget, WidgetCommon, }; use i18n::Localization; use specs::{saveload::MarkerAllocator, WorldExt}; use vek::*; widget_ids! { struct Ids { frame, bg, icon, close, title, map_align, qlog_align, location_name, indicator, indicator_overlay, map_layers[], map_title, qlog_title, zoom_slider, mmap_site_icons[], mmap_poi_icons[], mmap_poi_title_bgs[], mmap_poi_titles[], peaks_txt, peaks_txt_bg, site_difs[], member_indicators[], member_height_indicators[], location_marker, map_settings_align, show_towns_img, show_towns_box, show_towns_text, show_castles_img, show_castles_box, show_castles_text, show_dungeons_img, show_dungeons_box, show_dungeons_text, show_caves_img, show_caves_box, show_caves_text, show_trees_img, show_trees_box, show_trees_text, show_peaks_img, show_peaks_box, show_peaks_text, show_voxel_map_img, show_voxel_map_box, show_voxel_map_text, show_difficulty_img, show_difficulty_box, show_difficulty_text, recenter_button, drag_txt, drag_ico, zoom_txt, zoom_ico, waypoint_ico, waypoint_txt, map_mode_btn, map_mode_overlay, minimap_mode_btn, minimap_mode_overlay, } } const SHOW_ECONOMY: bool = false; // turn this display off (for 0.9) until we have an improved look #[derive(WidgetCommon)] pub struct Map<'a> { show: &'a Show, client: &'a Client, world_map: &'a (Vec, Vec2), imgs: &'a Imgs, fonts: &'a Fonts, #[conrod(common_builder)] common: widget::CommonBuilder, _pulse: f32, localized_strings: &'a Localization, global_state: &'a GlobalState, rot_imgs: &'a ImgsRot, tooltip_manager: &'a mut TooltipManager, location_marker: Option>, } impl<'a> Map<'a> { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 pub fn new( show: &'a Show, client: &'a Client, imgs: &'a Imgs, rot_imgs: &'a ImgsRot, world_map: &'a (Vec, Vec2), fonts: &'a Fonts, pulse: f32, localized_strings: &'a Localization, global_state: &'a GlobalState, tooltip_manager: &'a mut TooltipManager, location_marker: Option>, ) -> Self { Self { show, imgs, rot_imgs, world_map, client, fonts, common: widget::CommonBuilder::default(), _pulse: pulse, localized_strings, global_state, tooltip_manager, location_marker, } } } pub struct State { ids: Ids, } pub enum Event { SettingsChange(InterfaceChange), Close, RequestSiteInfo(SiteId), SetLocationMarker(Vec2), ToggleMarker, } fn get_site_economy(site_rich: &SiteInfoRich) -> String { if SHOW_ECONOMY { let site = &; if let Some(economy) = &site_rich.economy { use common::trade::Good::{Armor, Coin, Food, Ingredients, Potions, Tools}; let mut result = format!("\n\nPopulation {:?}", economy.population); result += "\nStock"; for i in [Food, Potions, Ingredients, Coin, Tools, Armor].iter() { result += &format!("\n {:?}={:.3}", *i, *economy.stock.get(i).unwrap_or(&0.0)); } result += "\nPrice"; for i in [Food, Potions, Ingredients, Coin, Tools, Armor].iter() { result += &format!("\n {:?}={:.3}", *i, *economy.values.get(i).unwrap_or(&0.0)); } let mut trade_sorted: Vec<(&Good, &f32)> = economy.last_exports.iter().collect(); trade_sorted.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.1.partial_cmp(b.1).unwrap()); if trade_sorted.first().is_some() { result += &format!("\nTrade {:.1} ", *(trade_sorted.first().unwrap().1)); for i in trade_sorted.iter().filter(|x| *x.1 != 0.0) { result += &format!("{:?} ", i.0); } result += &format!("{:.3}", *(trade_sorted.last().unwrap().1)); } result } else { format!("\nloading economy for\n{:?}", } } else { "".into() } } impl<'a> Widget for Map<'a> { type Event = Vec; type State = State; type Style = (); fn init_state(&self, id_gen: widget::id::Generator) -> Self::State { State { ids: Ids::new(id_gen), } } fn style(&self) -> Self::Style {} fn update(self, args: widget::UpdateArgs) -> Self::Event { common_base::prof_span!("Map::update"); let widget::UpdateArgs { state, ui, .. } = args; let zoom = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_zoom; let show_difficulty = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_difficulty; let show_towns = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_towns; let show_dungeons = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_dungeons; let show_castles = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_castles; let show_caves = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_caves; let show_trees = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_trees; let show_peaks = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_peaks; let show_voxel_map = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_voxel_map; let show_topo_map = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_show_topo_map; let