use crate::types::{Cid, Frame, Pid}; use prometheus::{ core::{AtomicI64, GenericCounter}, IntCounter, IntCounterVec, IntGauge, IntGaugeVec, Opts, Registry, }; use std::error::Error; use tracing::*; /// 1:1 relation between NetworkMetrics and Network /// use 2NF here and avoid redundant data like CHANNEL AND PARTICIPANT encoding. /// as this will cause a matrix that is full of 0 but needs alot of bandwith and /// storage #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct NetworkMetrics { pub listen_requests_total: IntCounterVec, pub connect_requests_total: IntCounterVec, pub participants_connected_total: IntCounter, pub participants_disconnected_total: IntCounter, // channel id's, seperated by PARTICIPANT, max 5 pub participants_channel_ids: IntGaugeVec, // opened Channels, seperated by PARTICIPANT pub channels_connected_total: IntCounterVec, pub channels_disconnected_total: IntCounterVec, // opened streams, seperated by PARTICIPANT pub streams_opened_total: IntCounterVec, pub streams_closed_total: IntCounterVec, pub network_info: IntGauge, // Frames counted a channel level, seperated by CHANNEL (and PARTICIPANT) AND FRAME TYPE, pub frames_out_total: IntCounterVec, pub frames_in_total: IntCounterVec, // Frames counted at protocol level, seperated by CHANNEL (and PARTICIPANT) AND FRAME TYPE, pub frames_wire_out_total: IntCounterVec, pub frames_wire_in_total: IntCounterVec, // throughput at protocol level, seperated by CHANNEL (and PARTICIPANT), pub wire_out_throughput: IntCounterVec, pub wire_in_throughput: IntCounterVec, // send(prio) Messages count, seperated by STREAM AND PARTICIPANT, pub message_out_total: IntCounterVec, // send(prio) Messages throughput, seperated by STREAM AND PARTICIPANT, pub message_out_throughput: IntCounterVec, // flushed(prio) stream count, seperated by PARTICIPANT, pub streams_flushed: IntCounterVec, // TODO: queued Messages, seperated by STREAM (add PART, CHANNEL), // queued Messages, seperated by PARTICIPANT pub queued_count: IntGaugeVec, // TODO: queued Messages bytes, seperated by STREAM (add PART, CHANNEL), // queued Messages bytes, seperated by PARTICIPANT pub queued_bytes: IntGaugeVec, // ping calculated based on last msg seperated by PARTICIPANT pub participants_ping: IntGaugeVec, } impl NetworkMetrics { #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn new(local_pid: &Pid) -> Result> { let listen_requests_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "listen_requests_total", "Shows the number of listen requests to the scheduler", ), &["protocol"], )?; let connect_requests_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "connect_requests_total", "Shows the number of connect requests to the scheduler", ), &["protocol"], )?; let participants_connected_total = IntCounter::with_opts(Opts::new( "participants_connected_total", "Shows the number of participants connected to the network", ))?; let participants_disconnected_total = IntCounter::with_opts(Opts::new( "participants_disconnected_total", "Shows the number of participants disconnected to the network", ))?; let participants_channel_ids = IntGaugeVec::new( Opts::new( "participants_channel_ids", "Channel numbers belonging to a Participant in the network", ), &["participant", "no"], )?; let channels_connected_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "channels_connected_total", "Number of all channels currently connected on the network", ), &["participant"], )?; let channels_disconnected_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "channels_disconnected_total", "Number of all channels currently disconnected on the network", ), &["participant"], )?; let streams_opened_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "streams_opened_total", "Number of all streams currently open on the network", ), &["participant"], )?; let streams_closed_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "streams_closed_total", "Number of all streams currently open on the network", ), &["participant"], )?; let opts = Opts::new("network_info", "Static Network information") .const_label( "version", &format!( "{}.{}.{}", &crate::types::VELOREN_NETWORK_VERSION[0], &crate::types::VELOREN_NETWORK_VERSION[1], &crate::types::VELOREN_NETWORK_VERSION[2] ), ) .const_label("local_pid", &format!("{}", &local_pid)); let network_info = IntGauge::with_opts(opts)?; let frames_out_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "frames_out_total", "Number of all frames send per channel, at the channel level", ), &["channel", "frametype"], )?; let frames_in_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "frames_in_total", "Number of all frames received per channel, at the channel level", ), &["channel", "frametype"], )?; let frames_wire_out_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "frames_wire_out_total", "Number of all frames send per channel, at the protocol level", ), &["channel", "frametype"], )?; let frames_wire_in_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "frames_wire_in_total", "Number of all frames received per channel, at the protocol level", ), &["channel", "frametype"], )?; let wire_out_throughput = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "wire_out_throughput", "Throupgput of all data frames send per channel, at the protocol level", ), &["channel"], )?; let wire_in_throughput = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "wire_in_throughput", "Throupgput of all data frames send per channel, at the protocol level", ), &["channel"], )?; //TODO IN let message_out_total = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "message_out_total", "Number of messages send by streams on the network", ), &["participant", "stream"], )?; //TODO IN let message_out_throughput = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "message_out_throughput", "Throughput of messages send by streams on the network", ), &["participant", "stream"], )?; let streams_flushed = IntCounterVec::new( Opts::new( "stream_flushed", "Number of flushed streams requested