#![allow(clippy::branches_sharing_code)] // TODO: evaluate use crate::rtsim::{Entity as RtSimData, RtSim}; use common::{ comp::{ self, agent::{ AgentEvent, Target, DEFAULT_INTERACTION_TIME, MAX_LISTEN_DIST, TRADE_INTERACTION_TIME, }, buff::{BuffKind, Buffs}, compass::{Direction, Distance}, dialogue::{MoodContext, MoodState, Subject}, group, inventory::{item::ItemTag, slot::EquipSlot}, invite::{InviteKind, InviteResponse}, item::{ tool::{AbilitySpec, ToolKind}, Item, ItemDesc, ItemKind, }, skills::{AxeSkill, BowSkill, HammerSkill, Skill, StaffSkill, SwordSkill}, Agent, Alignment, BehaviorCapability, BehaviorState, Body, CharacterAbility, CharacterState, ControlAction, ControlEvent, Controller, Energy, Health, HealthChange, InputKind, Inventory, InventoryAction, LightEmitter, MountState, Ori, PhysicsState, Pos, Scale, SkillSet, Stats, UnresolvedChatMsg, UtteranceKind, Vel, }, consts::GRAVITY, effect::{BuffEffect, Effect}, event::{Emitter, EventBus, ServerEvent}, path::TraversalConfig, resources::{DeltaTime, Time, TimeOfDay}, rtsim::{Memory, MemoryItem, RtSimEntity, RtSimEvent}, states::utils::StageSection, terrain::{Block, TerrainGrid}, time::DayPeriod, trade::{TradeAction, TradePhase, TradeResult}, uid::{Uid, UidAllocator}, util::Dir, vol::ReadVol, }; use common_base::prof_span; use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, ParMode, Phase, System}; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator; use specs::{ saveload::{Marker, MarkerAllocator}, shred::ResourceId, Entities, Entity as EcsEntity, Join, ParJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, SystemData, World, Write, WriteExpect, WriteStorage, }; use std::{f32::consts::PI, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use vek::*; struct AgentData<'a> { entity: &'a EcsEntity, rtsim_entity: Option<&'a RtSimData>, uid: &'a Uid, pos: &'a Pos, vel: &'a Vel, ori: &'a Ori, energy: &'a Energy, body: Option<&'a Body>, inventory: &'a Inventory, skill_set: &'a SkillSet, physics_state: &'a PhysicsState, alignment: Option<&'a Alignment>, traversal_config: TraversalConfig, scale: f32, flees: bool, damage: f32, light_emitter: Option<&'a LightEmitter>, glider_equipped: bool, is_gliding: bool, health: Option<&'a Health>, char_state: &'a CharacterState, cached_spatial_grid: &'a common::CachedSpatialGrid, } struct TargetData<'a> { pos: &'a Pos, body: Option<&'a Body>, scale: Option<&'a Scale>, } struct AttackData { min_attack_dist: f32, dist_sqrd: f32, angle: f32, } impl AttackData { fn in_min_range(&self) -> bool { self.dist_sqrd < self.min_attack_dist.powi(2) } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Tactic { Melee, Axe, Hammer, Sword, Bow, Staff, StoneGolem, CircleCharge { radius: u32, circle_time: u32 }, QuadLowRanged, TailSlap, QuadLowQuick, QuadLowBasic, QuadLowBeam, QuadMedJump, QuadMedBasic, Theropod, Turret, FixedTurret, RotatingTurret, RadialTurret, Mindflayer, BirdLargeBreathe, BirdLargeFire, BirdLargeBasic, Minotaur, ClayGolem, TidalWarrior, Yeti, Tornado, } #[derive(SystemData)] pub struct ReadData<'a> { entities: Entities<'a>, uid_allocator: Read<'a, UidAllocator>, dt: Read<'a, DeltaTime>, time: Read<'a, Time>, cached_spatial_grid: Read<'a, common::CachedSpatialGrid>, group_manager: Read<'a, group::GroupManager>, energies: ReadStorage<'a, Energy>, positions: ReadStorage<'a, Pos>, velocities: ReadStorage<'a, Vel>, orientations: ReadStorage<'a, Ori>, scales: ReadStorage<'a, Scale>, healths: ReadStorage<'a, Health>, inventories: ReadStorage<'a, Inventory>, stats: ReadStorage<'a, Stats>, skill_set: ReadStorage<'a, SkillSet>, physics_states: ReadStorage<'a, PhysicsState>, char_states: ReadStorage<'a, CharacterState>, uids: ReadStorage<'a, Uid>, groups: ReadStorage<'a, group::Group>, terrain: ReadExpect<'a, TerrainGrid>, alignments: ReadStorage<'a, Alignment>, bodies: ReadStorage<'a, Body>, mount_states: ReadStorage<'a, MountState>, time_of_day: Read<'a, TimeOfDay>, light_emitter: ReadStorage<'a, LightEmitter>, #[cfg(feature = "worldgen")] world: ReadExpect<'a, Arc>, rtsim_entities: ReadStorage<'a, RtSimEntity>, buffs: ReadStorage<'a, Buffs>, } // This is 3.1 to last longer than the last damage timer (3.0 seconds) const DAMAGE_MEMORY_DURATION: f64 = 3.1; const FLEE_DURATION: f32 = 3.0; const MAX_FOLLOW_DIST: f32 = 12.0; const MAX_PATH_DIST: f32 = 170.0; const PARTIAL_PATH_DIST: f32 = 50.0; const MAX_FLEE_DIST: f32 = 20.0; const SEARCH_DIST: f32 = 48.0; const SNEAK_COEFFICIENT: f32 = 0.25; const AVG_FOLLOW_DIST: f32 = 6.0; const RETARGETING_THRESHOLD_SECONDS: f64 = 10.0; const HEALING_ITEM_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.5; const DEFAULT_ATTACK_RANGE: f32 = 2.0; const AWARENESS_INVESTIGATE_THRESHOLD: f32 = 1.0; const AWARENESS_DECREMENT_CONSTANT: f32 = 0.07; const SECONDS_BEFORE_FORGET_SOUNDS: f64 = 180.0; /// This system will allow NPCs to modify their controller #[derive(Default)] pub struct Sys; impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type SystemData = ( ReadData<'a>, Write<'a, EventBus>, WriteStorage<'a, Agent>, WriteStorage<'a, Controller>, WriteExpect<'a, RtSim>, ); const NAME: &'static str = "agent"; const ORIGIN: Origin = Origin::Server; const PHASE: Phase = Phase::Create; #[allow(clippy::or_fun_call)] // TODO: Pending review in #587 fn run( job: &mut Job, (read_data, event_bus, mut agents, mut controllers, mut rtsim): Self::SystemData, ) { let rtsim = &mut *rtsim; job.cpu_stats.measure(ParMode::Rayon); ( &read_data.entities, (&read_data.energies, read_data.healths.maybe()), ( &read_data.positions, &read_data.velocities, &read_data.orientations, ), read_data.bodies.maybe(), &read_data.inventories, &read_data.skill_set, &read_data.physics_states, &read_data.uids, &mut agents, &mut controllers, read_data.light_emitter.maybe(), read_data.groups.maybe(), read_data.mount_states.maybe(), &read_data.char_states, ) .par_join() .filter(|(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, mount_state, _)| { // Skip mounted entities mount_state .map(|ms| *ms == MountState::Unmounted) .unwrap_or(true) }) .for_each_init( || { prof_span!(guard, "agent rayon job"); guard }, |_guard, ( entity, (energy, health), (pos, vel, ori), body, inventory, skill_set, physics_state, uid, agent, controller, light_emitter, groups, _, char_state, )| { //// Hack, replace with better system when groups are more sophisticated //// Override alignment if in a group unless entity is owned already let alignment = if !matches!( &read_data.alignments.get(entity), &Some(Alignment::Owned(_)) ) { groups .and_then(|g| read_data.group_manager.group_info(*g)) .and_then(|info| read_data.uids.get(info.leader)) .copied() .map(Alignment::Owned) .or(read_data.alignments.get(entity).copied()) } else { read_data.alignments.get(entity).copied() }; controller.reset(); let mut event_emitter = event_bus.emitter(); // Default to looking in orientation direction (can be overridden below) controller.inputs.look_dir = ori.look_dir(); let scale = read_data.scales.get(entity).map(|s| s.0).unwrap_or(1.0); let glider_equipped = inventory .equipped(EquipSlot::Glider) .as_ref() .map_or(false, |item| { matches!(item.kind(), comp::item::ItemKind::Glider(_)) }); let is_gliding = matches!( read_data.char_states.get(entity), Some(CharacterState::GlideWield) | Some(CharacterState::Glide(_)) ) && !physics_state.on_ground; if let Some(pid) = agent.position_pid_controller.as_mut() { pid.add_measurement(read_data.time.0, pos.0); } // This controls how picky NPCs are about their pathfinding. Giants are larger // and so can afford to be less precise when trying to move around // the world (especially since they would otherwise get stuck on // obstacles that smaller entities would not). let node_tolerance = scale * 1.5; let slow_factor = body.map(|b| b.base_accel() / 250.0).unwrap_or(0.0).min(1.0); let traversal_config = TraversalConfig { node_tolerance, slow_factor, on_ground: physics_state.on_ground, in_liquid: physics_state.in_liquid().is_some(), min_tgt_dist: 1.0, can_climb: body.map(|b| b.can_climb()).unwrap_or(false), can_fly: body.map(|b| b.fly_thrust().is_some()).unwrap_or(false), }; let flees = alignment .map(|a| !matches!(a, Alignment::Enemy | Alignment::Owned(_))) .unwrap_or(true); let damage = health.map_or(1.0, |h| h.current() as f32 / h.maximum() as f32); let rtsim_entity = read_data .rtsim_entities .get(entity) .and_then(|rtsim_ent| rtsim.get_entity(rtsim_ent.0)); if traversal_config.can_fly && rtsim_entity.is_some() { // hack (kinda): Never turn off flight for rtsim entities that can fly // at all, since it results in stuttering and falling back to the ground. controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); } // Package all this agent's data into a convenient struct let data = AgentData { entity: &entity, rtsim_entity, uid, pos, vel, ori, energy, body, inventory, skill_set, physics_state, alignment: alignment.as_ref(), traversal_config, scale, flees, damage, light_emitter, glider_equipped, is_gliding, health: read_data.healths.get(entity), char_state, cached_spatial_grid: &read_data.cached_spatial_grid, }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Behavior tree /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The behavior tree is meant to make decisions for agents // *but should not* mutate any data (only action nodes // should do that). Each path should lead to one (and only // one) action node. This makes bugfinding much easier and // debugging way easier. If you don't think so, try // debugging the agent code before this MR // (https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/-/merge_requests/1801). // Each tick should arrive at one (1) action node which // then determines what the agent does. If this makes you // uncomfortable, consider dt the response time of the // NPC. To make the tree easier to read, subtrees can be // created as methods on `AgentData`. Action nodes are // also methods on the `AgentData` struct. Action nodes // are the only parts of this tree that should provide // inputs. // If falling fast and can glide, save yourself! if data.glider_equipped && !data.physics_state.on_ground { // toggle glider when vertical velocity is above some threshold (here ~ // glider fall vertical speed) data.glider_fall(agent, controller, &read_data); } else if let Some(Target { target, hostile, .. }) = agent.target { if let Some(tgt_health) = read_data.healths.get(target) { // If the target is hostile (either based on alignment or if // the target just attacked if !tgt_health.is_dead { if hostile { data.hostile_tree( agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter, ); // Target is something worth following methinks } else if let Some(Alignment::Owned(_)) = data.alignment { if let Some(tgt_pos) = read_data.positions.get(target) { let dist_sqrd = pos.0.distance_squared(tgt_pos.0); // If really far away drop everything and follow if dist_sqrd > (2.0 * MAX_FOLLOW_DIST).powi(2) { agent.bearing = Vec2::zero(); data.follow( agent, controller, &read_data.terrain, tgt_pos, ); // Attack target's attacker } else if tgt_health.last_change.0 < 5.0 && tgt_health.last_change.1.amount < 0 { if let comp::HealthSource::Damage { by: Some(by), .. } = tgt_health.last_change.1.cause { if let Some(attacker) = read_data .uid_allocator .retrieve_entity_internal(by.id()) { if agent.target.is_none() { controller.push_event( ControlEvent::Utterance( UtteranceKind::Angry, ), ); } agent.target = Some(Target { target: attacker, hostile: true, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); if let Some(tgt_pos) = read_data.positions.get(attacker) { if should_stop_attacking( read_data.healths.get(attacker), read_data.buffs.get(attacker), ) { agent.target = Some(Target { target, hostile: false, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); data.idle( agent, controller, &read_data, ); } else { let target_data = TargetData { pos: tgt_pos, body: read_data .bodies .get(attacker), scale: read_data .scales .get(attacker), }; data.attack( agent, controller, &target_data, &read_data, ); } } } } // Follow owner if too far away and not // fighting } else if dist_sqrd > MAX_FOLLOW_DIST.powi(2) { data.follow( agent, controller, &read_data.terrain, tgt_pos, ); // Otherwise just idle } else { data.idle_tree( agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter, ); } } } else { data.idle_tree( agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter, ); } } else { agent.target = None; data.idle_tree(agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter); } } else { agent.target = None; data.idle_tree(agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter); } } else { // Target an entity that's attacking us if the attack was recent and we // have a health component match health { Some(health) if health.last_change.0 < DAMAGE_MEMORY_DURATION => { if let comp::HealthSource::Damage { by: Some(by), .. } = health.last_change.1.cause { if let Some(attacker) = read_data.uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(by.id()) { if let Some(tgt_pos) = read_data.positions.get(attacker) { // If the target is dead or in a safezone, remove the // target and idle. if should_stop_attacking( read_data.healths.get(attacker), read_data.buffs.get(attacker), ) { agent.target = None; data.idle_tree( agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter, ); } else { if agent.target.is_none() { controller.push_event(ControlEvent::Utterance( UtteranceKind::Angry, )); } agent.target = Some(Target { target: attacker, hostile: true, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); let target_data = TargetData { pos: tgt_pos, body: read_data.bodies.get(attacker), scale: read_data.scales.get(attacker), }; data.attack( agent, controller, &target_data, &read_data, ); // Remember this encounter if an RtSim entity if let Some(tgt_stats) = data .rtsim_entity .and_then(|_| read_data.stats.get(attacker)) { agent.rtsim_controller.events.push( RtSimEvent::AddMemory(Memory { item: MemoryItem::CharacterFight { name: tgt_stats.name.clone(), }, time_to_forget: read_data.time.0 + 300.0, }), ); } } } else { agent.target = None; data.idle_tree( agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter, ); } } } else { agent.target = None; data.idle_tree( agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter, ); } }, _ => { data.idle_tree(agent, controller, &read_data, &mut event_emitter); }, } } debug_assert!(controller.inputs.move_dir.map(|e| !e.is_nan()).reduce_and()); debug_assert!(controller.inputs.look_dir.map(|e| !e.is_nan()).reduce_and()); }, ); for (agent, rtsim_entity) in (&mut agents, &read_data.rtsim_entities).join() { // Entity must be loaded in as it has an agent component :) // React to all events in the controller for event in core::mem::take(&mut agent.rtsim_controller.events) { match event { RtSimEvent::AddMemory(memory) => { rtsim.insert_entity_memory(rtsim_entity.0, memory.clone()) }, RtSimEvent::SetMood(memory) => { rtsim.set_entity_mood(rtsim_entity.0, memory.clone()) }, _ => {}, } } } } } impl<'a> AgentData<'a> { //////////////////////////////////////// // Subtrees //////////////////////////////////////// fn idle_tree( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData, event_emitter: &mut Emitter<'_, ServerEvent>, ) { decrement_awareness(agent); forget_old_sounds(agent, read_data); // Set owner if no target if agent.target.is_none() && thread_rng().gen_bool(0.1) { if let Some(Alignment::Owned(owner)) = self.alignment { if let Some(owner) = read_data.uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(owner.id()) { agent.target = Some(Target { target: owner, hostile: false, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); } } } // Interact if incoming messages if !agent.inbox.is_empty() { if matches!( agent.inbox.front(), Some(AgentEvent::ServerSound(_)) | Some(AgentEvent::Hurt) ) { let sound = agent.inbox.pop_front(); match sound { Some(AgentEvent::ServerSound(sound)) => { agent.sounds_heard.push(sound); agent.awareness += sound.vol; }, Some(AgentEvent::Hurt) => { // Hurt utterances at random upon receiving damage if thread_rng().gen::() < 0.4 { controller.push_event(ControlEvent::Utterance(UtteranceKind::Hurt)); } }, //Note: this should be unreachable Some(_) | None => return, } } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.1; } } if agent.action_state.timer > 0.0 { if agent.action_state.timer < (if agent.behavior.is(BehaviorState::TRADING) { TRADE_INTERACTION_TIME } else { DEFAULT_INTERACTION_TIME }) { self.interact(agent, controller, &read_data, event_emitter); } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; agent.target = None; controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Stand); self.idle(agent, controller, &read_data); } } else if thread_rng().gen::() < 0.1 { self.choose_target(agent, controller, &read_data, event_emitter); } else if agent.awareness > AWARENESS_INVESTIGATE_THRESHOLD { self.handle_elevated_awareness(agent, controller, read_data); } else { self.idle(agent, controller, &read_data); } } fn hostile_tree( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData, event_emitter: &mut Emitter<'_, ServerEvent>, ) { if self.damage < HEALING_ITEM_THRESHOLD && self.heal_self(agent, controller) { agent.action_state.timer = 0.01; return; } if let Some(AgentEvent::Hurt) = agent.inbox.pop_front() { // Hurt utterances at random upon receiving damage if thread_rng().gen::() < 0.4 { controller.push_event(ControlEvent::Utterance(UtteranceKind::Hurt)); } } if let Some(Target { target, selected_at, .. }) = agent.target { if let Some(tgt_pos) = read_data.positions.get(target) { let dist_sqrd = self.pos.0.distance_squared(tgt_pos.0); // Should the agent flee? if 1.0 - agent.psyche.aggro > self.damage && self.flees { if agent.action_state.timer == 0.0 && agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { let msg = "npc.speech.villager_under_attack".to_string(); event_emitter .emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg))); agent.action_state.timer = 0.01; } else if agent.action_state.timer < FLEE_DURATION || dist_sqrd < MAX_FLEE_DIST { self.flee(agent, controller, &read_data.terrain, tgt_pos); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; agent.target = None; self.idle(agent, controller, &read_data); } // If not fleeing, attack the hostile entity! } else { // If the hostile entity is dead or has an invulnerability buff (eg, those // applied in safezones), return to idle if should_stop_attacking( read_data.healths.get(target), read_data.buffs.get(target), ) { if agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { let msg = "npc.speech.villager_enemy_killed".to_string(); event_emitter .emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg))); } agent.target = None; // Choose a new target every 10 seconds, but only for // enemies // TODO: This should be more principled. Consider factoring // health, combat rating, wielded weapon, etc, into the // decision to change target. } else if read_data.time.0 - selected_at > RETARGETING_THRESHOLD_SECONDS && matches!(self.alignment, Some(Alignment::Enemy)) { self.choose_target(agent, controller, &read_data, event_emitter); } else { // TODO Add utility for attacking vs leaving target alone let target_data = TargetData { pos: tgt_pos, body: read_data.bodies.get(target), scale: read_data.scales.get(target), }; self.attack(agent, controller, &target_data, &read_data); } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////// // Action Nodes //////////////////////////////////////// fn glider_fall(&self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData) { if self.vel.0.z < -26.0 { controller.actions.push(ControlAction::GlideWield); if let Some(Target { target, .. }) = agent.target { if let Some(tgt_pos) = read_data.positions.get(target) { controller.inputs.move_dir = (self.pos.0 - tgt_pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero); } } } } fn idle(&self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData) { // Light lanterns at night // TODO Add a method to turn on NPC lanterns underground let lantern_equipped = self .inventory .equipped(EquipSlot::Lantern) .as_ref() .map_or(false, |item| { matches!