mut events = Vec::new(); let i18n = &self.localized_strings; // Tooltips let site_tooltip = Tooltip::new({ // Edge images [t, b, r, l] // Corner images [tr, tl, br, bl] let edge = &self.rot_imgs.tt_side; let corner = &self.rot_imgs.tt_corner; ImageFrame::new( [edge.cw180, edge.none, edge.cw270, edge.cw90], [corner.none, corner.cw270, corner.cw90, corner.cw180], Color::Rgba(0.08, 0.07, 0.04, 1.0), 5.0, ) }) .title_font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(15)) .parent(ui.window) .desc_font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(12)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .desc_text_color(TEXT_COLOR); // Frame Image::new(self.imgs.map_bg) .w_h(1202.0, 886.0) .mid_top_with_margin_on(ui.window, 5.0) .color(Some(UI_MAIN)) .set(, ui); Image::new(self.imgs.map_frame) .w_h(1202.0, 886.0) .middle_of( .color(Some(UI_HIGHLIGHT_0)) .set(state.ids.frame, ui); // Map Content Alignment Rectangle::fill_with([814.0, 834.0], color::TRANSPARENT) .top_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.frame, 46.0, 240.0) .set(state.ids.map_align, ui); // Questlog Content Alignment Rectangle::fill_with([232.0, 814.0], color::TRANSPARENT) .top_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.frame, 44.0, 2.0) .set(state.ids.qlog_align, ui); // Icon Image::new(self.imgs.map_icon) .w_h(30.0, 30.0) .top_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.frame, 6.0, 8.0) .set(state.ids.icon, ui); // Map Title Text::new(i18n.get("")) .mid_top_with_margin_on(state.ids.frame, 3.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(29)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.map_title, ui); // Questlog Title Text::new(i18n.get("")) .mid_top_with_margin_on(state.ids.qlog_align, 6.0) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(21)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.qlog_title, ui); // Location Name /*match self.client.current_chunk() { Some(chunk) => Text::new(chunk.meta().name()) .mid_top_with_margin_on(, 55.0) .font_size(self.fonts.alkhemi.scale(60)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .font_id(self.fonts.alkhemi.conrod_id) .parent(state.ids.frame) .set(state.ids.location_name, ui), None => Text::new(" ") .mid_top_with_margin_on(, 3.0) .font_size(self.fonts.alkhemi.scale(40)) .font_id(self.fonts.alkhemi.conrod_id) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.location_name, ui), }*/ // Map Layers // It is assumed that there is at least one layer if state.ids.map_layers.len() < self.world_map.0.len() { state.update(|state| { state .ids .map_layers .resize(self.world_map.0.len(), &mut ui.widget_id_generator()) }); } // Map Size let worldsize = self.world_map.1; // Coordinates let player_pos = self .client .state() .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(self.client.entity()) .map_or(Vec3::zero(), |pos| pos.0); let max_zoom = worldsize .reduce_partial_max() as f64/*.min(f64::MAX)*/; let map_size = Vec2::new(760.0, 760.0); let w_src = max_zoom / zoom; let h_src = max_zoom / zoom; // player pos from -1 to 1 let relative_player_pos = player_pos.xy() / (TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE * worldsize).map(|x| x as f32) * 2.0 - 1.0; let min_drag = (|x| x as f64) / 2.0 - 1.0) * map_size; let max_drag = (|x| x as f64) / 2.0 + 1.0) * map_size; // Handle dragging let drag = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_drag; let dragged: Vec2 = ui .widget_input(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .drags() .left() .map(|drag| Vec2::::from(drag.delta_xy)) .sum(); // Drag represents offset of view from the player_pos in chunk coords let drag_new = (drag + dragged / map_size / zoom * max_zoom).clamped(min_drag, max_drag); if drag_new != drag { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapDrag(drag_new))); } let rect_src = position::Rect::from_xy_dim( [ (player_pos.x as f64 / TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64) - drag.x, (worldsize.y as f64 - (player_pos.y as f64 / TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.y as f64)) + drag.y, ], [w_src, h_src], ); // Handle Location Marking if let Some(click) = ui .widget_input(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .clicks() .middle() .next() { events.push(Event::SetLocationMarker( (Vec2::::from(click.xy) / map_size / zoom * max_zoom - drag) .map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz| e as f32 * sz as f32) + player_pos, )); events.push(Event::ToggleMarker); } // X-Button if Button::image(self.imgs.close_button) .w_h(24.0, 