using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Wabbajack.Paths; using Wabbajack.VFS; namespace Wabbajack.CLI.Verbs { public class VFSIndexFolder : IVerb { private readonly Context _context; public VFSIndexFolder(Context context) { _context = context; } public Command MakeCommand() { var command = new Command("vfs-index"); command.Add(new Option(new[] { "-f", "--folder" }, "Folder to index")); command.Description = "Index and cache the contents of a folder"; command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Run); return command; } public async Task Run(AbsolutePath folder) { await _context.AddRoot(folder, CancellationToken.None); return 0; } } }