(item.kind(), comp::item::ItemKind::Lantern(_)) }); let lantern_turned_on = self.light_emitter.is_some(); let day_period = DayPeriod::from(read_data.time_of_day.0); // Only emit event for agents that have a lantern equipped if lantern_equipped && thread_rng().gen_bool(0.001) { if day_period.is_dark() && !lantern_turned_on { // Agents with turned off lanterns turn them on randomly once it's // nighttime and keep them on // Only emit event for agents that sill need to // turn on their lantern controller.events.push(ControlEvent::EnableLantern) } else if lantern_turned_on && day_period.is_light() { // agents with turned on lanterns turn them off randomly once it's // daytime and keep them off controller.events.push(ControlEvent::DisableLantern) } }; if self.damage < HEALING_ITEM_THRESHOLD && self.heal_self(agent, controller) { agent.action_state.timer = 0.01; return; } agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; if let Some((travel_to, _destination)) = &agent.rtsim_controller.travel_to { // if it has an rtsim destination and can fly then it should // if it is flying and bumps something above it then it should move down if self.traversal_config.can_fly && !read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 + (Vec3::unit_z() * 3.0)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::CancelInput(InputKind::Fly)) } if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, *travel_to, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed.min(agent.rtsim_controller.speed_factor); self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5 || self.traversal_config.can_fly); controller.inputs.climb = Some(comp::Climb::Up); //.filter(|_| bearing.z > 0.1 || self.physics_state.in_liquid().is_some()); let height_offset = bearing.z + if self.traversal_config.can_fly { // NOTE: costs 4 us (imbris) let obstacle_ahead = read_data .terrain .ray( self.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), self.pos.0 + bearing.try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec3::unit_y) * 80.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), ) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()); let mut ground_too_close = self .body .map(|body| { #[cfg(feature = "worldgen")] let height_approx = self.pos.0.z - read_data .world .sim() .get_alt_approx(self.pos.0.xy().map(|x: f32| x as i32)) .unwrap_or(0.0); #[cfg(not(feature = "worldgen"))] let height_approx = self.pos.0.z; height_approx < body.flying_height() }) .unwrap_or(false); const NUM_RAYS: usize = 5; // NOTE: costs 15-20 us (imbris) for i in 0..=NUM_RAYS { let magnitude = self.body.map_or(20.0, |b| b.flying_height()); // Lerp between a line straight ahead and straight down to detect a // wedge of obstacles we might fly into (inclusive so that both vectors // are sampled) if let Some(dir) = Lerp::lerp( -Vec3::unit_z(), Vec3::new(bearing.x, bearing.y, 0.0), i as f32 / NUM_RAYS as f32, ) .try_normalized() { ground_too_close |= read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 + magnitude * dir) .until(|b: &Block| b.is_solid() || b.is_liquid()) .cast() .1 .map_or(false, |b| b.is_some()) } } if obstacle_ahead || ground_too_close { 5.0 //fly up when approaching obstacles } else { -2.0 } //flying things should slowly come down from the stratosphere } else { 0.05 //normal land traveller offset }; if let Some(pid) = agent.position_pid_controller.as_mut() { pid.sp = self.pos.0.z + height_offset * Vec3::unit_z(); controller.inputs.move_z = pid.calc_err(); } else { controller.inputs.move_z = height_offset; } // Put away weapon if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.1) && matches!( read_data.char_states.get(*self.entity), Some(CharacterState::Wielding) ) { controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Unwield); } } } else { agent.bearing += Vec2::new( thread_rng().gen::() - 0.5, thread_rng().gen::() - 0.5, ) * 0.1 - agent.bearing * 0.003 - agent.patrol_origin.map_or(Vec2::zero(), |patrol_origin| { (self.pos.0 - patrol_origin).xy() * 0.0002 }); // Stop if we're too close to a wall // NOTE: costs 1 us (imbris) agent.bearing *= 0.1 + if read_data .terrain .ray( self.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), self.pos.0 + Vec3::from(agent.bearing) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec3::unit_y) * 5.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), ) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_none()) { 0.9 } else { 0.0 }; if agent.bearing.magnitude_squared() > 0.5f32.powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = agent.bearing * 0.65; } // Put away weapon if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.1) && matches!( read_data.char_states.get(*self.entity), Some(CharacterState::Wielding) ) { controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Unwield); } if thread_rng().gen::() < 0.0015 { controller.push_event(ControlEvent::Utterance(UtteranceKind::Calm)); } // Sit if thread_rng().gen::() < 0.0035 { controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Sit); } } } fn interact( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData, event_emitter: &mut Emitter<'_, ServerEvent>, ) { // TODO: Process group invites // TODO: Add Group AgentEvent // let accept = false; // set back to "matches!(alignment, Alignment::Npc)" // when we got better NPC recruitment mechanics if accept { // // Clear agent comp // //*agent = Agent::default(); // controller // .events // .push(ControlEvent::InviteResponse(InviteResponse::Accept)); // } else { // controller // .events // .push(ControlEvent::InviteResponse(InviteResponse::Decline)); // } agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; let msg = agent.inbox.pop_front(); match msg { Some(AgentEvent::Talk(by, subject)) => { if agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { if let Some(target) = read_data.uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(by.id()) { agent.target = Some(Target { target, hostile: false, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); if self.look_toward(controller, read_data, &target) { controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Stand); controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Talk); controller.push_event(ControlEvent::Utterance(UtteranceKind::Greeting)); match subject { Subject::Regular => { if let ( Some((_travel_to, destination_name)), Some(rtsim_entity), ) = (&agent.rtsim_controller.travel_to, &self.rtsim_entity) { let msg = if let Some(tgt_stats) = read_data.stats.get(target) { agent.rtsim_controller.events.push( RtSimEvent::AddMemory(Memory { item: MemoryItem::CharacterInteraction { name: tgt_stats.name.clone(), }, time_to_forget: read_data.time.0 + 600.0, }), ); if rtsim_entity .brain .remembers_character(&tgt_stats.name) { format!( "Greetings fair {}! It has been far too \ long since last I saw you. I'm going to \ {} right now.", &tgt_stats.name, destination_name ) } else { format!( "I'm heading to {}! Want to come along?", destination_name ) } } else { format!( "I'm heading to {}! Want to come along?", destination_name ) }; event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg), )); } else if agent.behavior.can_trade() { let msg = "npc.speech.merchant_advertisement".to_string(); event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg), )); } else { let msg = "npc.speech.villager".to_string(); event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg), )); } }, Subject::Trade => { if agent.behavior.can_trade() { if !agent.behavior.is(BehaviorState::TRADING) { controller.events.push(ControlEvent::InitiateInvite( by, InviteKind::Trade, )); let msg = "npc.speech.merchant_advertisement".to_string(); event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg), )); } else { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc( *self.uid, "npc.speech.merchant_busy".to_string(), ), )); } } else { // TODO: maybe make some travellers willing to trade with // simpler goods like potions event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc( *self.uid, "npc.speech.villager_decline_trade".to_string(), ), )); } }, Subject::Mood => { if let Some(rtsim_entity) = self.rtsim_entity { if !rtsim_entity.brain.remembers_mood() { // TODO: the following code will need a rework to // implement more mood contexts // This require that town NPCs becomes rtsim_entities to // work fully. match rand::random::() % 3 { 0 => agent.rtsim_controller.events.push( RtSimEvent::SetMood(Memory { item: MemoryItem::Mood { state: MoodState::Good( MoodContext::GoodWeather, ), }, time_to_forget: read_data.time.0 + 21200.0, }), ), 1 => agent.rtsim_controller.events.push( RtSimEvent::SetMood(Memory { item: MemoryItem::Mood { state: MoodState::Neutral( MoodContext::EverydayLife, ), }, time_to_forget: read_data.time.0 + 21200.0, }), ), 2 => agent.rtsim_controller.events.push( RtSimEvent::SetMood(Memory { item: MemoryItem::Mood { state: MoodState::Bad( MoodContext::GoodWeather, ), }, time_to_forget: read_data.time.0 + 86400.0, }), ), _ => {}, // will never happen } } if let Some(memory) = rtsim_entity.brain.get_mood() { let msg = match &memory.item { MemoryItem::Mood { state } => state.describe(), _ => "".to_string(), }; event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg), )); } } }, Subject::Location(location) => { if let Some(tgt_pos) = read_data.positions.get(target) { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc( *self.uid, format!( "{} ? I think it's {} {} from here!", location.name, Distance::from_dir( location.origin.as_::() - tgt_pos.0.xy() ) .name(), Direction::from_dir( location.origin.as_::() - tgt_pos.0.xy() ) .name() ), ), )); } }, Subject::Person(person) => { if let Some(src_pos) = read_data.positions.get(target) { let msg = if let Some(person_pos) = person.origin { let distance = Distance::from_dir( person_pos.xy() - src_pos.0.xy(), ); match distance { Distance::NextTo | Distance::Near => { format!( "{} ? I think he's {} {} from here!", person.name(), distance.name(), Direction::from_dir( person_pos.xy() - src_pos.0.xy(), ) .name() ) }, _ => { format!( "{} ? I think he's gone visiting another \ town. Come back later!", person.name() ) }, } } else { format!