hud-trade-trade_window = Trade hud-trade-phase1_description = Drag the items you want to trade into the corresponding area. hud-trade-phase2_description = The trade is now locked to give you time to review it. hud-trade-phase3_description = Trade is being processed. hud-trade-persons_offer = Offer from { $playername } hud-trade-has_accepted = { $playername } has accepted hud-trade-accept = Accept hud-trade-decline = Decline hud-trade-invite_sent = Trade request sent to { $playername }. hud-trade-result-completed = Trade completed successfully. hud-trade-result-declined = Trade declined. hud-trade-result-nospace = Not enough space to complete the trade. hud-trade-buy_price = Buy Price hud-trade-sell_price = Sell Price hud-trade-coin = coin(s) hud-trade-tooltip_hint_1 = hud-trade-tooltip_hint_2 = hud-trade-your_offer = Your offer hud-trade-their_offer = Their offer hud-trade-amount_input = Select an item