use crate::{ menu::main::MainMenuState, settings::get_fps, ui, window::{Event, EventLoop}, Direction, GlobalState, PlayState, PlayStateResult, }; use common_base::{no_guard_span, span, GuardlessSpan}; use std::{mem, time::Duration}; use tracing::debug; pub fn run(mut global_state: GlobalState, event_loop: EventLoop) { // Set up the initial play state. let mut states: Vec> = vec![Box::new(MainMenuState::new(&mut global_state))]; states.last_mut().map(|current_state| { current_state.enter(&mut global_state, Direction::Forwards); let current_state =; debug!(?current_state, "Started game with state"); }); // Used to ignore every other `MainEventsCleared` // This is a workaround for a bug on macos in which mouse motion events are only // reported every other cycle of the event loop // See: let mut polled_twice = false; let mut poll_span = None; let mut event_span = None; |event, _, control_flow| { // Continuously run loop since we handle sleeping *control_flow = winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Poll; // Get events for the ui. if let Some(event) = ui::Event::try_from(&event, global_state.window.window()) { global_state.window.send_event(Event::Ui(event)); } // iced ui events // TODO: no clone if let winit::event::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } = &event { let window = &mut global_state.window; if let Some(event) = ui::ice::window_event(event, window.scale_factor(), window.modifiers()) { window.send_event(Event::IcedUi(event)); } } match event { winit::event::Event::NewEvents(_) => { event_span = Some(no_guard_span!("Process Events")); }, winit::event::Event::MainEventsCleared => { event_span.take(); poll_span.take(); if polled_twice { handle_main_events_cleared(&mut states, control_flow, &mut global_state); } poll_span = Some(no_guard_span!("Poll Winit")); polled_twice = !polled_twice; }, winit::event::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => { span!(_guard, "Handle WindowEvent"); if let winit::event::WindowEvent::Focused(focused) = event { focused { } else { * }); } global_state .window .handle_window_event(event, &mut global_state.settings) }, winit::event::Event::DeviceEvent { event, .. } => { span!(_guard, "Handle DeviceEvent"); global_state.window.handle_device_event(event) }, winit::event::Event::LoopDestroyed => { // Save any unsaved changes to settings and profile global_state.settings.save_to_file_warn(); global_state.profile.save_to_file_warn(); }, _ => {}, } }); } fn handle_main_events_cleared( states: &mut Vec>, control_flow: &mut winit::event_loop::ControlFlow, global_state: &mut GlobalState, ) { span!(guard, "Handle MainEventsCleared"); // Screenshot / Fullscreen toggle global_state .window .resolve_deduplicated_events(&mut global_state.settings); // Run tick here // What's going on here? // --------------------- // The state system used by Voxygen allows for the easy development of // stack-based menus. For example, you may want a "title" state // that can push a "main menu" state on top of it, which can in // turn push a "settings" state or a "game session" state on top of it. // The code below manages the state transfer logic automatically so that we // don't have to re-engineer it for each menu we decide to add // to the game. let mut exit = true; while let Some(state_result) = states.last_mut().map(|last| { let events = global_state.window.fetch_events(); last.tick(global_state, events) }) { // Implement state transfer logic. match state_result { PlayStateResult::Continue => { exit = false; break; }, PlayStateResult::Shutdown => { debug!("Shutting down all states..."); while states.last().is_some() { states.pop().map(|old_state| { debug!("Popped state '{}'.",; global_state.on_play_state_changed(); }); } }, PlayStateResult::Pop => { states.pop().map(|old_state| { debug!("Popped state '{}'.",; global_state.on_play_state_changed(); }); states.last_mut().map(|new_state| { new_state.enter(global_state, Direction::Backwards); }); }, PlayStateResult::Push(mut new_state) => { new_state.enter(global_state, Direction::Forwards); debug!("Pushed state '{}'.",; states.push(new_state); global_state.on_play_state_changed(); }, PlayStateResult::Switch(mut new_state) => { new_state.enter(global_state, Direction::Forwards); states.last_mut().map(|old_state| { debug!( "Switching to state '{}' from state '{}'.",, ); mem::swap(old_state, &mut new_state); global_state.on_play_state_changed(); }); }, } } if exit { *control_flow = winit::event_loop::ControlFlow::Exit; } drop(guard); if let Some(last) = states.last_mut() { span!(guard, "Render"); let renderer = global_state.window.renderer_mut(); // // Clear the shadow maps. // renderer.clear_shadows(); // // Clear the screen // renderer.clear(); // Render the screen using the global renderer last.render(renderer, &global_state.settings); // Finish the frame. // global_state.window.renderer_mut().flush(); // // Display the frame on the window. // global_state // .window // .swap_buffers() // .expect("Failed to swap window buffers!"); drop(guard); } if !exit { // Wait for the next tick. span!(guard, "Main thread sleep"); global_state.clock.set_target_dt(Duration::from_secs_f64( 1.0 / get_fps( as f64, )); global_state.clock.tick(); drop(guard); #[cfg(feature = "tracy")] common_base::tracy_client::finish_continuous_frame!(); // Maintain global state. global_state.maintain(global_state.clock.dt()); } }