25.0) .hover_image(self.imgs.close_btn_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.close_btn_press) .top_right_with_margins_on(state.ids.frame, 0.0, 0.0) .set(state.ids.close, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::Close); } // Map Layer Images for (index, layer) in self.world_map.0.iter().enumerate() { if index == 0 { Button::image(layer.none) .mid_top_with_margin_on(state.ids.map_align, 10.0) .w_h(map_size.x, map_size.y) .parent( .source_rectangle(rect_src) .set(state.ids.map_layers[index], ui); } else if show_topo_map { Button::image(layer.none) .mid_top_with_margin_on(state.ids.map_align, 10.0) .w_h(map_size.x, map_size.y) .parent( .source_rectangle(rect_src) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .set(state.ids.map_layers[index], ui); } } // Handle zooming with the mousewheel let scrolled: f64 = ui .widget_input(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .scrolls() .map(|scroll| scroll.y) .sum(); if scrolled != 0.0 { let new_zoom_lvl: f64 = (f64::log2(zoom) - scrolled * 0.03) .exp2() .clamped(1.0, max_zoom / 64.0); events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapZoom(new_zoom_lvl))); let drag = self.global_state.settings.interface.map_drag; let cursor_mouse_pos = ui .widget_input(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .mouse() .map(|mouse| mouse.rel_xy()); if let Some(cursor_pos) = cursor_mouse_pos { // First we calc the new zoomed rect. Then we find out its mid. // The diff between both mids is the new drag. let w_src2 = max_zoom / new_zoom_lvl; let h_src2 = max_zoom / new_zoom_lvl; // range -0.5 to 0.5 let relative_mouse_pos = Vec2::from_slice(&cursor_pos) / map_size; let drag_new = (drag + relative_mouse_pos * Vec2::new(w_src2 - w_src, h_src2 - h_src)) .clamped(min_drag, max_drag); if drag_new != drag { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapDrag(drag_new))); } } } // Icon settings // Alignment Rectangle::fill_with([150.0, 200.0], color::TRANSPARENT) .top_right_with_margins_on(state.ids.frame, 55.0, 10.0) .set(state.ids.map_settings_align, ui); // Checkboxes // Show difficulties Image::new(self.imgs.map_dif_6) .top_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.map_settings_align, 5.0, 5.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_difficulty_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_difficulty { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_difficulty { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_difficulty { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_difficulty_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_difficulty_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowDifficulty(!show_difficulty))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_difficulty_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_difficulty_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_difficulty_text, ui); // Towns Image::new(self.imgs.mmap_site_town) .down_from(state.ids.show_difficulty_img, 10.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_towns_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_towns { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_towns { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_towns { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_towns_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_towns_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowTowns(!show_towns))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_towns_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_towns_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_towns_text, ui); // Castles Image::new(self.imgs.mmap_site_castle) .down_from(state.ids.show_towns_img, 10.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_castles_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_castles { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_castles { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_castles { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_castles_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_castles_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowCastles(!show_castles))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_castles_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_castles_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_castles_text, ui); // Dungeons Image::new(self.imgs.mmap_site_dungeon) .down_from(state.ids.show_castles_img, 10.