Fixes for jobs

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Baldridge 2020-04-15 16:12:06 -06:00
parent cc6b6eb3c7
commit 6a65a7f626

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@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ namespace Wabbajack.BuildServer.Model.Models
new {
Success = job.Result.ResultType == JobResultType.Success,
ResultContent = job.Result.ToJson()
ResultContent = job.Result
if (job.OnSuccess != null)
await EnqueueJob(job.OnSuccess);
/// <summary>
/// Get a Job from the Job queue to run.
/// </summary>
@ -219,16 +219,24 @@ namespace Wabbajack.BuildServer.Model.Models
public async Task<Job> GetJob()
await using var conn = await Open();
var result = await conn.QueryAsync<Job>(
var result = await conn.QueryAsync<(long, DateTime, DateTime, DateTime, AJobPayload, int)>(
@"UPDATE jobs SET Started = GETDATE(), RunBy = @RunBy
WHERE Started is NULL
AND PrimaryKeyString NOT IN (SELECT PrimaryKeyString from jobs WHERE Started IS NOT NULL and Ended IS NULL)
ORDER BY Priority DESC, Created);
SELECT TOP(1) * FROM jobs WHERE RunBy = @RunBy ORDER BY Started DESC",
SELECT TOP(1) Id, Started, Ended, Created, Payload, Priority FROM jobs WHERE RunBy = @RunBy ORDER BY Started DESC",
new {RunBy = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()});
return result.FirstOrDefault();
return result.Select(k =>
new Job {
Id = k.Item1,
Started = k.Item2,
Ended = k.Item3,
Created = k.Item4,
Payload = k.Item5,
Priority = (Job.JobPriority)k.Item6
public async Task<IEnumerable<Job>> GetRunningJobs()
@ -260,6 +268,8 @@ namespace Wabbajack.BuildServer.Model.Models
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new RelativePathMapper());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new JsonMapper<AbstractDownloadState>());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new JsonMapper<AJobPayload>());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new JsonMapper<JobResult>());
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new JsonMapper<Job>());
public class JsonMapper<T> : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<T>