use crate::{ comp::{CharacterAbility, CharacterState, EnergySource, ItemKind::Tool, StateUpdate, ToolData}, event::LocalEvent, states::*, sys::{character_behavior::JoinData, phys::GRAVITY}, }; use std::time::Duration; use vek::vec::{Vec2, Vec3}; pub const MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_VEL: f32 = 3.0; const BASE_HUMANOID_ACCEL: f32 = 100.0; const BASE_HUMANOID_SPEED: f32 = 150.0; const BASE_HUMANOID_AIR_ACCEL: f32 = 15.0; const BASE_HUMANOID_AIR_SPEED: f32 = 8.0; const BASE_HUMANOID_WATER_ACCEL: f32 = 70.0; const BASE_HUMANOID_WATER_SPEED: f32 = 120.0; // const BASE_HUMANOID_CLIMB_ACCEL: f32 = 10.0; // const ROLL_SPEED: f32 = 17.0; // const CHARGE_SPEED: f32 = 20.0; // const GLIDE_ACCEL: f32 = 15.0; // const GLIDE_SPEED: f32 = 45.0; // const BLOCK_ACCEL: f32 = 30.0; // const BLOCK_SPEED: f32 = 75.0; // Gravity is 9.81 * 4, so this makes gravity equal to .15 //TODO: <- is wrong // // const GLIDE_ANTIGRAV: f32 = GRAVITY * 0.96; // const CLIMB_SPEED: f32 = 5.0; // const CLIMB_COST: i32 = 5; /// Handles updating `Components` to move player based on state of `JoinData` pub fn handle_move(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if data.physics.in_fluid { swim_move(data, update); } else { basic_move(data, update); } } /// Updates components to move player as if theyre on ground or in air fn basic_move(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { let (accel, speed): (f32, f32) = if data.physics.on_ground { (BASE_HUMANOID_ACCEL, BASE_HUMANOID_SPEED) } else { (BASE_HUMANOID_AIR_ACCEL, BASE_HUMANOID_AIR_SPEED) }; // Move player according to move_dir if update.vel.0.magnitude_squared() < speed.powf(2.0) { update.vel.0 = update.vel.0 + Vec2::broadcast(data.dt.0) * data.inputs.move_dir * accel; let mag2 = update.vel.0.magnitude_squared(); if mag2 > speed.powf(2.0) { update.vel.0 = update.vel.0.normalized() * speed; } } // Set direction based on move direction let ori_dir = if update.character.is_wield() || update.character.is_attack() || update.character.is_block() { Vec2::from(data.inputs.look_dir).normalized() } else { Vec2::from(data.inputs.move_dir) }; // Smooth orientation if ori_dir.magnitude_squared() > 0.0001 && (update.ori.0.normalized() - Vec3::from(ori_dir).normalized()).magnitude_squared() > 0.001 { update.ori.0 = vek::ops::Slerp::slerp(update.ori.0, ori_dir.into(), 9.0 * data.dt.0); } } /// Updates components to move player as if theyre swimming fn swim_move(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { // Update velocity update.vel.0 += Vec2::broadcast(data.dt.0) * data.inputs.move_dir * if update.vel.0.magnitude_squared() < BASE_HUMANOID_WATER_SPEED.powf(2.0) { BASE_HUMANOID_WATER_ACCEL } else { 0.0 }; // Set direction based on move direction when on the ground let ori_dir = if update.character.is_attack() || update.character.is_block() { Vec2::from(data.inputs.look_dir).normalized() } else { Vec2::from(update.vel.0) }; if ori_dir.magnitude_squared() > 0.0001 && (update.ori.0.normalized() - Vec3::from(ori_dir).normalized()).magnitude_squared() > 0.001 { update.ori.0 = vek::ops::Slerp::slerp( update.ori.0, ori_dir.into(), if data.physics.on_ground { 9.0 } else { 2.0 } * data.dt.0, ); } // Force players to pulse jump button to swim up if data.inputs.jump.is_pressed() && !data.inputs.jump.is_long_press(Duration::from_millis(600)) { update.vel.0.z = (update.vel.0.z + data.dt.0 * GRAVITY * 1.25).min(BASE_HUMANOID_WATER_SPEED); } } /// First checks whether `primary` input is pressed, then /// attempts to go into Equipping state, otherwise Idle pub fn handle_wield(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if data.inputs.primary.is_pressed() { attempt_wield(data, update); } } /// If a tool is equipped, goes into Equipping state, otherwise goes to Idle pub fn