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_dungeons_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_dungeons { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_dungeons { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_dungeons { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_dungeons_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_dungeons_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowDungeons(!show_dungeons))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_dungeons_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_dungeons_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_dungeons_text, ui); // Caves Image::new(self.imgs.mmap_site_cave) .down_from(state.ids.show_dungeons_img, 10.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_caves_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_caves { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_caves { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_caves { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_caves_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_caves_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowCaves(!show_caves))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_caves_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_caves_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_caves_text, ui); // Trees Image::new(self.imgs.mmap_site_tree) .down_from(state.ids.show_caves_img, 10.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_trees_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_trees { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_trees { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_trees { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_trees_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_trees_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowTrees(!show_trees))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_trees_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_trees_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_trees_text, ui); // Peaks Image::new(self.imgs.mmap_poi_peak) .down_from(state.ids.show_trees_img, 10.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_peaks_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_peaks { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_peaks { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_peaks { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_peaks_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_peaks_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowPeaks(!show_peaks))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_peaks_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_peaks_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_peaks_text, ui); // Voxel map (TODO: enable this once Pfau approves the final UI, and once // there's a non-placeholder graphic for the checkbox) const EXPOSE_VOXEL_MAP_TOGGLE_IN_UI: bool = false; if EXPOSE_VOXEL_MAP_TOGGLE_IN_UI { Image::new(self.imgs.mmap_poi_peak) .down_from(state.ids.show_peaks_img, 10.0) .w_h(20.0, 20.0) .set(state.ids.show_voxel_map_img, ui); if Button::image(if show_voxel_map { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox }) .w_h(18.0, 18.0) .hover_image(if show_voxel_map { self.imgs.checkbox_checked_mo } else { self.imgs.checkbox_mo }) .press_image(if show_voxel_map { self.imgs.checkbox_checked } else { self.imgs.checkbox_press }) .right_from(state.ids.show_voxel_map_img, 10.0) .set(state.ids.show_voxel_map_box, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowVoxelMap(!show_voxel_map))); } Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.show_voxel_map_box, 10.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.show_voxel_map_box) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.show_voxel_map_text, ui); } // Map icons if state.ids.mmap_poi_icons.len() < self.client.pois().len() { state.update(|state| { state .ids .mmap_poi_icons .resize(self.client.pois().len(), &mut ui.widget_id_generator()) }); state.update(|state| { state .ids .mmap_poi_titles .resize(self.client.pois().len(), &mut ui.widget_id_generator()) }); state.update(|state| { state .ids .mmap_poi_title_bgs .resize(self.client.pois().len(), &mut ui.widget_id_generator()) }); } if state.ids.mmap_site_icons.len() < self.client.sites().len() { state.update(|state| { state .ids .mmap_site_icons .resize(self.client.sites().len(), &mut ui.widget_id_generator()) }); } if state.ids.site_difs.len() < self.client.sites().len() { state.update(|state| { state .ids .site_difs .resize(self.client.sites().len(), &mut ui.widget_id_generator()) }); } let wpos_to_rpos = |wpos: Vec2| { // Site