( "{} ? Sorry, I don't know where you can find him.", person.name() ) }; event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg), )); } }, Subject::Work => {}, } } } } }, Some(AgentEvent::TradeInvite(with)) => { if agent.behavior.can_trade() { if !agent.behavior.is(BehaviorState::TRADING) { // stand still and looking towards the trading player controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Stand); controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Talk); if let Some(target) = read_data.uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(with.id()) { agent.target = Some(Target { target, hostile: false, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); } controller .events .push(ControlEvent::InviteResponse(InviteResponse::Accept)); agent.behavior.unset(BehaviorState::TRADING_ISSUER); agent.behavior.set(BehaviorState::TRADING); } else { controller .events .push(ControlEvent::InviteResponse(InviteResponse::Decline)); if agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc( *self.uid, "npc.speech.merchant_busy".to_string(), ))); } } } else { // TODO: Provide a hint where to find the closest merchant? controller .events .push(ControlEvent::InviteResponse(InviteResponse::Decline)); if agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc( *self.uid, "npc.speech.villager_decline_trade".to_string(), ))); } } }, Some(AgentEvent::TradeAccepted(with)) => { if !agent.behavior.is(BehaviorState::TRADING) { if let Some(target) = read_data.uid_allocator.retrieve_entity_internal(with.id()) { agent.target = Some(Target { target, hostile: false, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); } agent.behavior.set(BehaviorState::TRADING); agent.behavior.set(BehaviorState::TRADING_ISSUER); } }, Some(AgentEvent::FinishedTrade(result)) => { if agent.behavior.is(BehaviorState::TRADING) { match result { TradeResult::Completed => { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc( *self.uid, "npc.speech.merchant_trade_successful".to_string(), ))) }, _ => event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc( *self.uid, "npc.speech.merchant_trade_declined".to_string(), ))), } agent.behavior.unset(BehaviorState::TRADING); } }, Some(AgentEvent::UpdatePendingTrade(boxval)) => { let (tradeid, pending, prices, inventories) = *boxval; if agent.behavior.is(BehaviorState::TRADING) { let who: usize = if agent.behavior.is(BehaviorState::TRADING_ISSUER) { 0 } else { 1 }; let balance0: f32 = prices.balance(&pending.offers, &inventories, 1 - who, true); let balance1: f32 = prices.balance(&pending.offers, &inventories, who, false); if balance0 >= balance1 { // If the trade is favourable to us, only send an accept message if we're // not already accepting (since otherwise, spamclicking the accept button // results in lagging and moving to the review phase of an unfavorable trade // (although since the phase is included in the message, this shouldn't // result in fully accepting an unfavourable trade)) if !pending.accept_flags[who] { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::ProcessTradeAction( *self.entity, tradeid, TradeAction::Accept(pending.phase), )); tracing::trace!(?tradeid, ?balance0, ?balance1, "Accept Pending Trade"); } } else { if balance1 > 0.0 { let msg = format!( "That only covers {:.1}% of my costs!", balance0 / balance1 * 100.0 ); if let Some(tgt_data) = &agent.target { if let Some(with) = read_data.uids.get(tgt_data.target) { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc_tell(*self.uid, *with, msg), )); } else { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat( UnresolvedChatMsg::npc_say(*self.uid, msg), )); } } else { event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc_say( *self.uid, msg, ))); } } if pending.phase != TradePhase::Mutate { // we got into the review phase but without balanced goods, decline agent.behavior.unset(BehaviorState::TRADING); event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::ProcessTradeAction( *self.entity, tradeid, TradeAction::Decline, )); } } } }, _ => { if agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { // No new events, continue looking towards the last interacting player for some // time if let Some(Target { target, .. }) = &agent.target { self.look_toward(controller, read_data, target); } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } } }, } } fn look_toward( &self, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData, target: &EcsEntity, ) -> bool { if let Some(tgt_pos) = read_data.positions.get(*target) { let eye_offset = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.eye_height()); let tgt_eye_offset = read_data .bodies .get(*target) .map_or(0.0, |b| b.eye_height()); if let Some(dir) = Dir::from_unnormalized( Vec3::new(tgt_pos.0.x, tgt_pos.0.y, tgt_pos.0.z + tgt_eye_offset) - Vec3::new(self.pos.0.x, self.pos.0.y, self.pos.0.z + eye_offset), ) { controller.inputs.look_dir = dir; } true } else { false } } fn flee( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, terrain: &TerrainGrid, tgt_pos: &Pos, ) { if let Some(body) = self.body { if body.can_strafe() && !self.is_gliding { controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Unwield); } } if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, // Away from the target (ironically) self.pos.0 + (self.pos.0 - tgt_pos.0) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec3::unit_y) * 50.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } /// Attempt to consume a healing item, and return whether any healing items /// were queued. Callers should use this to implement a delay so that /// the healing isn't interrupted. fn heal_self(&self, _agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller) -> bool { let healing_value = |item: &Item| { let mut value = 0; #[allow(clippy::single_match)] match item.kind() { ItemKind::Consumable { effect, .. } => { for e in effect.iter() { use BuffKind::*; match e { Effect::Health(HealthChange { amount, .. }) => { value += *amount; }, Effect::Buff(BuffEffect { kind, data, .. }) if matches!(kind, Regeneration | Saturation | Potion) => { value += (data.strength * data.duration.map_or(0.0, |d| d.as_secs() as f32)) as i32; } _ => {}, } } }, _ => {}, } value }; let mut consumables: Vec<_> = self .inventory .slots_with_id() .filter_map(|(id, slot)| match slot { Some(item) if healing_value(item) > 0 => Some((id, item)), _ => None, }) .collect(); consumables.sort_by_key(|(_, item)| healing_value(item)); if let Some((id, _)) = consumables.last() { use comp::inventory::slot::Slot; controller .actions .push(ControlAction::InventoryAction(InventoryAction::Use( Slot::Inventory(*id), ))); true } else { false } } fn choose_target( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData, event_emitter: &mut Emitter<'_, ServerEvent>, ) { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; // Search area let target = self.cached_spatial_grid.0 .in_circle_aabr(self.pos.0.xy(), SEARCH_DIST) .filter_map(|entity| { read_data.positions .get(entity) .and_then(|l| read_data.healths.get(entity).map(|r| (l, r))) .and_then(|l| read_data.stats.get(entity).map(|r| (l, r))) .and_then(|l| read_data.inventories.get(entity).map(|r| (l, r))) .map(|(((pos, health), stats), inventory)| { (entity, pos, health, stats, inventory, read_data.alignments.get(entity), read_data.char_states.get(entity)) }) }) .filter(|(e, e_pos, e_health, e_stats, e_inventory, e_alignment, char_state)| { let mut search_dist = SEARCH_DIST; let mut listen_dist = MAX_LISTEN_DIST; if char_state.map_or(false, |c_s| c_s.is_stealthy()) { // TODO: make sneak more effective based on a stat like e_stats.fitness search_dist *= SNEAK_COEFFICIENT; listen_dist *= SNEAK_COEFFICIENT; } ((e_pos.0.distance_squared(self.pos.0) < search_dist.powi(2) && // Within our view (e_pos.0 - self.pos.0).try_normalized().map(|v| v.dot(*controller.inputs.look_dir) > 0.15).unwrap_or(true)) // Within listen distance || e_pos.0.distance_squared(self.pos.0) < listen_dist.powi(2)) // TODO implement proper sound system for agents && e != self.entity && !e_health.is_dead && !invulnerability_is_in_buffs(read_data.buffs.get(*e)) && (try_owner_alignment(self.alignment, &read_data).and_then(|a| try_owner_alignment(*e_alignment, &read_data).map(|b| a.hostile_towards(*b))).unwrap_or(false) || ( if let Some(rtsim_entity) = &self.rtsim_entity { if agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { if rtsim_entity.brain.remembers_fight_with_character(&e_stats.name) { agent.rtsim_controller.events.push( RtSimEvent::AddMemory(Memory { item: MemoryItem::CharacterFight { name: e_stats.name.clone() }, time_to_forget: read_data.time.0 + 300.0, }) ); let msg = format!("{}! How dare you cross me again!", e_stats.name.clone()); event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg))); true } else { false } } else { false } } else { false } ) || ( self.alignment.map_or(false, |alignment| { if matches!(alignment, Alignment::Npc) && e_inventory.equipped_items().filter(|item| item.tags().contains(&ItemTag::Cultist)).count() > 2 { if agent.behavior.can(BehaviorCapability::SPEAK) { if self.rtsim_entity.is_some() { agent.rtsim_controller.events.push( RtSimEvent::AddMemory(Memory { item: MemoryItem::CharacterFight { name: e_stats.name.clone() }, time_to_forget: read_data.time.0 + 300.0, }) ); } let msg = "npc.speech.villager_cultist_alarm".to_string(); event_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::Chat(UnresolvedChatMsg::npc(*self.uid, msg))); } true } else { false } }) )) }) // Can we even see them? .filter(|(_, e_pos, _, _, _, _, _)| read_data.terrain .ray(self.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), e_pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z()) .until(Block::is_opaque) .cast() .0 >= e_pos.0.distance(self.pos.0)) .min_by_key(|(_, e_pos, _, _, _, _, _)| (e_pos.0.distance_squared(self.pos.0) * 100.0) as i32) // TODO choose target by more than just distance .map(|(e, _, _, _, _, _, _)| e); if agent.target.is_none() && target.is_some() { controller.push_event(ControlEvent::Utterance(UtteranceKind::Angry)); } agent.target = target.map(|target| Target { target, hostile: true, selected_at: read_data.time.0, }); } fn attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { let tool_tactic = |tool_kind| match tool_kind { ToolKind::Bow => Tactic::Bow, ToolKind::Staff => Tactic::Staff, ToolKind::Hammer => Tactic::Hammer, ToolKind::Sword | ToolKind::Spear => Tactic::Sword, ToolKind::Axe => Tactic::Axe, _ => Tactic::Melee, }; let tactic = self .inventory .equipped(EquipSlot::ActiveMainhand) .as_ref() .map(|item| { if let Some(ability_spec) = item.ability_spec() { match ability_spec { AbilitySpec::Custom(spec) => match spec.as_str() { "Axe Simple" | "Sword Simple" => Tactic::Sword, "Staff Simple" => Tactic::Staff, "Bow Simple" => Tactic::Bow, "Stone Golem" => Tactic::StoneGolem, "Quad Med Quick" => Tactic::CircleCharge { radius: 3, circle_time: 2, }, "Quad Med Jump" => Tactic::QuadMedJump, "Quad Med Charge" => Tactic::CircleCharge { radius: 12, circle_time: 1, }, "Quad Med Basic" => Tactic::QuadMedBasic, "Asp" | "Maneater" => Tactic::QuadLowRanged, "Quad Low Breathe" | "Quad Low Beam" | "Basilisk" => { Tactic::QuadLowBeam }, "Quad Low Tail" => Tactic::TailSlap, "Quad Low Quick" => Tactic::QuadLowQuick, "Quad Low Basic" => Tactic::QuadLowBasic, "Theropod Basic" | "Theropod Bird" => Tactic::Theropod, "Theropod Charge" => Tactic::CircleCharge { radius: 6, circle_time: 1, }, "Turret" => Tactic::Turret, "Haniwa Sentry" => Tactic::RotatingTurret, "Bird Large Breathe" => Tactic::BirdLargeBreathe, "Bird Large Fire" => Tactic::BirdLargeFire, "Bird Large Basic" => Tactic::BirdLargeBasic, "Mindflayer" => Tactic::Mindflayer, "Minotaur" => Tactic::Minotaur, "Clay Golem" => Tactic::ClayGolem, "Tidal Warrior" => Tactic::TidalWarrior, "Tidal Totem" => Tactic::RadialTurret, "Yeti" => Tactic::Yeti, _ => Tactic::Melee, }, AbilitySpec::Tool(tool_kind) => tool_tactic(*tool_kind), } } else if let ItemKind::Tool(tool) = &item.kind() { tool_tactic(tool.kind) } else { Tactic::Melee } }) .unwrap_or(Tactic::Melee); // Wield the weapon as running towards the target controller.actions.push(ControlAction::Wield); let min_attack_dist = (self.body.map_or(0.5, |b| b.radius()) + DEFAULT_ATTACK_RANGE) * self.scale + tgt_data.body.map_or(0.5, |b| b.radius()) * tgt_data.scale.map_or(1.0, |s| s.0); let dist_sqrd = self.pos.0.distance_squared(tgt_data.pos.0); let angle = self .ori .look_vec() .angle_between(tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .to_degrees(); let eye_offset = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.eye_height()); let tgt_eye_offset = tgt_data.