using Compression.BSA; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.CompilationSteps; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.Lib.FileUploader; using Wabbajack.Lib.NexusApi; using Wabbajack.Lib.Validation; using Directory = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory; using File = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File; using FileInfo = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo; using Game = Wabbajack.Common.Game; using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path; namespace Wabbajack.Lib { public class MO2Compiler : ACompiler { private AbsolutePath _mo2DownloadsFolder; public AbsolutePath MO2Folder; public AbsolutePath MO2ModsFolder => MO2Folder.Combine(Consts.MO2ModFolderName); public string MO2Profile { get; } public override ModManager ModManager => ModManager.MO2; public override AbsolutePath GamePath { get; } public GameMetaData CompilingGame { get; set; } public override AbsolutePath ModListOutputFolder => ((RelativePath)"output_folder").RelativeToEntryPoint(); public override AbsolutePath ModListOutputFile { get; } public override AbsolutePath VFSCacheName => Consts.LocalAppDataPath.Combine( $"vfs_compile_cache-{Path.Combine((string)MO2Folder ?? "Unknown", "ModOrganizer.exe").StringSha256Hex()}.bin"); public MO2Compiler(AbsolutePath mo2Folder, string mo2Profile, AbsolutePath outputFile) { MO2Folder = mo2Folder; MO2Profile = mo2Profile; MO2Ini = MO2Folder.Combine("ModOrganizer.ini").LoadIniFile(); var mo2game = (string)MO2Ini.General.gameName; CompilingGame = GameRegistry.Games.First(g => g.Value.MO2Name == mo2game).Value; GamePath = new AbsolutePath((string)MO2Ini.General.gamePath.Replace("\\\\", "\\")); ModListOutputFile = outputFile; } public dynamic MO2Ini { get; } public AbsolutePath MO2DownloadsFolder { get { if (_mo2DownloadsFolder != default) return _mo2DownloadsFolder; if (MO2Ini != null) if (MO2Ini.Settings != null) if (MO2Ini.Settings.download_directory != null) return MO2Ini.Settings.download_directory.Replace("/", "\\"); return GetTypicalDownloadsFolder(MO2Folder); } set => _mo2DownloadsFolder = value; } public static AbsolutePath GetTypicalDownloadsFolder(AbsolutePath mo2Folder) => mo2Folder.Combine("downloads"); public AbsolutePath MO2ProfileDir => MO2Folder.Combine("profiles", MO2Profile); internal UserStatus User { get; private set; } public ConcurrentBag ExtraFiles { get; private set; } public Dictionary ModInis { get; private set; } public HashSet SelectedProfiles { get; set; } = new HashSet(); protected override async Task _Begin(CancellationToken cancel) { if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; ConfigureProcessor(20, ConstructDynamicNumThreads(await RecommendQueueSize())); UpdateTracker.Reset(); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Gathering information"); Info("Looking for other profiles"); var otherProfilesPath = MO2ProfileDir.Combine("otherprofiles.txt"); SelectedProfiles = new HashSet(); if (otherProfilesPath.Exists) SelectedProfiles = (await otherProfilesPath.ReadAllLinesAsync()).ToHashSet(); SelectedProfiles.Add(MO2Profile); Info("Using Profiles: " + string.Join(", ", SelectedProfiles.OrderBy(p => p))); Utils.Log($"VFS File Location: {VFSCacheName}"); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; await VFS.IntegrateFromFile(VFSCacheName); var roots = new List { MO2Folder, GamePath, MO2DownloadsFolder }; // TODO: make this generic so we can add more paths var lootPath = (AbsolutePath)Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "LOOT"); IEnumerable lootFiles = new List(); if (lootPath.Exists) { roots.Add((AbsolutePath)lootPath); } UpdateTracker.NextStep("Indexing folders"); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; await VFS.AddRoots(roots); await VFS.WriteToFile(VFSCacheName); if (lootPath.Exists) { var lootGameDirs = new [] { CompilingGame.MO2Name, // most of the games use the MO2 name CompilingGame.MO2Name.Replace(" ", "") //eg: Fallout 4 -> Fallout4 }; var lootGameDir = lootGameDirs.Select(x => lootPath.Combine(x)) .FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsDirectory); if (lootGameDir != default) { Utils.Log($"Found LOOT game folder at {lootGameDir}"); lootFiles = lootGameDir.EnumerateFiles(false) .Where(p => p.FileName == (RelativePath)"userlist.yaml") .Where(p => p.IsFile) .Select(p => new RawSourceFile(VFS.Index.ByRootPath[p], Consts.LOOTFolderFilesDir.Combine(p.RelativeTo(lootPath)))); if (!lootFiles.Any()) Utils.Log( $"Found no LOOT user data for {CompilingGame.HumanFriendlyGameName} at {lootGameDir}!"); } } if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; UpdateTracker.NextStep("Cleaning output folder"); await ModListOutputFolder.DeleteDirectory(); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; UpdateTracker.NextStep("Inferring metas for game file downloads"); await InferMetas(); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; UpdateTracker.NextStep("Reindexing downloads after meta inferring"); await VFS.AddRoot(MO2DownloadsFolder); await VFS.WriteToFile(VFSCacheName); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; UpdateTracker.NextStep("Pre-validating Archives"); IndexedArchives = (await MO2DownloadsFolder.EnumerateFiles() .Where(f => f.WithExtension(Consts.MetaFileExtension).Exists) .PMap(Queue, async f => new IndexedArchive { File = VFS.Index.ByRootPath[f], Name = (string)f.FileName, IniData = f.WithExtension(Consts.MetaFileExtension).LoadIniFile(), Meta = await f.WithExtension(Consts.MetaFileExtension).ReadAllTextAsync() })).ToList(); await CleanInvalidArchives(); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Finding Install Files"); ModListOutputFolder.CreateDirectory(); var mo2Files = MO2Folder.EnumerateFiles() .Where(p => p.IsFile) .Select(p => { if (!VFS.Index.ByRootPath.ContainsKey(p)) Utils.Log($"WELL THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM: {p} {VFS.Index.ByRootPath.Count}"); return new RawSourceFile(VFS.Index.ByRootPath[p], p.RelativeTo(MO2Folder)); }); // If Game Folder Files exists, ignore the game folder IEnumerable gameFiles; if (!MO2Folder.Combine(Consts.GameFolderFilesDir).Exists) { gameFiles = GamePath.EnumerateFiles() .Where(p => p.IsFile) .Where(p => p.Extension!= Consts.HashFileExtension) .Select(p => new RawSourceFile(VFS.Index.ByRootPath[p], Consts.GameFolderFilesDir.Combine(p.RelativeTo(GamePath)))); } else { gameFiles = new List(); } IndexedFiles = IndexedArchives.SelectMany(f => f.File.ThisAndAllChildren) .OrderBy(f => f.NestingFactor) .GroupBy(f => f.Hash) .ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.AsEnumerable()); AllFiles = mo2Files.Concat(gameFiles) .Concat(lootFiles) .DistinctBy(f => f.Path) .ToList(); Info($"Found {AllFiles.Count} files to build into mod list"); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; UpdateTracker.NextStep("Verifying destinations"); var dups = AllFiles.GroupBy(f => f.Path) .Where(fs => fs.Count() > 1) .Select(fs => { Utils.Log($"Duplicate files installed to {fs.Key} from : {String.Join(", ", fs.Select(f => f.AbsolutePath))}"); return fs; }).ToList(); if (dups.Count > 0) { Error($"Found {dups.Count} duplicates, exiting"); } ExtraFiles = new ConcurrentBag(); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; UpdateTracker.NextStep("Loading INIs"); ModInis = MO2Folder.Combine(Consts.MO2ModFolderName) .EnumerateDirectories() .Select(f => { var modName = f.FileName; var metaPath = f.Combine("meta.ini"); return metaPath.Exists ? (mod_name: f, metaPath.LoadIniFile()) : default; }) .Where(f => f.Item1 != default) .ToDictionary(f => f.Item1, f => f.Item2); if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; var stack = MakeStack(); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Running Compilation Stack"); var results = await AllFiles.PMap(Queue, UpdateTracker, f => RunStack(stack, f)); // Add the extra files that were generated by the stack if (cancel.IsCancellationRequested) return false; UpdateTracker.NextStep($"Adding {ExtraFiles.Count} that were generated by the stack"); results = results.Concat(ExtraFiles).ToArray(); var noMatch = results.OfType().ToArray(); PrintNoMatches(noMatch); if (CheckForNoMatchExit(noMatch)) return false; InstallDirectives = results.Where(i => !