pos in world coordinates relative to the player let rwpos = wpos - player_pos; // Convert to chunk coordinates let rcpos = rwpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz| e / sz as f32) // Add map dragging +|e| e as f32); // Convert to fractional coordinates relative to the worldsize let rfpos = rcpos / max_zoom as f32; // Convert to relative pixel coordinates from the center of the map // Accounting for zooming let rpos = rfpos.map2(map_size, |e, sz| e * sz as f32 * zoom as f32); if rpos .map2(map_size, |e, sz| e.abs() > sz as f32 / 2.0) .reduce_or() { None } else { Some(rpos) } }; for (i, site_rich) in self.client.sites().values().enumerate() { let site = &; let rpos = match wpos_to_rpos(|e| e as f32)) { Some(rpos) => rpos, None => continue, }; let rside = zoom * 6.0; let title =|| match &site.kind { SiteKind::Town => i18n.get(""), SiteKind::Dungeon { .. } => i18n.get(""), SiteKind::Castle => i18n.get(""), SiteKind::Cave => i18n.get(""), SiteKind::Tree => i18n.get(""), }); let (difficulty, desc) = match &site.kind { SiteKind::Town => (None, i18n.get("").to_string()), SiteKind::Dungeon { difficulty } => ( Some(*difficulty), i18n.get("") .replace("{difficulty}", (difficulty + 1).to_string().as_str()), ), SiteKind::Castle => (None, i18n.get("").to_string()), SiteKind::Cave => (None, i18n.get("").to_string()), SiteKind::Tree => (None, i18n.get("").to_string()), }; let desc = desc + &get_site_economy(site_rich); let site_btn = Button::image(match &site.kind { SiteKind::Town => self.imgs.mmap_site_town, SiteKind::Dungeon { .. } => self.imgs.mmap_site_dungeon, SiteKind::Castle => self.imgs.mmap_site_castle, SiteKind::Cave => self.imgs.mmap_site_cave, SiteKind::Tree => self.imgs.mmap_site_tree, }) .x_y_position_relative_to( state.ids.map_layers[0], position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.x as f64), position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.y as f64), ) .w_h(rside * 1.2, rside * 1.2) .hover_image(match &site.kind { SiteKind::Town => self.imgs.mmap_site_town_hover, SiteKind::Dungeon { .. } => self.imgs.mmap_site_dungeon_hover, SiteKind::Castle => self.imgs.mmap_site_castle_hover, SiteKind::Cave => self.imgs.mmap_site_cave_hover, SiteKind::Tree => self.imgs.mmap_site_tree_hover, }) .image_color(UI_HIGHLIGHT_0) .with_tooltip( self.tooltip_manager, title, &desc, &site_tooltip, match &site.kind { SiteKind::Town => TEXT_COLOR, SiteKind::Castle => TEXT_COLOR, SiteKind::Dungeon { .. } => match difficulty { Some(0) => QUALITY_LOW, Some(1) => QUALITY_COMMON, Some(2) => QUALITY_MODERATE, Some(3) => QUALITY_HIGH, Some(4) => QUALITY_EPIC, Some(5) => QUALITY_DEBUG, _ => TEXT_COLOR, }, SiteKind::Cave => TEXT_COLOR, SiteKind::Tree => TEXT_COLOR, }, ); // Only display sites that are toggled on let show_site = match &site.kind { SiteKind::Town => show_towns, SiteKind::Dungeon { .. } => show_dungeons, SiteKind::Castle => show_castles, SiteKind::Cave => show_caves, SiteKind::Tree => show_trees, }; if show_site { let tooltip_visible = site_btn.set_ext(state.ids.mmap_site_icons[i], ui).1; if SHOW_ECONOMY && tooltip_visible && site_rich.economy.is_none() { events.push(Event::RequestSiteInfo(; } } // Difficulty from 0-6 // 0 = towns and places without a difficulty level if show_difficulty { let rsize = zoom * 1.8; // Size factor for difficulty indicators let dif_img = Image::new(match difficulty { Some(0) => self.imgs.map_dif_1, Some(1) => self.imgs.map_dif_2, Some(2) => self.imgs.map_dif_3, Some(3) => self.imgs.map_dif_4, Some(4) => self.imgs.map_dif_5, Some(5) => self.imgs.map_dif_6, Some(_) => self.imgs.map_dif_unknown, None => self.imgs.nothing, }) .mid_top_with_margin_on(state.ids.mmap_site_icons[i], match difficulty { Some(0 | 1) => -1.0 * rsize, Some(_) => -2.0 * rsize, _ => -1.0 * rsize, }) .w(match difficulty { Some(0) => 1.0 * rsize, Some(1 | 2 | 5) => 2.0 * rsize, Some(_) => 3.0 * rsize, _ => 1.0 * rsize, }) .h(match difficulty { Some(0 | 1) => 1.0 * rsize, Some(_) => 2.0 * rsize, _ => 1.0 * rsize, }) .color(Some(match difficulty { Some(0) => QUALITY_LOW, Some(1) => QUALITY_COMMON, Some(2) => QUALITY_MODERATE, Some(3) => QUALITY_HIGH, Some(4) => QUALITY_EPIC, Some(5) => QUALITY_DEBUG, _ => TEXT_COLOR, })); match &site.kind { SiteKind::Town => { if show_towns { dif_img.set(state.ids.site_difs[i], ui) } }, SiteKind::Dungeon { .. } => { if show_dungeons { dif_img.set(state.ids.site_difs[i], ui) } }, SiteKind::Castle => { if show_castles { dif_img.set(state.ids.site_difs[i], ui) } }, SiteKind::Cave => { if show_caves { dif_img.set(state.ids.site_difs[i], ui) } }, SiteKind::Tree => { if show_trees { dif_img.set(state.ids.site_difs[i], ui) } }, } } } for (i, poi) in self.client.pois().iter().enumerate() { let rpos = match wpos_to_rpos(|e| e as f32)) { Some(rpos) => rpos, None => continue, }; let title = &; match poi.kind { PoiKind::Peak(alt) => { let height = format!