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.eye_height()) + // Special case for jumping attacks to jump at the body // of the target and not the ground around the target // For the ranged it is to shoot at the feet and not // the head to get splash damage if tactic == Tactic::QuadMedJump { 1.0 } else if matches!(tactic, Tactic::QuadLowRanged) { -1.0 } else { 0.0 }; // FIXME: Retrieve actual projectile speed! // We have to assume projectiles are faster than base speed because there are // skills that increase it, and in most cases this will cause agents to // overshoot if let Some(dir) = match tactic { Tactic::Bow | Tactic::FixedTurret | Tactic::QuadLowRanged | Tactic::QuadMedJump | Tactic::RotatingTurret | Tactic::Staff | Tactic::Turret if dist_sqrd > 0.0 => { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::ChargedRanged(_)) { aim_projectile( 175.0, Vec3::new(self.pos.0.x, self.pos.0.y, self.pos.0.z + eye_offset), Vec3::new( tgt_data.pos.0.x, tgt_data.pos.0.y, tgt_data.pos.0.z + tgt_eye_offset, ), ) } else { aim_projectile( 90.0, // + self.vel.0.magnitude(), Vec3::new(self.pos.0.x, self.pos.0.y, self.pos.0.z + eye_offset), Vec3::new( tgt_data.pos.0.x, tgt_data.pos.0.y, tgt_data.pos.0.z + tgt_eye_offset, ), ) } } Tactic::ClayGolem if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicRanged(_)) => { const ROCKET_SPEED: f32 = 30.0; aim_projectile( ROCKET_SPEED, Vec3::new(self.pos.0.x, self.pos.0.y, self.pos.0.z + eye_offset), Vec3::new( tgt_data.pos.0.x, tgt_data.pos.0.y, tgt_data.pos.0.z + tgt_eye_offset, ), ) }, Tactic::Yeti if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicRanged(_)) => { const SNOWBALL_SPEED: f32 = 60.0; aim_projectile( SNOWBALL_SPEED, Vec3::new(self.pos.0.x, self.pos.0.y, self.pos.0.z + eye_offset), Vec3::new( tgt_data.pos.0.x, tgt_data.pos.0.y, tgt_data.pos.0.z + tgt_eye_offset, ), ) }, _ => Dir::from_unnormalized( Vec3::new( tgt_data.pos.0.x, tgt_data.pos.0.y, tgt_data.pos.0.z + tgt_eye_offset, ) - Vec3::new(self.pos.0.x, self.pos.0.y, self.pos.0.z + eye_offset), ), } { controller.inputs.look_dir = dir; } let attack_data = AttackData { min_attack_dist, dist_sqrd, angle, }; // Match on tactic. Each tactic has different controls // depending on the distance from the agent to the target match tactic { Tactic::Melee => { self.handle_melee_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::Axe => { self.handle_axe_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::Hammer => { self.handle_hammer_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::Sword => { self.handle_sword_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::Bow => { self.handle_bow_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::Staff => { self.handle_staff_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::StoneGolem => self.handle_stone_golem_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::CircleCharge { radius, circle_time, } => self.handle_circle_charge_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, radius, circle_time, ), Tactic::QuadLowRanged => self.handle_quadlow_ranged_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::TailSlap => { self.handle_tail_slap_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::QuadLowQuick => self.handle_quadlow_quick_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::QuadLowBasic => self.handle_quadlow_basic_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::QuadMedJump => self.handle_quadmed_jump_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::QuadMedBasic => self.handle_quadmed_basic_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::QuadLowBeam => self.handle_quadlow_beam_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::Theropod => { self.handle_theropod_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::Turret => { self.handle_turret_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::FixedTurret => self.handle_fixed_turret_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::RotatingTurret => self.handle_rotating_turret_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::Tornado => self.handle_tornado_attack(controller), Tactic::Mindflayer => self.handle_mindflayer_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::BirdLargeFire => self.handle_birdlarge_fire_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), // Mostly identical to BirdLargeFire but tweaked for flamethrower instead of shockwave Tactic::BirdLargeBreathe => self.handle_birdlarge_breathe_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::BirdLargeBasic => self.handle_birdlarge_basic_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::Minotaur => { self.handle_minotaur_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, Tactic::ClayGolem => self.handle_clay_golem_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::TidalWarrior => self.handle_tidal_warrior_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::RadialTurret => self.handle_radial_turret_attack( agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data, ), Tactic::Yeti => { self.handle_yeti_attack(agent, controller, &attack_data, &tgt_data, &read_data) }, } } fn handle_melee_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && thread_rng().gen::() < 0.02 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_axe_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timer > 6.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::CancelInput(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer > 4.0 && self.energy.current() > 10 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if self.skill_set.has_skill(Skill::Axe(AxeSkill::UnlockLeap)) && self.energy.current() > 800 && thread_rng().gen_bool(0.5) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && thread_rng().gen::() < 0.02 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_hammer_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timer > 4.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::CancelInput(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer > 2.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Hammer(HammerSkill::UnlockLeap)) && self.energy.current() > 700 && thread_rng().gen_bool(0.9) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Hammer(HammerSkill::UnlockLeap)) && agent.action_state.timer > 5.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } } if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && thread_rng().gen::() < 0.02 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_sword_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Sword(SwordSkill::UnlockSpin)) && agent.action_state.timer < 2.0 && self.energy.current() > 600 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer > 2.0 { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { if agent.action_state.timer > 4.0 && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } } if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && thread_rng().gen::() < 0.02 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_bow_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const MIN_CHARGE_FRAC: f32 = 0.5; const OPTIMAL_TARGET_VELOCITY: f32 = 5.0; const DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL: u32 = 500; // Logic to use abilities if let CharacterState::ChargedRanged(c) = self.char_state { if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover) { // Don't even bother with this logic if in recover let target_speed_sqd = agent .target .as_ref() .map(|t| t.target) .and_then(|e| read_data.velocities.get(e)) .map_or(0.0, |v| v.0.magnitude_squared()); if c.charge_frac() < MIN_CHARGE_FRAC || (target_speed_sqd > OPTIMAL_TARGET_VELOCITY.powi(2) && c.charge_frac() < 1.0) { // If haven't charged to desired level, or target is moving too fast and haven't // fully charged, keep charging controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } // Else don't send primary input to release the shot } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::RepeaterRanged(c) if self.energy.current() > 50 && !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If in repeater ranged, have enough energy, and aren't in recovery, try to // keep firing if attack_data.dist_sqrd > attack_data.min_attack_dist.powi(2) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { // Only keep firing if not in melee range or if can see target controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Bow(BowSkill::UnlockShotgun)) && self.energy.current() > 450 && thread_rng().gen_bool(0.5) { // Use shotgun if target close and have sufficient energy controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && self.energy.current() > CharacterAbility::default_roll().get_energy_cost() && !matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicRanged(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Else roll away if can roll and have enough energy, and not using shotgun // (other 2 attacks have interrupt handled above) unless in recover controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); if attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { // If not really far, and can see target, attempt to shoot bow if self.energy.current() < DESIRED_ENERGY_LEVEL { // If low on energy, use primary to attempt to regen energy controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else { // Else we have enough energy, use repeater controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } } // Logic to move. Intentionally kept separate from ability logic so duplicated // work is less necessary. if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Attempt to move away from target if too close if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = -bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // Else attempt to circle target if neither too close nor too far if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing .xy() .rotated_z(thread_rng().gen_range(0.5..1.57)) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; } else { // Unless cannot see target, then move towards them controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } // Sometimes try to roll if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && thread_rng().gen::() < 0.01 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } } else { // If too far, move towards target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_staff_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.in_min_range() { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (5.