attempt_wield(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if let Some(Tool(tool)) =|i| i.kind) { update.character = CharacterState::Equipping { tool, time_left: tool.equip_time(), }; } else { update.character = CharacterState::Idle {}; }; } /// Checks that player can `Sit` and updates `CharacterState` if so pub fn handle_sit(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if data.inputs.sit.is_pressed() && data.physics.on_ground && data.body.is_humanoid() { update.character = CharacterState::Sit {}; } } /// Checks that player can `Climb` and updates `CharacterState` if so pub fn handle_climb(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if (data.inputs.climb.is_pressed() || data.inputs.climb_down.is_pressed()) && data.physics.on_wall.is_some() && !data.physics.on_ground //&& update.vel.0.z < 0.0 && data.body.is_humanoid() && > 100 { update.character = CharacterState::Climb {}; } } /// Checks that player can `Glide` and updates `CharacterState` if so pub fn handle_unwield(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if let CharacterState::Wielding { .. } = update.character { if data.inputs.toggle_wield.is_pressed() { update.character = CharacterState::Idle {}; } } } /// Checks that player can glide and updates `CharacterState` if so pub fn handle_glide(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if let CharacterState::Idle { .. } | CharacterState::Wielding { .. } = update.character { if data.inputs.glide.is_pressed() && !data.physics.on_ground && !data.physics.in_fluid && data.body.is_humanoid() { update.character = CharacterState::Glide {}; } } } /// Checks that player can jump and sends jump event if so pub fn handle_jump(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if data.inputs.jump.is_pressed() && data.physics.on_ground && !data.physics.in_fluid { update .local_events .push_front(LocalEvent::Jump(data.entity)); } } /// If `inputs.primary` is pressed and in `Wielding` state, /// will attempt to go into `ability_pool.primary` pub fn handle_primary_input(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if data.inputs.primary.is_pressed() { if let CharacterState::Wielding { .. } = update.character { attempt_primary_ability(data, update); } } } /// Attempts to go into `ability_pool.primary` if is `Some()` on `AbilityPool` pub fn attempt_primary_ability(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if let Some(ability) = data.ability_pool.primary { update.character = ability.into(); } } /// If `inputs.secondary` is pressed and in `Wielding` state, /// will attempt to go into `ability_pool.secondary` pub fn handle_secondary_input(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if data.inputs.secondary.is_pressed() { if let CharacterState::Wielding { .. } = update.character { attempt_secondary_ability(data, update); } } } /// Attempts to go into `ability_pool.secondary` if is `Some()` on `AbilityPool` pub fn attempt_secondary_ability(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if let Some(ability) = data.ability_pool.secondary { update.character = ability.into(); } } /// Checks that player can perform a dodge, then /// attempts to go into `` pub fn handle_dodge_input(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if let CharacterState::Idle { .. } | CharacterState::Wielding { .. } = update.character { if data.inputs.roll.is_pressed() && data.physics.on_ground && !data.physics.in_fluid && data.body.is_humanoid() && update .energy .try_change_by(-200, EnergySource::Roll) .is_ok() { attempt_dodge_ability(data, update); } } } pub fn attempt_dodge_ability(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) { if let Some(ability) = { update.character = ability.into(); } } pub fn unwrap_tool_data(data: &JoinData) -> Option { if let Some(Tool(tool)) =|i| i.kind) { Some(tool) } else { None } }