use common::comp::item::{ armor::{Armor, ArmorKind, Protection}, tool::{Hands, StatKind, Stats, Tool, ToolKind}, Item, ItemDesc, ItemKind, MaterialStatManifest, ModularComponent, }; use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt::Write}; pub fn loadout_slot_text<'a>( item: Option<&'a impl ItemDesc>, mut empty: impl FnMut() -> (&'a str, &'a str), msm: &'a MaterialStatManifest, ) -> (&'a str, Cow<'a, str>) { item.map_or_else( || { let (title, desc) = empty(); (title, Cow::Borrowed(desc)) }, |item| item_text(item, msm), ) } pub fn item_text<'a>( item: &'a impl ItemDesc, msm: &'a MaterialStatManifest, ) -> (&'a str, Cow<'a, str>) { let desc: Cow = match item.kind() { ItemKind::Armor(armor) => { Cow::Owned(armor_desc(armor, item.description(), item.num_slots())) }, ItemKind::Tool(tool) => Cow::Owned(tool_desc( &tool, item.components(), &msm, item.description(), )), ItemKind::ModularComponent(mc) => Cow::Owned(modular_component_desc( mc, item.components(), &msm, item.description(), )), ItemKind::Glider(_glider) => Cow::Owned(glider_desc(item.description())), ItemKind::Consumable { .. } => Cow::Owned(consumable_desc(item.description())), ItemKind::Throwable { .. } => Cow::Owned(throwable_desc(item.description())), ItemKind::Utility { .. } => Cow::Owned(utility_desc(item.description())), ItemKind::Ingredient { .. } => Cow::Owned(ingredient_desc( item.description(), item.item_definition_id(), msm, )), ItemKind::Lantern { .. } => Cow::Owned(lantern_desc(item.description())), ItemKind::TagExamples { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(item.description()), //_ => Cow::Borrowed(item.description()), }; (, desc) } // TODO: localization fn modular_component_desc( mc: &ModularComponent, components: &[Item], msm: &MaterialStatManifest, description: &str, ) -> String { let stats = StatKind::Direct(mc.stats).resolve_stats(msm, components); let statblock = statblock_desc(&stats); let mut result = format!("Modular Component\n\n{}\n\n{}", statblock, description); if !components.is_empty() { result += "\n\nMade from:\n"; for component in components { result +=; result += "\n" } result += "\n"; } result } fn glider_desc(desc: &str) -> String { format!("Glider\n\n{}\n\n", desc) } fn consumable_desc(desc: &str) -> String { format!("Consumable\n\n{}\n\n", desc) } fn throwable_desc(desc: &str) -> String { format!("Can be thrown\n\n{}\n\n", desc) } fn utility_desc(desc: &str) -> String { format!("{}\n\n", desc) } fn ingredient_desc(desc: &str, item_id: &str, msm: &MaterialStatManifest) -> String { let mut result = format!("Crafting Ingredient\n\n{}", desc); if let Some(stats) = msm.0.get(item_id) { result += "\n\nStat multipliers:\n"; result += &statblock_desc(stats); } result } fn lantern_desc(desc: &str) -> String { format!("Lantern\n\n{}\n\n", desc) } fn armor_desc(armor: &Armor, desc: &str, slots: u16) -> String { // TODO: localization let kind = match armor.kind { ArmorKind::Shoulder(_) => "Shoulders", ArmorKind::Chest(_) => "Chest", ArmorKind::Belt(_) => "Belt", ArmorKind::Hand(_) => "Hands", ArmorKind::Pants(_) => "Legs", ArmorKind::Foot(_) => "Feet", ArmorKind::Back(_) => "Back", ArmorKind::Ring(_) => "Ring", ArmorKind::Neck(_) => "Neck", ArmorKind::Head(_) => "Head", ArmorKind::Tabard(_) => "Tabard", ArmorKind::Bag(_) => "Bag", }; let armor_protection = match armor.get_protection() { Protection::Normal(a) => a.to_string(), Protection::Invincible => "Inf".to_string(), }; //let armor_poise_resilience = match armor.get_poise_resilience() { // Protection::Normal(a) => a.to_string(), // Protection::Invincible => "Inf".to_string(), //}; let mut description = format!