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { if agent.action_state.timer < 1.5 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < 3.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(-0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } if self .skill_set .has_skill(Skill::Staff(StaffSkill::UnlockShockwave)) && self.energy.current() > 800 && thread_rng().gen::() > 0.8 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if self.energy.current() > 10 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing .xy() .rotated_z(thread_rng().gen_range(-1.57..-0.5)) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } if self.body.map(|b| b.is_humanoid()).unwrap_or(false) && attack_data.dist_sqrd < 16.0f32.powi(2) && thread_rng().gen::() < 0.02 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Roll)); } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_stone_golem_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); //controller.inputs.primary.set_state(true); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if self.vel.0.is_approx_zero() { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } if self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { if agent.action_state.timer > 5.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn handle_circle_charge_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, radius: u32, circle_time: u32, ) { if attack_data.in_min_range() && thread_rng().gen_bool(0.5) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (radius as f32 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = (self.pos.0 - tgt_data.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < ((radius as f32 + 1.0) * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (radius as f32 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if agent.action_state.timer < circle_time as f32 { let move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); let obstacle_left = read_data .terrain .ray( self.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), self.pos.0 + move_dir.with_z(0.0) * 2.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), ) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()); if obstacle_left { agent.action_state.timer = circle_time as f32; } controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir; agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < circle_time as f32 + 0.5 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < 2.0 * circle_time as f32 + 0.5 { let move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(-0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); let obstacle_right = read_data .terrain .ray( self.pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), self.pos.0 + move_dir.with_z(0.0) * 2.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), ) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()); if obstacle_right { agent.action_state.timer = 2.0 * circle_time as f32 + 0.5; } controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir; agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < 2.0 * circle_time as f32 + 1.0 { if agent.action_state.timer < 2.0 * circle_time as f32 { agent.action_state.timer = 2.0 * circle_time as f32; } controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_quadlow_ranged_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (3.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { if attack_data.angle < 15.0 && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { if agent.action_state.timer > 5.0 { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer > 2.5 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(1.75 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.25 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } else { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } else { agent.target = None; } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_tail_slap_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { if agent.action_state.timer > 4.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::CancelInput(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer > 1.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y) * 0.1; } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_quadlow_quick_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (3.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (2.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 90.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(-0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_quadlow_basic_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 70.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.3 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timer > 5.0 { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer > 2.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_quadmed_jump_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (1.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else if attack_data.angle < 15.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (5.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { if self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_quadmed_basic_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.in_min_range() { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); if agent.action_state.timer < 2.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < 3.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_quadlow_beam_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd < (2.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < (7.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { if agent.action_state.timer < 2.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < 4.0 && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller.inputs.move_dir = (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .xy() .rotated_z(-0.47 * PI) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec2::unit_y); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < 6.0 && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_theropod_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.in_min_range() { controller.inputs.move_dir = Vec2::zero(); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_turret_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else { agent.target = None; } } fn handle_fixed_turret_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { controller.inputs.look_dir = self.ori.look_dir(); if can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else { agent.target = None; } } fn handle_rotating_turret_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { controller.inputs.look_dir = Dir::new( Quaternion::from_xyzw(self.ori.look_dir().x, self.ori.look_dir().y, 0.0, 0.0) .rotated_z(6.0 * read_data.dt.0 as f32) .into_vec3() .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_default(), ); if can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else { agent.target = None; } } fn handle_radial_turret_attack( &self, _agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } } fn handle_tornado_attack(&self, controller: &mut Controller) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } fn handle_mindflayer_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const MINDFLAYER_ATTACK_DIST: f32 = 16.0; const MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.20; let health_fraction = self.health.map_or(0.5, |h| h.fraction()); // Sets counter at start of combat, using `condition` to keep track of whether // it was already intitialized if !agent.action_state.condition { agent.action_state.counter = 1.0 - MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; agent.action_state.condition = true; } if agent.action_state.counter > health_fraction { // Summon minions at particular thresholds of health controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(2))); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counter -= MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MINDFLAYER_ATTACK_DIST.powi(2) { if can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { // If close to target, use either primary or secondary ability if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if c.timer < Duration::from_secs(10) && !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already using primary, keep using primary until 10 consecutive seconds controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SpinMelee(c) if c.consecutive_spins < 50 && !