using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Common.Serialization.Json; using Wabbajack.Lib.Validation; using Game = Wabbajack.Common.Game; namespace Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders { public class GameFileSourceDownloader : IDownloader { public async Task GetDownloaderState(dynamic archiveINI, bool quickMode) { var gameName = (string?)archiveINI?.General?.gameName; var gameFile = (string?)archiveINI?.General?.gameFile; if (gameName == null || gameFile == null) return null; if (!GameRegistry.TryGetByFuzzyName(gameName, out var game)) return null; var path = game.TryGetGameLocation(); var filePath = path?.Combine(gameFile); if (!(filePath?.Exists ?? false)) return null; var fp = filePath.Value; var hash = await fp.FileHashCachedAsync(); if (hash == null) return null; return new State(game.InstalledVersion) { Game = game.Game, GameFile = (RelativePath)gameFile, Hash = hash.Value }; } public async Task Prepare() { } [JsonName("GameFileSourceDownloader")] public class State : AbstractDownloadState { public Game Game { get; set; } public RelativePath GameFile { get; set; } public Hash Hash { get; set; } public string GameVersion { get; set; } = ""; public State(string gameVersion) { GameVersion = gameVersion; } public State() { } [JsonIgnore] internal AbsolutePath SourcePath => Game.MetaData().GameLocation().Combine(GameFile); [JsonIgnore] public override object[] PrimaryKey { get => new object[] {Game, GameVersion ?? "", GameFile.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}; } public override bool IsWhitelisted(ServerWhitelist whitelist) { return true; } public override async Task Download(Archive a, AbsolutePath destination) { await using var src = await SourcePath.OpenRead(); await using var dest = await destination.Create(); var size = SourcePath.Size; await src.CopyToWithStatusAsync(size, dest, "Copying from Game folder"); return true; } public override async Task Verify(Archive a, CancellationToken? token) { return SourcePath.Exists && await SourcePath.FileHashCachedAsync() == Hash; } public override IDownloader GetDownloader() { return DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); } public override string? GetManifestURL(Archive a) { return null; } public override string[] GetMetaIni() { var meta = Game.MetaData(); //using MO2Name instead of MO2ArchiveName because Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR have the same archive name //as their non-vr counterpart. return new[] {"[General]", $"gameName={meta.MO2Name ?? meta.Game.ToString()}", $"gameFile={GameFile}"}; } } } }