diff --git a/Wabbajack/View Models/Installers/MO2InstallerVM.cs b/Wabbajack/View Models/Installers/MO2InstallerVM.cs
index a49bb832..2499f462 100644
--- a/Wabbajack/View Models/Installers/MO2InstallerVM.cs	
+++ b/Wabbajack/View Models/Installers/MO2InstallerVM.cs	
@@ -76,18 +76,30 @@ namespace Wabbajack
                 .ToProperty(this, nameof(CanInstall));
-            // Have Installation location updates modify the downloads location if empty
+            // Have Installation location updates modify the downloads location if empty or the same path
             this.WhenAny(x => x.Location.TargetPath)
                 .Skip(1) // Don't do it initially
                 .Subscribe(installPath =>
-                    if (DownloadLocation.TargetPath == default)
+                    if (DownloadLocation.TargetPath == default || DownloadLocation.TargetPath == installPath)
                         DownloadLocation.TargetPath = installPath.Combine("downloads");
+            // Have Download location updates change if the same as the install path
+            this.WhenAny(x => x.DownloadLocation.TargetPath)
+                .Skip(1) // Don't do it initially
+                .Subscribe(downloadPath =>
+                {
+                    if (downloadPath == Location.TargetPath)
+                    {
+                        DownloadLocation.TargetPath = Location.TargetPath.Combine("downloads");
+                    }
+                })
+            .DisposeWith(CompositeDisposable);
             // Load settings
             _CurrentSettings = installerVM.WhenAny(x => x.ModListLocation.TargetPath)
                 .Select(path => path == default ? null : installerVM.MWVM.Settings.Installer.Mo2ModlistSettings.TryCreate(path))