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already using secondary, keep using secondary until 10 consecutive // seconds controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else if thread_rng().gen_bool(health_fraction.into()) { // Else if at high health, use primary controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else { // Else use secondary controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < MAX_PATH_DIST.powi(2) { // If too far from target, throw a random number of necrotic spheres at them and // then blink to them. let num_fireballs = &mut agent.action_state.int_counter; if *num_fireballs == 0 { controller.actions.push(ControlAction::StartInput { input: InputKind::Ability(0), target_entity: agent .target .as_ref() .and_then(|t| read_data.uids.get(t.target)) .copied(), select_pos: None, }); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Blink(_)) { *num_fireballs = rand::random::() % 4; } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::Wielding) { *num_fireballs -= 1; controller.actions.push(ControlAction::StartInput { input: InputKind::Ability(1), target_entity: agent .target .as_ref() .and_then(|t| read_data.uids.get(t.target)) .copied(), select_pos: None, }); } self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } } fn handle_birdlarge_fire_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { if attack_data.dist_sqrd > 30.0_f32.powi(2) { // If random chance and can see target if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.05) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fireball controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } // If some target if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { // Walk to target controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; // If less than 20 blocks higher than target if (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 20.0 { // Fly upward controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Jump)); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } else { // Jump self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } } // If higher than 2 blocks else if !read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 - (Vec3::unit_z() * 2.0)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { // Do not increment the timer during this movement // The next stage shouldn't trigger until the entity // is on the ground // Fly to target controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); let move_dir = tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0; controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 2.0; controller.inputs.move_z = move_dir.z - 0.5; // If further than 4 blocks and random chance if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fireball controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } } // If further than 4 blocks and random chance else if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fireball controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } // If random chance and less than 20 blocks higher than target and further than 4 // blocks else if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.5) && (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 15.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Jump)); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } // If further than 2.5 blocks and random chance else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > (2.5 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { // Walk to target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } // If energy higher than 600 and random chance else if self.energy.current() > 600 && thread_rng().gen_bool(0.4) { // Shockwave controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if attack_data.angle < 90.0 { // Triple strike controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else { // Target is behind us. Turn around and chase target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } } fn handle_birdlarge_breathe_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { // Set fly to false controller .actions .push(ControlAction::CancelInput(InputKind::Fly)); if attack_data.dist_sqrd > 30.0_f32.powi(2) { if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.05) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_data.pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed; if (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 20.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Jump)); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } else { self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } } else if !read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 - (Vec3::unit_z() * 2.0)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { // Do not increment the timer during this movement // The next stage shouldn't trigger until the entity // is on the ground controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); let move_dir = tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0; controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 2.0; controller.inputs.move_z = move_dir.z - 0.5; if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } } else if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.05) && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if thread_rng().gen_bool(0.5) && (self.pos.0.z - tgt_data.pos.0.z) < 15.0 && attack_data.dist_sqrd > (4.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Jump)); controller.inputs.move_z = 1.0; } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > (3.0 * attack_data.min_attack_dist).powi(2) { self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } else if self.energy.current() > 600 && agent.action_state.timer < 3.0 && attack_data.angle < 15.0 { // Fire breath attack controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); // Move towards the target slowly self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, Some(0.5)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else if agent.action_state.timer < 6.0 && attack_data.angle < 90.0 && attack_data.in_min_range() { // Triplestrike controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; } else { // Reset timer agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; // Target is behind us or the timer needs to be reset. Chase target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } } fn handle_birdlarge_basic_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const BIRD_ATTACK_RANGE: f32 = 4.0; const BIRD_CHARGE_DISTANCE: f32 = 15.0; let bird_attack_distance = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.radius()) + BIRD_ATTACK_RANGE; // Increase action timer agent.action_state.timer += read_data.dt.0; // If higher than 2 blocks if !read_data .terrain .ray(self.pos.0, self.pos.0 - (Vec3::unit_z() * 2.0)) .until(Block::is_solid) .cast() .1 .map_or(true, |b| b.is_some()) { // Fly to target and land controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Fly)); let move_dir = tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0; controller.inputs.move_dir = move_dir.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * 2.0; controller.inputs.move_z = move_dir.z - 0.5; } else if agent.action_state.timer > 8.0 { // If action timer higher than 8, make bird summon tornadoes controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Reset timer agent.action_state.timer = 0.0; } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already in dash, keep dashing if not in recover controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::ComboMelee(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already in combo keep comboing if not in recover controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > BIRD_CHARGE_DISTANCE.powi(2) { // Charges at target if they are far enough away if attack_data.angle < 60.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < bird_attack_distance.powi(2) { // Combo melee target controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.condition = true; } // Make bird move towards target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } fn handle_minotaur_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.5; const MINOTAUR_ATTACK_RANGE: f32 = 5.0; const MINOTAUR_CHARGE_DISTANCE: f32 = 15.0; let minotaur_attack_distance = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.radius()) + MINOTAUR_ATTACK_RANGE; let health_fraction = self.health.map_or(1.0, |h| h.fraction()); // Sets action counter at start of combat if agent.action_state.counter < MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD && health_fraction > MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD { agent.action_state.counter = MINOTAUR_FRENZY_THRESHOLD; } if health_fraction < agent.action_state.counter { // Makes minotaur buff itself with frenzy controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1))); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::SelfBuff(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counter = 0.0; } } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // If already charging, keep charging if not in recover controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::ChargedMelee(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Charge) && c.timer < c.static_data.charge_duration) { // If already charging a melee attack, keep charging it if charging controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd > MINOTAUR_CHARGE_DISTANCE.powi(2) { // Charges at target if they are far enough away if attack_data.angle < 60.0 { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < minotaur_attack_distance.powi(2) { if agent.action_state.condition && !self.char_state.is_attack() { // Cripple target if not just used cripple controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); agent.action_state.condition = false; } else if !self.char_state.is_attack() { // Cleave target if not just used cleave controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.condition = true; } } // Make minotaur move towards target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } fn handle_clay_golem_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const GOLEM_MELEE_RANGE: f32 = 4.0; const GOLEM_LASER_RANGE: f32 = 30.0; const GOLEM_LONG_RANGE: f32 = 50.0; const GOLEM_TARGET_SPEED: f32 = 8.0; let golem_melee_range = self.body.map_or(0.0, |b| b.radius()) + GOLEM_MELEE_RANGE; // Fraction of health, used for activation of shockwave // If golem don't have health for some reason, assume it's full let health_fraction = self.health.map_or(1.0, |h| h.fraction()); // Magnitude squared of cross product of target velocity with golem orientation let target_speed_cross_sqd = agent .target .as_ref() .map(|t| t.target) .and_then(|e| read_data.velocities.get(e)) .map_or(0.0, |v| v.0.cross(self.ori.look_vec()).magnitude_squared()); if attack_data.dist_sqrd < golem_melee_range.powi(2) { if agent.action_state.counter < 7.5 { // If target is close, whack them controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); agent.action_state.counter += read_data.dt.0; } else { // If whacked for too long, nuke them controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1))); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicRanged(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counter = 0.0; } } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < GOLEM_LASER_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if c.timer < Duration::from_secs(5)) || target_speed_cross_sqd < GOLEM_TARGET_SPEED.powi(2) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) && attack_data.angle < 45.0 { // If target in range threshold and