using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using DynamicData.Binding; using MahApps.Metro.Controls; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using ReactiveUI; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Messages; using Wabbajack.Paths.IO; using Wabbajack.Util; namespace Wabbajack { /// /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// public partial class MainWindow : MetroWindow { private MainWindowVM _mwvm; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly SystemParametersConstructor _systemParams; private ObservableCollection TabVMs = new ObservableCollectionExtended(); public MainWindow(ILogger logger, SystemParametersConstructor systemParams, LauncherUpdater updater, MainWindowVM vm) { InitializeComponent(); _mwvm = vm; DataContext = vm; _logger = logger; _systemParams = systemParams; try { // Wire any unhandled crashing exceptions to log before exiting AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => { // Don't do any special logging side effects _logger.LogError((Exception)e.ExceptionObject, "Uncaught error"); Environment.Exit(-1); }; Closed += (s, e) => { _logger.LogInformation("Beginning shutdown..."); _mwvm.CancelRunningTasks(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); // Cleaning the temp folder when the app closes since it can take up multiple Gigabytes of Storage var tempDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\temp"; _logger.LogInformation("Clearing {TempDir}",tempDirectory); try { var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tempDirectory); foreach (var file in directoryInfo.EnumerateFiles()) { file.Delete(); } foreach (var dir in directoryInfo.EnumerateDirectories()) { dir.Delete(true); } _logger.LogInformation("Finished clearing {TempDir}",tempDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex,"Failed clearing {TempDir}",tempDirectory); } Application.Current.Shutdown(); }; MessageBus.Current.Listen() .ObserveOnGuiThread() .Subscribe(u => { TaskbarItemInfoControl.Description = u.Description; TaskbarItemInfoControl.ProgressValue = u.ProgressValue; TaskbarItemInfoControl.ProgressState = u.State; }); _logger.LogInformation("Wabbajack Build - {Sha}",ThisAssembly.Git.Sha); _logger.LogInformation("Running in {EntryPoint}", KnownFolders.EntryPoint); var p = _systemParams.Create(); _logger.LogInformation("Detected Windows Version: {Version}", Environment.OSVersion.VersionString); _logger.LogInformation( "System settings - ({MemorySize} RAM) ({PageSize} Page), Display: {ScreenWidth} x {ScreenHeight} ({Vram} VRAM - VideoMemorySizeMb={ENBVRam})", p.SystemMemorySize.ToFileSizeString(), p.SystemPageSize.ToFileSizeString(), p.ScreenWidth, p.ScreenHeight, p.VideoMemorySize.ToFileSizeString(), p.EnbLEVRAMSize); if (p.SystemPageSize == 0) _logger.LogInformation( "Pagefile is disabled! Consider increasing to 20000MB. A disabled pagefile can cause crashes and poor in-game performance"); else if (p.SystemPageSize < 2e+10) _logger.LogInformation("Pagefile below recommended! Consider increasing to 20000MB. A suboptimal pagefile can cause crashes and poor in-game performance"); var _ = updater.Run(); // Bring window to the front if it isn't already this.Initialized += (s, e) => { this.Activate(); this.Topmost = true; this.Focus(); }; this.ContentRendered += (s, e) => { this.Topmost = false; }; ((MainWindowVM) DataContext).WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.OpenSettingsCommand) .BindTo(this, view => view.SettingsButton.Command); ((MainWindowVM)DataContext).WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.Installer.InstallState) .ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler) .Select(v => v == InstallState.Installing ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible) .BindTo(this, view => view.SettingsButton.Visibility); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "During Main Window Startup"); Environment.Exit(-1); } vm.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.ResourceStatus) .BindToStrict(this, view => view.ResourceUsage.Text); vm.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.AppName) .BindToStrict(this, view => view.AppName.Text); } private void Window_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { _mwvm.ShutdownApplication().Wait(); } private void UIElement_OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { this.DragMove(); } } }