use common::slowjob::{SlowJob, SlowJobPool}; use hashbrown::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap}; use std::{ hash::Hash, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; enum KeyedJobTask { Pending(Instant, Option), Completed(Instant, V), } pub struct KeyedJobs { tx: crossbeam_channel::Sender<(K, V)>, rx: crossbeam_channel::Receiver<(K, V)>, tasks: HashMap>, name: &'static str, last_gc: Instant, } const KEYEDJOBS_GC_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); impl KeyedJobs { #[allow(clippy::new_without_default)] pub fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self { let (tx, rx) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded(); Self { tx, rx, tasks: HashMap::new(), name, last_gc: Instant::now(), } } /// Spawn a task on a specified threadpool. The function is given as a thunk /// so that if work is needed to create captured variables (e.g. /// `Arc::clone`), that only occurs if the task hasn't yet been scheduled. pub fn spawn V + Send + Sync + 'static>( &mut self, pool: Option<&SlowJobPool>, k: K, f: impl FnOnce() -> F, ) -> Option<(K, V)> { if let Some(pool) = pool { while let Ok((k2, v)) = self.rx.try_recv() { if k == k2 { return Some((k, v)); } else { self.tasks .insert(k2, KeyedJobTask::Completed(Instant::now(), v)); } } let now = Instant::now(); if now - self.last_gc > KEYEDJOBS_GC_INTERVAL { self.last_gc = now; self.tasks.retain(|_, task| match task { KeyedJobTask::Completed(at, _) => now - *at < KEYEDJOBS_GC_INTERVAL, KeyedJobTask::Pending(at, job) => { let fresh = now - *at < KEYEDJOBS_GC_INTERVAL; if !fresh { if let Some(job) = job.take() { pool.cancel(job) } } fresh }, }); } match self.tasks.entry(k.clone()) { Entry::Occupied(e) => { let mut ret = None; e.replace_entry_with(|_, v| { if let KeyedJobTask::Completed(_, v) = v { ret = Some((k, v)); None } else { Some(v) } }); ret }, Entry::Vacant(e) => { // TODO: consider adding a limit to the number of submitted jobs based on the // number of available threads, once SlowJobPool supports a notion of // approximating that let tx = self.tx.clone(); let f = f(); let job = pool.spawn(, move || { let v = f(&k); let _ = tx.send((k, v)); }); e.insert(KeyedJobTask::Pending(Instant::now(), Some(job))); None }, } } else { let v = f()(&k); Some((k, v)) } } }