using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reactive.Subjects; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Wabbajack.Common.StatusFeed; using Wabbajack.Common.StatusFeed.Errors; using File = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File; using FileInfo = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo; using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path; namespace Wabbajack.Common { public static class LoggingSettings { // False by default, so that library users do not have to swap it public static bool LogToFile = false; } public static partial class Utils { public static AbsolutePath LogFile { get; private set; } public static AbsolutePath LogFolder { get; private set; } private static object _logLock = new object(); private static DateTime _startTime; private static readonly Subject LoggerSubj = new Subject(); public static IObservable LogMessages => LoggerSubj; public static async Task InitalizeLogging() { _startTime = DateTime.Now; if (LoggingSettings.LogToFile) { LogFolder = Consts.LogsFolder; LogFile = Consts.LogFile; Consts.LocalAppDataPath.CreateDirectory(); Consts.LogsFolder.CreateDirectory(); if (LogFile.Exists) { var newPath = Consts.LogsFolder.Combine(Consts.EntryPoint.FileNameWithoutExtension + LogFile.LastModified.ToString(" yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss") + ".log"); await LogFile.MoveToAsync(newPath, true); } var logFiles = LogFolder.EnumerateFiles(false).ToList(); if (logFiles.Count >= Consts.MaxOldLogs) { Log($"Maximum amount of old logs reached ({logFiles.Count} >= {Consts.MaxOldLogs})"); var filesToDelete = logFiles .Where(f => f.IsFile) .OrderBy(f => f.LastModified) .Take(logFiles.Count - Consts.MaxOldLogs) .ToList(); Log($"Found {filesToDelete.Count} old log files to delete"); var success = 0; var failed = 0; filesToDelete.Do(f => { try { f.Delete(); success++; } catch (Exception e) { failed++; Log($"Could not delete log at {f}!\n{e}"); } }); Log($"Deleted {success} log files, failed to delete {failed} logs"); } } } public static void Log(string msg) { Log(new GenericInfo(msg)); } public static T Log(T msg) where T : IStatusMessage { LogStraightToFile(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.ExtendedDescription) ? msg.ShortDescription : msg.ExtendedDescription); LoggerSubj.OnNext(msg); return msg; } public static void Error(string errMessage) { Log(errMessage); } public static void Error(Exception ex, string? extraMessage = null) { Log(new GenericException(ex, extraMessage)); } public static void ErrorThrow(Exception ex, string? extraMessage = null) { Error(ex, extraMessage); throw ex; } public static void Error(IException err) { LogStraightToFile($"{err.ShortDescription}\n{err.Exception.StackTrace}"); LoggerSubj.OnNext(err); } public static void ErrorThrow(IException err) { Error(err); throw err.Exception; } public static void LogStraightToFile(string msg) { if (!LoggingSettings.LogToFile || LogFile == default) return; lock (_logLock) { File.AppendAllText(LogFile.ToString(), $"{(DateTime.Now - _startTime).TotalSeconds:0.##} - {msg}\r\n"); } } public static void Status(string msg, Percent progress, bool alsoLog = false) { WorkQueue.AsyncLocalCurrentQueue.Value?.Report(msg, progress); if (alsoLog) { Utils.Log(msg); } } public static void Status(string msg, bool alsoLog = false) { Status(msg, Percent.Zero, alsoLog: alsoLog); } public static void CatchAndLog(Action a) { try { a(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex); } } public static async Task CatchAndLog(Func f) { try { await f(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex); } } public static void ErrorMetric(Exception exception) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }