mod bag; mod buttons; mod character_window; mod chat; mod esc_menu; mod img_ids; mod map; mod minimap; mod settings_window; mod skillbar; mod small_window; use bag::Bag; use buttons::Buttons; use character_window::CharacterWindow; use chat::Chat; use esc_menu::EscMenu; use img_ids::Imgs; use map::Map; use minimap::MiniMap; use settings_window::SettingsWindow; use skillbar::Skillbar; use small_window::{SmallWindow, SmallWindowType}; use crate::{ render::{Consts, Globals, Renderer}, settings::{ControlSettings, Settings}, ui::{Ingame, Ingameable, ScaleMode, Ui}, window::{Event as WinEvent, Key, Window}, GlobalState, }; use client::Client; use common::comp; use conrod_core::{ color, graph, widget::{self, Button, Image, Rectangle, Text}, widget_ids, Color, Colorable, Labelable, Positionable, Sizeable, Widget, }; use specs::Join; use std::collections::VecDeque; use vek::*; const XP_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.59, 0.41, 0.67, 1.0); const TEXT_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); const HP_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.33, 0.63, 0.0, 1.0); const MANA_COLOR: Color = Color::Rgba(0.42, 0.41, 0.66, 1.0); widget_ids! { struct Ids { // Character Names ingame_elements[], // Test temp, bag_space_add, // Debug debug_bg, fps_counter, ping, // Game Version version, // Help help, help_bg, // Window Frames window_frame_0, window_frame_1, window_frame_2, window_frame_3, window_frame_4, window_frame_5, // Contents button_help2, // External chat, map, character_window, minimap, bag, skillbar, buttons, esc_menu, small_window, settings_window, } } font_ids! { pub struct Fonts { opensans: "voxygen/font/OpenSans-Regular.ttf", metamorph: "voxygen/font/Metamorphous-Regular.ttf", } } pub struct DebugInfo { pub tps: f64, pub ping_ms: f64, } pub enum Event { SendMessage(String), AdjustViewDistance(u32), AdjustVolume(f32), ChangeAudioDevice(String), Logout, Quit, } // TODO: Are these the possible layouts we want? // TODO: Maybe replace this with bitflags. // `map` is not here because it currently is displayed over the top of other open windows. #[derive(PartialEq)] pub enum Windows { Settings, // Display settings window. CharacterAnd(Option), // Show character window + optionally another. Small(SmallWindowType), None, } pub struct Show { ui: bool, help: bool, debug: bool, bag: bool, esc_menu: bool, open_windows: Windows, map: bool, inventory_test_button: bool, mini_map: bool, want_grab: bool, } impl Show { fn toggle_bag(&mut self) { self.bag = !self.bag; self.want_grab = !self.bag; } fn toggle_map(&mut self) { = !; self.bag = false; self.want_grab = !; } fn toggle_mini_map(&mut self) { self.mini_map = !self.mini_map; } fn toggle_small(&mut self, target: SmallWindowType) { self.open_windows = match self.open_windows { Windows::Small(small) if small == target => Windows::None, Windows::None | Windows::Small(_) => Windows::Small(target), Windows::CharacterAnd(small) => match small { Some(small) if small == target => Windows::CharacterAnd(None), _ => Windows::CharacterAnd(Some(target)), }, Windows::Settings => Windows::Settings, }; } fn toggle_char_window(&mut self) { self.open_windows = match self.open_windows { Windows::CharacterAnd(small) => match small { Some(small) => Windows::Small(small), None => Windows::None, }, Windows::Small(small) => Windows::CharacterAnd(Some(small)), Windows::None => Windows::CharacterAnd(None), Windows::Settings => Windows::Settings, } } fn toggle_settings(&mut self) { self.open_windows = match self.open_windows { Windows::Settings => Windows::None, _ => Windows::Settings, }; self.bag = false; self.want_grab = self.open_windows != Windows::Settings; } fn toggle_help(&mut self) { = ! } fn toggle_ui(&mut self) { self.ui = !self.ui; } fn toggle_windows(&mut self) { if self.bag || self.esc_menu || || match self.open_windows { Windows::None => false, _ => true, } { self.bag = false; self.esc_menu = false; = false; self.open_windows = Windows::None; self.want_grab = true; } else { self.esc_menu = true; self.want_grab = false; } } } pub struct Hud { ui: Ui, ids: Ids, imgs: Imgs, fonts: Fonts, new_messages: VecDeque, inventory_space: u32, show: Show, to_focus: Option>, force_ungrab: bool, } impl Hud { pub fn new(window: &mut Window) -> Self { let mut ui = Ui::new(window).unwrap(); // TODO: Adjust/remove this, right now it is used to demonstrate window scaling functionality. ui.scaling_mode(ScaleMode::RelativeToWindow([1920.0, 1080.0].into())); // Generate ids. let ids = Ids::new(ui.id_generator()); // Load images. let imgs = Imgs::load(&mut ui).expect("Failed to load images!"); // Load fonts. let fonts = Fonts::load(&mut ui).expect("Failed to load fonts!"); Self { ui, imgs, fonts, ids, new_messages: VecDeque::new(), inventory_space: 0, show: Show { help: false, debug: true, bag: false, esc_menu: false, open_windows: Windows::None, map: false, ui: true, inventory_test_button: false, mini_map: false, want_grab: true, }, to_focus: None, force_ungrab: false, } } fn update_layout(&mut self, client: &Client, global_state: &GlobalState, debug_info: DebugInfo) -> Vec { let mut events = Vec::new(); let ref mut ui_widgets = self.ui.set_widgets(); let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); // Don't show anything if the UI is toggled off. if ! { return events; } // Nametags and healthbars { let ecs = client.state().ecs(); let actor = ecs.read_storage::(); let pos = ecs.read_storage::(); let stats = ecs.read_storage::(); let entities = ecs.entities(); let player = client.entity(); let mut id_walker = self.ids.ingame_elements.walk(); for (pos, name) in (&entities, &pos, &actor) .join() .filter_map(|(entity, pos, actor)| match actor { comp::Actor::Character { name, .. } if entity != player => { Some((pos.0, name)) } _ => None, }) { let id = &mut self.ids.ingame_elements, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); Text::new(&name) .font_size(20) .color(Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) .x_y(0.0, 0.0) .position_ingame(pos + Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 3.0)) .resolution(100.0) .set(id, ui_widgets); } for (pos, hp) in (&entities, &pos, &stats) .join() .filter_map(|(entity, pos, stats)| { if entity != player { Some((pos.0, stats.hp)) } else { None } }) { let id = &mut self.ids.ingame_elements, &mut ui_widgets.widget_id_generator(), ); ( // Healh Bar Rectangle::fill_with([120.0, 8.0], Color::Rgba(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)) .x_y(0.0, -25.0), // Filling Rectangle::fill_with( [120.0 * (hp.current as f64 / hp.maximum as f64), 8.0], HP_COLOR, ) .x_y(0.0, -25.0), ) .position_ingame(pos + Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 3.0)) .resolution(100.0) .set(id, ui_widgets); } } // test Text::new("Squarefection") .font_size(20) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans) .x_y(0.0, 0.0) .position_ingame([0.0, 25.0, 25.0].into()) .resolution(40.0) .set(self.ids.temp, ui_widgets); // Display debug window. if { // Alpha Version Text::new(version) .top_left_with_margins_on(ui_widgets.window, 5.0, 5.0) .font_size(14) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .set(self.ids.version, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("FPS: {:.1}", debug_info.tps)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.version, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans) .font_size(14) .set(self.ids.fps_counter, ui_widgets); Text::new(&format!