( "{}\n\nArmor: {}", //"{}\n\nArmor: {}\n\nPoise Resilience: {}", kind, armor_protection, /* armor_poise_resilience // Add back when we are ready for poise */ ); if !desc.is_empty() { write!(&mut description, "\n\n{}", desc).unwrap(); } if slots > 0 { write!(&mut description, "\n\nSlots: {}", slots).unwrap(); } write!(&mut description, "\n\n").unwrap(); description } fn tool_desc(tool: &Tool, components: &[Item], msm: &MaterialStatManifest, desc: &str) -> String { let kind = match tool.kind { ToolKind::Sword => "Sword", ToolKind::Axe => "Axe", ToolKind::Hammer => "Hammer", ToolKind::Bow => "Bow", ToolKind::Dagger => "Dagger", ToolKind::Staff => "Staff", ToolKind::Sceptre => "Sceptre", ToolKind::Shield => "Shield", ToolKind::Spear => "Spear", ToolKind::Unique(_) => "Unique", ToolKind::Debug => "Debug", ToolKind::Farming => "Farming Tool", ToolKind::Empty => "Empty", }; // Get tool stats let stats = tool.stats.resolve_stats(msm, components).clamp_speed(); //let poise_strength = tool.base_poise_strength(); let hands = match tool.hands { Hands::One => "One", Hands::Two => "Two", }; let mut result = format!("{}-Handed {}\n\n", hands, kind); result += &statblock_desc(&stats); if !components.is_empty() { result += "Made from:\n"; for component in components { result +=; result += "\n" } result += "\n"; } if !desc.is_empty() { result += &format!("{}\n\n", desc); } result += ""; result } fn statblock_desc(stats: &Stats) -> String { format!( "DPS: {:0.1}\n\nPower: {:0.1}\n\nSpeed: {:0.1}\n\n", // add back when ready for poise //"{}\n\nDPS: {:0.1}\n\nPower: {:0.1}\n\nPoise Strength: {:0.1}\n\nSpeed: \ // {:0.1}\n\n{}\n\n", stats.speed * stats.power * 10.0, // Damage per second stats.power * 10.0, //stats.poise_strength * 10.0, stats.speed ) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_glider_desc() { let item_description = "mushrooms"; assert_eq!( "Glider\n\nmushrooms\n\n", glider_desc(item_description) ); } #[test] fn test_consumable_desc() { let item_description = "mushrooms"; assert_eq!( "Consumable\n\nmushrooms\n\n", consumable_desc(item_description) ); } #[test] fn test_throwable_desc() { let item_description = "mushrooms"; assert_eq!( "Can be thrown\n\nmushrooms\n\n", throwable_desc(item_description) ); } #[test] fn test_utility_desc() { let item_description = "mushrooms"; assert_eq!( "mushrooms\n\n", utility_desc(item_description) ); } #[test] fn test_ingredient_desc() { let mut testmsm = MaterialStatManifest(hashbrown::HashMap::new()); testmsm.0.insert( "common.items.crafting_ing.bronze_ingot".to_string(), Stats { equip_time_millis: 0, power: 3.0, poise_strength: 5.0, speed: 7.0, }, ); assert_eq!( "Crafting Ingredient\n\nmushrooms", ingredient_desc("mushrooms", "", &testmsm) ); assert_eq!( "Crafting Ingredient\n\nA bronze ingot.\n\nStat multipliers:\nDPS: 210.0\n\nPower: \ 30.0\n\nSpeed: 7.0\n\n", ingredient_desc( "A bronze ingot.", "common.items.crafting_ing.bronze_ingot", &testmsm ) ); } #[test] fn test_lantern_desc() { let item_description = "mushrooms"; assert_eq!( "Lantern\n\nmushrooms\n\n", lantern_desc(item_description) ); } }