to PrioManager at participant level", ), &["participant"], )?; let queued_count = IntGaugeVec::new( Opts::new( "queued_count", "Queued number of messages by participant on the network", ), &["channel"], )?; let queued_bytes = IntGaugeVec::new( Opts::new( "queued_bytes", "Queued bytes of messages by participant on the network", ), &["channel"], )?; let participants_ping = IntGaugeVec::new( Opts::new( "participants_ping", "Ping time to participants on the network", ), &["channel"], )?; Ok(Self { listen_requests_total, connect_requests_total, participants_connected_total, participants_disconnected_total, participants_channel_ids, channels_connected_total, channels_disconnected_total, streams_opened_total, streams_closed_total, network_info, frames_out_total, frames_in_total, frames_wire_out_total, frames_wire_in_total, wire_out_throughput, wire_in_throughput, message_out_total, message_out_throughput, streams_flushed, queued_count, queued_bytes, participants_ping, }) } pub fn register(&self, registry: &Registry) -> Result<(), Box> { registry.register(Box::new(self.listen_requests_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.connect_requests_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.participants_connected_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.participants_disconnected_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.participants_channel_ids.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.channels_connected_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.channels_disconnected_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.streams_opened_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.streams_closed_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.network_info.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.frames_out_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.frames_in_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.frames_wire_out_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.frames_wire_in_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.wire_out_throughput.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.wire_in_throughput.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.message_out_total.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.message_out_throughput.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.queued_count.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.queued_bytes.clone()))?; registry.register(Box::new(self.participants_ping.clone()))?; Ok(()) } //pub fn _is_100th_tick(&self) -> bool { // self.tick.load(Ordering::Relaxed).rem_euclid(100) == 0 } } impl std::fmt::Debug for NetworkMetrics { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "NetworkMetrics()") } } /* pub(crate) struct PidCidFrameCache { metric: MetricVec, pid: String, cache: Vec<[T::M; 8]>, } */ pub(crate) struct MultiCidFrameCache { metric: IntCounterVec, cache: Vec<[Option>; Frame::FRAMES_LEN as usize]>, } impl MultiCidFrameCache { const CACHE_SIZE: usize = 2048; pub fn new(metric: IntCounterVec) -> Self { Self { metric, cache: vec![], } } fn populate(&mut self, cid: Cid) { let start_cid = self.cache.len(); if cid >= start_cid as u64 && cid > (Self::CACHE_SIZE as Cid) { warn!( ?cid, "cid, getting quite high, is this a attack on the cache?" ); } self.cache.resize((cid + 1) as usize, [ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ]); } pub fn with_label_values(&mut self, cid: Cid, frame: &Frame) -> &GenericCounter { self.populate(cid); let frame_int = frame.get_int() as usize; let r = &mut self.cache[cid as usize][frame_int]; if r.is_none() { *r = Some( self.metric .with_label_values(&[&cid.to_string(), &frame_int.to_string()]), ); } r.as_ref().unwrap() } } pub(crate) struct CidFrameCache { cache: [GenericCounter; Frame::FRAMES_LEN as usize], } impl CidFrameCache { pub fn new(metric: IntCounterVec, cid: Cid) -> Self { let cid = cid.to_string(); let cache = [ metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(0)]), metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(1)]), metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(2)]), metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(3)]), metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(4)]), metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(5)]), metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(6)]), metric.with_label_values(&[&cid, Frame::int_to_string(7)]), ]; Self { cache } } pub fn with_label_values(&mut self, frame: &Frame) -> &GenericCounter { &self.cache[frame.get_int() as usize] } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{ metrics::*, types::{Frame, Pid}, }; #[test] fn register_metrics() { let registry = Registry::new(); let metrics = NetworkMetrics::new(&Pid::fake(1)).unwrap(); metrics.register(®istry).unwrap(); } #[test] fn multi_cid_frame_cache() { let pid = Pid::fake(1); let frame1 = Frame::Raw(b"Foo".to_vec()); let frame2 = Frame::Raw(b"Bar".to_vec()); let metrics = NetworkMetrics::new(&pid).unwrap(); let mut cache = MultiCidFrameCache::new(metrics.frames_in_total); let v1 = cache.with_label_values(1, &frame1);; assert_eq!(v1.get(), 1); let v2 = cache.with_label_values(1, &frame1);; assert_eq!(v2.get(), 2); let v3 = cache.with_label_values(1, &frame2);; assert_eq!(v3.get(), 3); let v4 = cache.with_label_values(3, &frame1);; assert_eq!(v4.get(), 1); let v5 = cache.with_label_values(3, &Frame::Shutdown);; assert_eq!(v5.get(), 1); } #[test] fn cid_frame_cache() { let pid = Pid::fake(1); let frame1 = Frame::Raw(b"Foo".to_vec()); let frame2 = Frame::Raw(b"Bar".to_vec()); let metrics = NetworkMetrics::new(&pid).unwrap(); let mut cache = CidFrameCache::new(metrics.frames_wire_out_total, 1); let v1 = cache.with_label_values(&frame1);; assert_eq!(v1.get(), 1); let v2 = cache.with_label_values(&frame1);; assert_eq!(v2.get(), 2); let v3 = cache.with_label_values(&frame2);; assert_eq!(v3.get(), 3); let v4 = cache.with_label_values(&Frame::Shutdown);; assert_eq!(v4.get(), 1); } }