haven't been lasering for more than 5 // seconds already or if target is moving slow-ish, laser them controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else if health_fraction < 0.7 { // Else target moving too fast for laser, shockwave time. // But only if damaged enough controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < GOLEM_LONG_RANGE.powi(2) { if target_speed_cross_sqd < GOLEM_TARGET_SPEED.powi(2) && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { // If target is far-ish and moving slow-ish, rocket them controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1))); } else if health_fraction < 0.7 { // Else target moving too fast for laser, shockwave time. // But only if damaged enough controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } } // Make clay golem move towards target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, true, None); } fn handle_tidal_warrior_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const SCUTTLE_RANGE: f32 = 40.0; const BUBBLE_RANGE: f32 = 20.0; const MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD: f32 = 0.20; let health_fraction = self.health.map_or(0.5, |h| h.fraction()); // Sets counter at start of combat, using `condition` to keep track of whether // it was already intitialized if !agent.action_state.condition { agent.action_state.counter = 1.0 - MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; agent.action_state.condition = true; } if agent.action_state.counter > health_fraction { // Summon minions at particular thresholds of health controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1))); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicSummon(c) if matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { agent.action_state.counter -= MINION_SUMMON_THRESHOLD; } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < SCUTTLE_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::DashMelee(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover)) { // Keep scuttling if already in dash melee and not in recover controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < BUBBLE_RANGE.powi(2) { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if !matches!(c.stage_section, StageSection::Recover) && c.timer < Duration::from_secs(10)) { // Keep shooting bubbles at them if already in basic beam and not in recover and // have not been bubbling too long controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if attack_data.in_min_range() && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { // Pincer them if they're in range and angle controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else if attack_data.angle < 30.0 && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { // Start bubbling them if not close enough to do something else and in angle and // can see target controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } } else if attack_data.angle < 90.0 && can_see_tgt( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos, tgt_data.pos, attack_data.dist_sqrd, ) { // Start scuttling if not close enough to do something else and in angle and can // see target controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } } // Always attempt to path towards target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } fn handle_yeti_attack( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, attack_data: &AttackData, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, ) { const ICE_SPIKES_RANGE: f32 = 20.0; const ICE_BREATH_RANGE: f32 = 15.0; const ICE_BREATH_TIMER: f32 = 10.0; const SNOWBALL_MAX_RANGE: f32 = 50.0; agent.action_state.counter += read_data.dt.0; if attack_data.dist_sqrd < ICE_BREATH_RANGE.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(c) if c.timer < Duration::from_secs(1)) { // Keep using ice breath until a second has passed controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); } else if agent.action_state.counter > ICE_BREATH_TIMER { // Use ice breath if timer has gone for long enough controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(0))); if matches!(self.char_state, CharacterState::BasicBeam(_)) { // Resets action counter when using beam agent.action_state.counter = 0.0; } } else if attack_data.in_min_range() { // Basic attack if on top of them controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Primary)); } else { // Use ice spikes if too far for other abilities controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < ICE_SPIKES_RANGE.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { // Use ice spikes if in range controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Secondary)); } else if attack_data.dist_sqrd < SNOWBALL_MAX_RANGE.powi(2) && attack_data.angle < 60.0 { // Otherwise, chuck all the snowballs controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Ability(1))); } // Always attempt to path towards target self.path_toward_target(agent, controller, tgt_data, read_data, false, None); } fn follow( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, terrain: &TerrainGrid, tgt_pos: &Pos, ) { if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, tgt_pos.0, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: AVG_FOLLOW_DIST, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { let dist_sqrd = self.pos.0.distance_squared(tgt_pos.0); controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed.min(0.2 + (dist_sqrd - AVG_FOLLOW_DIST.powi(2)) / 8.0); self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; } } fn handle_elevated_awareness( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, read_data: &ReadData, ) { // Currently this means that we are in a safezone if invulnerability_is_in_buffs(read_data.buffs.get(*self.entity)) { self.idle(agent, controller, &read_data); return; } let is_enemy = matches!(self.alignment, Some(Alignment::Enemy)); if let Some(sound) = agent.sounds_heard.last() { let sound_pos = Pos(sound.pos); let dist_sqrd = self.pos.0.distance_squared(sound_pos.0); if is_enemy { let far_enough = dist_sqrd > 10.0_f32.powi(2); if far_enough { self.follow(agent, controller, &read_data.terrain, &sound_pos); } else { // TODO: Change this to a search action instead of idle self.idle(agent, controller, &read_data); } } else if self.flees { let aggro = agent.psyche.aggro; let close_enough = dist_sqrd < 35.0_f32.powi(2); let loud_sound = sound.vol >= 10.0; if close_enough && (aggro <= 0.5 || (aggro <= 0.7 && loud_sound)) { self.flee(agent, controller, &read_data.terrain, &sound_pos); } else { self.idle(agent, controller, &read_data); } } else { self.idle(agent, controller, &read_data); } } } /// Directs the entity to path and move toward the target /// If full_path is false, the entity will path to a location 50 units along /// the vector between the entity and the target. The speed multiplier /// multiplies the movement speed by a value less than 1.0. /// A `None` value implies a multiplier of 1.0. /// Returns `false` if the pathfinding algorithm fails to return a path fn path_toward_target( &self, agent: &mut Agent, controller: &mut Controller, tgt_data: &TargetData, read_data: &ReadData, full_path: bool, speed_multiplier: Option, ) -> bool { let pathing_pos = if full_path { tgt_data.pos.0 } else { self.pos.0 + PARTIAL_PATH_DIST * (tgt_data.pos.0 - self.pos.0) .try_normalized() .unwrap_or_else(Vec3::zero) }; let speed_multiplier = speed_multiplier.unwrap_or(1.0).min(1.0); if let Some((bearing, speed)) = agent.chaser.chase( &*read_data.terrain, self.pos.0, self.vel.0, pathing_pos, TraversalConfig { min_tgt_dist: 1.25, ..self.traversal_config }, ) { controller.inputs.move_dir = bearing.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_else(Vec2::zero) * speed * speed_multiplier; self.jump_if(controller, bearing.z > 1.5); controller.inputs.move_z = bearing.z; true } else { false } } fn jump_if(&self, controller: &mut Controller, condition: bool) { if condition { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::basic_input(InputKind::Jump)); } else { controller .actions .push(ControlAction::CancelInput(InputKind::Jump)) } } } fn can_see_tgt(terrain: &TerrainGrid, pos: &Pos, tgt_pos: &Pos, dist_sqrd: f32) -> bool { terrain .ray(pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z(), tgt_pos.0 + Vec3::unit_z()) .until(Block::is_opaque) .cast() .0 .powi(2) >= dist_sqrd } // If target is dead or has invulnerability buff, returns true fn should_stop_attacking(health: Option<&Health>, buffs: Option<&Buffs>) -> bool { health.map_or(true, |a| a.is_dead) || invulnerability_is_in_buffs(buffs) } // FIXME: The logic that is used in this function and throughout the code // shouldn't be used to mean that a character is in a safezone. fn invulnerability_is_in_buffs(buffs: Option<&Buffs>) -> bool { buffs.map_or(false, |b| b.kinds.contains_key(&BuffKind::Invulnerability)) } /// Attempts to get alignment of owner if entity has Owned alignment fn try_owner_alignment<'a>( alignment: Option<&'a Alignment>, read_data: &'a ReadData, ) -> Option<&'a Alignment> { if let Some(Alignment::Owned(owner_uid)) = alignment { if let Some(owner) = read_data .uid_allocator .retrieve_entity_internal(owner_uid.id()) { return read_data.alignments.get(owner); } } alignment } /// Projectile motion: Returns the direction to aim for the projectile to reach /// target position. Does not take any forces but gravity into account. fn aim_projectile(speed: f32, pos: Vec3, tgt: Vec3) -> Option { let mut to_tgt = tgt - pos; let dist_sqrd = to_tgt.xy().magnitude_squared(); let u_sqrd = speed.powi(2); to_tgt.z = (u_sqrd - (u_sqrd.powi(2) - GRAVITY * (GRAVITY * dist_sqrd + 2.0 * to_tgt.z * u_sqrd)) .sqrt() .max(0.0)) / GRAVITY; Dir::from_unnormalized(to_tgt) } fn forget_old_sounds(agent: &mut Agent, read_data: &ReadData) { if !agent.sounds_heard.is_empty() { // Keep (retain) only newer sounds agent .sounds_heard .retain(|&sound| read_data.time.0 - sound.time <= SECONDS_BEFORE_FORGET_SOUNDS); } } fn decrement_awareness(agent: &mut Agent) { let mut decrement = AWARENESS_DECREMENT_CONSTANT; let awareness = agent.awareness; let too_high = awareness >= 100.0; let high = awareness >= 50.0; let medium = awareness >= 30.0; let low = awareness > 15.0; let positive = awareness >= 0.0; let negative = awareness < 0.0; if too_high { decrement *= 3.0; } else if high { decrement *= 1.0; } else if medium { decrement *= 2.5; } else if low { decrement *= 0.70; } else if positive { decrement *= 0.5; } else if negative { return; } agent.awareness -= decrement; }