("{} m", alt); if show_peaks && zoom > 3.0 { Text::new(title) .x_y_position_relative_to( state.ids.map_layers[0], position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.x as f64), position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.y as f64 + zoom * 3.0), ) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale((zoom * 2.0) as u32)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_BG) .set(state.ids.mmap_poi_title_bgs[i], ui); Text::new(title) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.mmap_poi_title_bgs[i], 1.0, 1.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale((zoom * 2.0) as u32)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) //.graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.mmap_poi_titles[i], ui); // Show peak altitude if ui .widget_input(state.ids.mmap_poi_titles[i]) .mouse() .map_or(false, |m| m.is_over()) { Text::new(&height) .mid_bottom_with_margin_on( state.ids.mmap_poi_title_bgs[i], -zoom * 2.5, ) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale((zoom * 2.0) as u32)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_BG) .set(state.ids.peaks_txt_bg, ui); Text::new(&height) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.peaks_txt_bg, 1.0, 1.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale((zoom * 2.0) as u32)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.peaks_txt, ui); } } }, PoiKind::Lake(size) => { if zoom.powi(2) * size as f64 > 37.0 { let font_scale_factor = if size > 20 { size as f64 / 25.0 } else if size > 10 { size as f64 / 10.0 } else if size > 5 { size as f64 / 6.0 } else { size as f64 / 2.5 }; Text::new(&title.to_string()) .x_y_position_relative_to( state.ids.map_layers[0], position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.x as f64), position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.y as f64), ) .font_size( self.fonts.cyri.scale( (2.0 + font_scale_factor * zoom).min(18.0).max(10.0) as u32, ), ) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_BLUE_COLOR) .set(state.ids.mmap_poi_icons[i], ui); } }, } } // Group member indicators let client_state = self.client.state(); let stats = client_state.ecs().read_storage::(); let member_pos = client_state.ecs().read_storage::(); let group_members = self .client .group_members() .iter() .filter_map(|(u, r)| match r { Role::Member => Some(u), Role::Pet => None, }) .collect::>(); let group_size = group_members.len(); //let in_group = !group_members.is_empty(); let uid_allocator = client_state .ecs() .read_resource::(); if state.ids.member_indicators.len() < group_size { state.update(|s| { s.ids .member_indicators .resize(group_size, &mut ui.widget_id_generator()) }) }; for (i, &uid) in group_members.iter().copied().enumerate() { let entity = uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(uid.into()); let member_pos = entity.and_then(|entity| member_pos.get(entity)); let stats = entity.and_then(|entity| stats.get(entity)); let name = if let Some(stats) = stats { } else { "".to_string() }; if let Some(member_pos) = member_pos { let rpos = match wpos_to_rpos(member_pos.0.xy().map(|e| e as f32)) { Some(rpos) => rpos, None => continue, }; let factor = 1.2; let z_comparison = (member_pos.0.z - player_pos.z) as i32; Button::image(match z_comparison { 10..=i32::MAX => self.imgs.indicator_group_up, i32::MIN..=-10 => self.imgs.indicator_group_down, _ => self.imgs.indicator_group, }) .x_y_position_relative_to( state.ids.map_layers[0], position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.x as f64), position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.y as f64), ) .w_h(20.0 * factor, 20.0 * factor) .floating(true) .with_tooltip(self.tooltip_manager, &name, "", &site_tooltip, TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.member_indicators[i], ui); } } // Location marker if { if let Some((lm, rpos)) = self .location_marker .and_then(|lm| Some(lm).zip(wpos_to_rpos(lm))) { let factor = 1.4; if Button::image(self.imgs.location_marker) .x_y_position_relative_to( state.ids.map_layers[0], position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.x as f64), position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.y as f64 + 10.0 * factor), ) .w_h(20.0 * factor, 20.0 * factor) .floating(true) .with_tooltip( self.tooltip_manager, i18n.get(""), &format!