(i is IgnoredDirectly)).ToList(); Info("Getting Nexus api_key, please click authorize if a browser window appears"); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Verifying Files"); zEditIntegration.VerifyMerges(this); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Gathering Archives"); await GatherArchives(); // Don't await this because we don't care if it fails. Utils.Log("Finding States to package"); await AuthorAPI.UploadPackagedInis(SelectedArchives.ToArray()); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Including Archive Metadata"); await IncludeArchiveMetadata(); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Building Patches"); await BuildPatches(); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Gathering Metadata"); await GatherMetaData(); ModList = new ModList { GameType = CompilingGame.Game, WabbajackVersion = WabbajackVersion, Archives = SelectedArchives.ToList(), ModManager = ModManager.MO2, Directives = InstallDirectives, Name = ModListName ?? MO2Profile, Author = ModListAuthor ?? "", Description = ModListDescription ?? "", Readme = (string)ModListReadme, Image = ModListImage != default ? ModListImage.FileName : default, Website = ModListWebsite != null ? new Uri(ModListWebsite) : null }; UpdateTracker.NextStep("Running Validation"); await ValidateModlist.RunValidation(ModList); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Generating Report"); GenerateManifest(); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Exporting Modlist"); await ExportModList(); ResetMembers(); UpdateTracker.NextStep("Done Building Modlist"); return true; } private async Task CleanInvalidArchives() { var remove = (await IndexedArchives.PMap(Queue, async a => { try { await ResolveArchive(a); return null; } catch { return a; } })).Where(a => a != null).ToHashSet(); if (remove.Count == 0) return; Utils.Log( $"Removing {remove.Count} archives from the compilation state, this is probably not an issue but reference this if you have compilation failures"); remove.Do(r => Utils.Log($"Resolution failed for: {r.File.FullPath}")); IndexedArchives.RemoveAll(a => remove.Contains(a)); } private async Task InferMetas() { async Task HasInvalidMeta(AbsolutePath filename) { var metaname = filename.WithExtension(Consts.MetaFileExtension); if (!metaname.Exists) return true; return await DownloadDispatcher.ResolveArchive(metaname.LoadIniFile()) == null; } var to_find = (await MO2DownloadsFolder.EnumerateFiles() .Where(f => f.Extension != Consts.MetaFileExtension && f.Extension !=Consts.HashFileExtension) .PMap(Queue, async f => await HasInvalidMeta(f) ? f : default)) .Where(f => f.Exists) .ToList(); if (to_find.Count == 0) return; Utils.Log($"Attempting to infer {to_find.Count} metas from the server."); await to_find.PMap(Queue, async f => { var vf = VFS.Index.ByRootPath[f]; var client = new Common.Http.Client(); using var response = await client.GetAsync( $"{vf.Hash.ToHex()}/meta.ini"); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { await vf.AbsoluteName.WithExtension(Consts.MetaFileExtension).WriteAllLinesAsync( "[General]", "unknownArchive=true"); return; } var iniData = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Utils.Log($"Inferred .meta for {vf.FullPath.FileName}, writing to disk"); await vf.AbsoluteName.WithExtension(Consts.MetaFileExtension).WriteAllTextAsync(iniData); }); } private async Task IncludeArchiveMetadata() { Utils.Log($"Including {SelectedArchives.Count} .meta files for downloads"); await SelectedArchives.PMap(Queue, async a => { var source = MO2DownloadsFolder.Combine(a.Name + Consts.MetaFileExtension); InstallDirectives.Add(new ArchiveMeta { SourceDataID = await IncludeFile(source), Size = source.Size, Hash = await source.FileHashAsync(), To = source.FileName }); }); } /// /// Clear references to lists that hold a lot of data. /// private void ResetMembers() { AllFiles = null; InstallDirectives = null; SelectedArchives = null; ExtraFiles = null; } /// /// Fills in the Patch fields in files that require them /// private async Task BuildPatches() { Info("Gathering patch files"); await InstallDirectives.OfType() .Where(p => p.PatchID == null) .PMap(Queue, async p => { if (Utils.TryGetPatch(p.FromHash, p.Hash, out var bytes)) p.PatchID = await IncludeFile(bytes); }); var groups = InstallDirectives.OfType() .Where(p => p.PatchID == default) .GroupBy(p => p.ArchiveHashPath.BaseHash) .ToList(); Info($"Patching building patches from {groups.Count} archives"); var absolutePaths = AllFiles.ToDictionary(e => e.Path, e => e.AbsolutePath); await groups.PMap(Queue, group => BuildArchivePatches(group.Key, group, absolutePaths)); var firstFailedPatch = InstallDirectives.OfType().FirstOrDefault(f => f.PatchID == null); if (firstFailedPatch != null) Error($"Missing patches after generation, this should not happen. First failure: {firstFailedPatch.FullPath}"); } private async Task BuildArchivePatches(Hash archiveSha, IEnumerable group, Dictionary absolutePaths) { using (var files = await VFS.StageWith(group.Select(g => VFS.Index.FileForArchiveHashPath(g.ArchiveHashPath)))) { var byPath = files.GroupBy(f => string.Join("|", f.FilesInFullPath.Skip(1).Select(i => i.Name))) .ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.First()); // Now Create the patches await group.PMap(Queue, async entry => { Info($"Patching {entry.To}"); Status($"Patching {entry.To}"); var srcFile = byPath[string.Join("|", entry.ArchiveHashPath.Paths)]; await using var srcStream = srcFile.OpenRead(); await using var outputStream = IncludeFile(out var id); entry.PatchID = id; await using var destStream = LoadDataForTo(entry.To, absolutePaths); await Utils.CreatePatch(srcStream, srcFile.Hash, destStream, entry.Hash, outputStream); Info($"Patch size {outputStream.Length} for {entry.To}"); }); } } private FileStream LoadDataForTo(RelativePath to, Dictionary absolutePaths) { if (absolutePaths.TryGetValue(to, out var absolute)) return absolute.OpenRead(); if (to.StartsWith(Consts.BSACreationDir)) { var bsaId = (RelativePath)((string)to).Split('\\')[1]; var bsa = InstallDirectives.OfType().First(b => b.TempID == bsaId); using var a = BSADispatch.OpenRead(MO2Folder.Combine(bsa.To)); var find = (RelativePath)Path.Combine(((string)to).Split('\\').Skip(2).ToArray()); var file = a.Files.First(e => e.Path == find); var returnStream = new TempStream(); file.CopyDataTo(returnStream); returnStream.Position = 0; return returnStream; } Error($"Couldn't load data for {to}"); return null; } public override IEnumerable GetStack() { return MakeStack(); } /// /// Creates a execution stack. The stack should be passed into Run stack. Each function /// in this stack will be run in-order and the first to return a non-null result will have its /// result included into the pack /// /// public override IEnumerable MakeStack() { Utils.Log("Generating compilation stack"); return new List { new IgnoreGameFilesIfGameFolderFilesExist(this), new IncludePropertyFiles(this), new IgnoreStartsWith(this,"logs\\"), new IgnoreStartsWith(this, "downloads\\"), new IgnoreStartsWith(this,"webcache\\"), new IgnoreStartsWith(this, "overwrite\\"), new IgnoreStartsWith(this, "crashDumps\\"), new IgnorePathContains(this,"temporary_logs"), new IgnorePathContains(this, "GPUCache"), new IgnorePathContains(this, "SSEEdit Cache"), new IgnoreEndsWith(this, ".pyc"), new IgnoreEndsWith(this, ".log"), new IgnoreOtherProfiles(this), new IgnoreDisabledMods(this), new IncludeThisProfile(this), // Ignore the ModOrganizer.ini file it contains info created by MO2 on startup new IncludeStubbedConfigFiles(this), new IncludeLootFiles(this), new IgnoreStartsWith(this, Path.Combine((string)Consts.GameFolderFilesDir, "Data")), new IgnoreStartsWith(this, Path.Combine((string)Consts.GameFolderFilesDir, "Papyrus Compiler")), new IgnoreStartsWith(this, Path.Combine((string)Consts.GameFolderFilesDir, "Skyrim")), new IgnoreRegex(this, Consts.GameFolderFilesDir + "\\\\.*\\.bsa"), new IncludeRegex(this, "^[^\\\\]*\\.bat$"), new IncludeModIniData(this), new DirectMatch(this), new IncludeTaggedMods(this, Consts.WABBAJACK_INCLUDE), new DeconstructBSAs(this), // Deconstruct BSAs before building patches so we don't generate massive patch files new IncludePatches(this), new IncludeDummyESPs(this), // If we have no match at this point for a game folder file, skip them, we can't do anything about them new IgnoreGameFiles(this), // There are some types of files that will error the compilation, because they're created on-the-fly via tools // so if we don't have a match by this point, just drop them. new IgnoreEndsWith(this, ".ini"), new IgnoreEndsWith(this, ".html"), new IgnoreEndsWith(this, ".txt"), // Don't know why, but this seems to get copied around a bit new IgnoreEndsWith(this, "HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe"), // Theme file MO2 downloads somehow new IgnoreEndsWith(this, "splash.png"), // File to force MO2 into portable mode new IgnoreEndsWith(this, "portable.txt"), new IgnoreEndsWith(this, ".bin"), new IgnoreEndsWith(this, ".refcache"), new IgnoreWabbajackInstallCruft(this), new PatchStockESMs(this), new IncludeAllConfigs(this), new zEditIntegration.IncludeZEditPatches(this), new IncludeTaggedMods(this, Consts.WABBAJACK_NOMATCH_INCLUDE), new DropAll(this) }; } public class IndexedFileMatch { public IndexedArchive Archive; public IndexedArchiveEntry Entry; public DateTime LastModified; } } }