("Ping: {:.1}ms", debug_info.ping_ms)) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .down_from(self.ids.fps_counter, 5.0) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans) .font_size(14) .set(, ui_widgets); } // Add Bag-Space Button. if { if Button::image(self.imgs.grid_button) .w_h(100.0, 100.0) .middle_of(ui_widgets.window) .label("1 Up!") .label_font_size(20) .hover_image(self.imgs.grid_button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.grid_button_press) .set(self.ids.bag_space_add, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() { self.inventory_space += 1; }; } // Help Text if { Image::new(self.imgs.window_frame_2) .top_left_with_margins_on(ui_widgets.window, 3.0, 3.0) .w_h(300.0, 190.0) .set(self.ids.help_bg, ui_widgets); Text::new(get_help_text(&global_state.settings.controls).as_str()) .color(TEXT_COLOR) .top_left_with_margins_on(self.ids.help_bg, 20.0, 20.0) .font_id(self.fonts.opensans) .font_size(18) .set(, ui_widgets); // X-button if Button::image(self.imgs.close_button) .w_h(100.0 * 0.2, 100.0 * 0.2) .hover_image(self.imgs.close_button_hover) .press_image(self.imgs.close_button_press) .top_right_with_margins_on(self.ids.help_bg, 4.0, 4.0) .set(self.ids.button_help2, ui_widgets) .was_clicked() { = false; }; } // Bag button and nearby icons match Buttons::new( &,,, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, ) .set(self.ids.buttons, ui_widgets) { Some(buttons::Event::ToggleBag) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleSettings) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleCharacter) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleSmall(small)) =>, Some(buttons::Event::ToggleMap) =>, None => {} } // MiniMap match MiniMap::new(&, &self.imgs, &self.fonts).set(self.ids.minimap, ui_widgets) { Some(minimap::Event::Toggle) =>, None => {} } // Bag contents if { match Bag::new(self.inventory_space, &self.imgs, &self.fonts) .set(self.ids.bag, ui_widgets) { Some(bag::Event::Close) => = false, None => {} } } // Skillbar // Get player stats let stats = client .state() .ecs() .read_storage::() .get(client.entity()) .map(|&s| s) .unwrap_or_default(); Skillbar::new(&self.imgs, &self.fonts, stats).set(self.ids.skillbar, ui_widgets); // Chat box match Chat::new(&mut self.new_messages, &self.imgs, &self.fonts) .set(, ui_widgets) { Some(chat::Event::SendMessage(message)) => { events.push(Event::SendMessage(message)); } Some(chat::Event::Focus(focus_id)) => { self.to_focus = Some(Some(focus_id)); } None => {} } self.new_messages = VecDeque::new(); // Windows // Char Window will always appear at the left side. Other Windows default to the // left side, but when the Char Window is opened they will appear to the right of it. // Settings if let Windows::Settings = { for event in SettingsWindow::new(&, &self.imgs, &self.fonts, &global_state) .set(self.ids.settings_window, ui_widgets) { match event { settings_window::Event::ToggleHelp =>, settings_window::Event::ToggleInventoryTestButton => { = ! } settings_window::Event::ToggleDebug => = !, settings_window::Event::Close => = Windows::None, settings_window::Event::AdjustViewDistance(view_distance) => { events.push(Event::AdjustViewDistance(view_distance)); } settings_window::Event::AdjustVolume(volume) => { events.push(Event::AdjustVolume(volume)); } settings_window::Event::ChangeAudioDevice(name) => { events.push(Event::ChangeAudioDevice(name)); } } } } // Small Window if let Windows::Small(small) | Windows::CharacterAnd(Some(small)) = { match SmallWindow::new(small, &, &self.imgs, &self.fonts) .set(self.ids.small_window, ui_widgets) { Some(small_window::Event::Close) => { = match { Windows::Small(_) => Windows::None, Windows::CharacterAnd(_) => Windows::CharacterAnd(None), _ => Windows::Settings, } } None => {} } } // Character Window if let Windows::CharacterAnd(small) = { match CharacterWindow::new(&self.imgs, &self.fonts) .set(self.ids.character_window, ui_widgets) { Some(character_window::Event::Close) => { = match small { Some(small) => Windows::Small(small), None => Windows::None, } } None => {} } } // Map if { match Map::new(&self.imgs, &self.fonts).set(, ui_widgets) { Some(map::Event::Close) => = false, None => {} } } // Esc-menu if { match EscMenu::new(&self.imgs, &self.fonts).set(self.ids.esc_menu, ui_widgets) { Some(esc_menu::Event::OpenSettings) => { = false; = Windows::Settings; } Some(esc_menu::Event::Close) => = false, Some(esc_menu::Event::Logout) => events.push(Event::Logout), Some(esc_menu::Event::Quit) => events.push(Event::Quit), None => {} } } events } pub fn new_message(&mut self, msg: String) { self.new_messages.push_back(msg); } // Checks if a TextEdit widget has the keyboard captured. fn typing(&self) -> bool { if let Some(id) = self.ui.widget_capturing_keyboard() { self.ui .widget_graph() .widget(id) .filter(|c| { c.type_id == std::any::TypeId::of::<::State>() }) .is_some() } else { false } } pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: WinEvent, global_state: &mut GlobalState) -> bool { let cursor_grabbed = global_state.window.is_cursor_grabbed(); let handled = match event { WinEvent::Ui(event) => { if (self.typing() && event.is_keyboard() && || !(cursor_grabbed && event.is_keyboard_or_mouse()) { self.ui.handle_event(event); } true } WinEvent::KeyDown(Key::ToggleInterface) => {; true } WinEvent::KeyDown(Key::ToggleCursor) => { self.force_ungrab = !self.force_ungrab; if self.force_ungrab { global_state.window.grab_cursor(false); } true } _ if ! => false, WinEvent::Zoom(_) => !cursor_grabbed && !self.ui.no_widget_capturing_mouse(), WinEvent::KeyDown(Key::Enter) => { self.ui.focus_widget(if self.typing() { None } else { Some( }); true } WinEvent::KeyDown(Key::Escape) => { if self.typing() { self.ui.focus_widget(None); } else { // Close windows on esc; } true } WinEvent::KeyDown(key) if !self.typing() => match key { Key::Map => {; true } Key::Bag => {; true } Key::QuestLog => {; true } Key::CharacterWindow => {; true } Key::Social => {; true } Key::Spellbook => {; true } Key::Settings => {; true } Key::Help => {; true } Key::ToggleDebug => { = !; true } _ => false, }, WinEvent::KeyDown(key) | WinEvent::KeyUp(key) => match key { Key::ToggleCursor => false, _ => self.typing(), }, WinEvent::Char(_) => self.typing(), _ => false, }; // Handle cursor grab. if !self.force_ungrab { if cursor_grabbed != { global_state.window.grab_cursor(; } } handled } pub fn maintain( &mut self, client: &Client, global_state: &mut GlobalState, debug_info: DebugInfo, ) -> Vec { if let Some(maybe_id) = self.to_focus.take() { self.ui.focus_widget(maybe_id); } let events = self.update_layout(client, global_state, debug_info); self.ui.maintain(&mut global_state.window.renderer_mut()); events } pub fn render(&self, renderer: &mut Renderer, globals: &Consts) { self.ui.render(renderer, Some(globals)); } } // Get the text to show in the help window and use the // length of the longest line to resize the window. fn get_help_text(cs: &ControlSettings) -> String { format!( "{free_cursor:?} = Free cursor\n\ {escape:?} = Open/close menus\n\ \n\ {help:?} = Toggle this window\n\ {toggle_interface:?} = Toggle interface\n\ \n\ {chat:?} = Open chat\n\ Mouse Wheel = Scroll chat/zoom", free_cursor = cs.toggle_cursor, escape = cs.escape, help =, toggle_interface = cs.toggle_interface, chat = cs.enter ) }