( "X: {}, Y: {}\n\n{}", lm.x as i32, lm.y as i32, i18n.get("") ), &site_tooltip, TEXT_VELORITE, ) .set(state.ids.location_marker, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::ToggleMarker); } } } // Cursor pos relative to playerpos and widget size // Cursor stops moving on an axis as soon as it's position exceeds the maximum // // size of the widget // Offset from map center due to dragging let rcpos =|e| e as f32); // Convert to fractional coordinates relative to the worldsize let rfpos = rcpos / max_zoom as f32; // Convert to relative pixel coordinates from the center of the map // Accounting for zooming let rpos = rfpos.map2(map_size, |e, sz| e * sz as f32 * zoom as f32); // Don't show if outside or near the edge of the map let arrow_sz = { let scale = 0.5; Vec2::new(36.0, 37.0) * scale }; // Hide if icon could go off of the edge of the map let arrow_mag =|e| e as f32 / 2.0).magnitude(); if !rpos .map2(map_size, |e, sz| e.abs() + arrow_mag > sz as f32 / 2.0) .reduce_or() { Image::new(self.rot_imgs.indicator_mmap_small.target_north) .x_y_position_relative_to( state.ids.map_layers[0], position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.x as f64), position::Relative::Scalar(rpos.y as f64), ) .w_h(arrow_sz.x, arrow_sz.y) .color(Some(UI_HIGHLIGHT_0)) .set(state.ids.indicator, ui); } // Info about controls let icon_size = Vec2::new(25.6, 28.8); let recenter: bool = drag.x != 0.0 || drag.y != 0.0; if Button::image(self.imgs.button) .w_h(92.0, icon_size.y) .mid_bottom_with_margin_on(state.ids.map_layers[0], -36.0) .hover_image(if recenter { self.imgs.button_hover } else { self.imgs.button }) .press_image(if recenter { self.imgs.button_press } else { self.imgs.button }) .label(i18n.get("")) .label_y(conrod_core::position::Relative::Scalar(1.0)) .label_color(if recenter { TEXT_COLOR } else { TEXT_GRAY_COLOR }) .image_color(if recenter { TEXT_COLOR } else { TEXT_GRAY_COLOR }) .label_font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(12)) .label_font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .set(state.ids.recenter_button, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapDrag(Vec2::zero()))); }; Image::new(self.imgs.m_move_ico) .bottom_left_with_margins_on(state.ids.map_layers[0], -36.0, 0.0) .w_h(icon_size.x, icon_size.y) .color(Some(UI_HIGHLIGHT_0)) .set(state.ids.drag_ico, ui); Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.drag_ico, 5.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.drag_txt, ui); Image::new(self.imgs.m_scroll_ico) .right_from(state.ids.drag_txt, 5.0) .w_h(icon_size.x, icon_size.y) .color(Some(UI_HIGHLIGHT_0)) .set(state.ids.zoom_ico, ui); Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.zoom_ico, 5.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.zoom_txt, ui); Image::new(self.imgs.m_click_ico) .right_from(state.ids.zoom_txt, 5.0) .w_h(icon_size.x, icon_size.y) .color(Some(UI_HIGHLIGHT_0)) .set(state.ids.waypoint_ico, ui); Text::new(i18n.get("")) .right_from(state.ids.waypoint_ico, 5.0) .font_size(self.fonts.cyri.scale(14)) .font_id(self.fonts.cyri.conrod_id) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_layers[0]) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(state.ids.waypoint_txt, ui); // Show topographic map if Button::image(self.imgs.button) .w_h(92.0, icon_size.y) .hover_image(self.imgs.button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.button_press) .bottom_right_with_margins_on(state.ids.map_layers[0], -36.0, 0.0) .with_tooltip( self.tooltip_manager, i18n.get(""), "", &site_tooltip, TEXT_COLOR, ) .set(state.ids.map_mode_btn, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowTopoMap(!show_topo_map))); }; Button::image(self.imgs.map_mode_overlay) .w_h(92.0, icon_size.y) .graphics_for(state.ids.map_mode_btn) .middle_of(state.ids.map_mode_btn) .set(state.ids.map_mode_overlay, ui); // Render voxel view on minimap if Button::image(self.imgs.button) .w_h(92.0, icon_size.y) .hover_image(self.imgs.button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.button_press) .left_from(state.ids.map_mode_btn, 5.0) .with_tooltip( self.tooltip_manager, i18n.get(""), i18n.get(""), &site_tooltip, TEXT_COLOR, ) .set(state.ids.minimap_mode_btn, ui) .was_clicked() { events.push(Event::SettingsChange(MapShowVoxelMap(!show_voxel_map))); }; Button::image(self.imgs.minimap_mode_overlay) .w_h(92.0, icon_size.y) .graphics_for(state.ids.minimap_mode_btn) .middle_of(state.ids.minimap_mode_btn) .set(state.ids.minimap_mode_overlay, ui); events } }