using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem; using Compression.BSA; using OMODFramework; using Wabbajack.Common.StatusFeed; using Wabbajack.Common.StatusFeed.Errors; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Common.FileSignatures; using Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem.SevenZipExtractor; using Utils = Wabbajack.Common.Utils; namespace Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem { public class FileExtractor { private static SignatureChecker archiveSigs = new SignatureChecker(Definitions.FileType.TES3, Definitions.FileType.BSA, Definitions.FileType.BA2, Definitions.FileType.ZIP, Definitions.FileType.EXE, Definitions.FileType.RAR, Definitions.FileType._7Z); public static async Task ExtractAll(WorkQueue queue, AbsolutePath source, IEnumerable OnlyFiles = null, bool throwOnError = true) { OnlyFiles ??= new RelativePath[0]; try { var sig = await archiveSigs.MatchesAsync(source); if (source.Extension == Consts.OMOD) return await ExtractAllWithOMOD(source); switch (sig) { case Definitions.FileType.BSA: case Definitions.FileType.TES3: case Definitions.FileType.BA2: return await ExtractAllWithBSA(queue, source); case Definitions.FileType.EXE: return await ExtractAllExe(source); case Definitions.FileType._7Z: case Definitions.FileType.ZIP: case Definitions.FileType.RAR: return await ExtractAllWith7Zip(source, OnlyFiles); } throw new Exception("Invalid archive format"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!throwOnError) return new ExtractedFiles(await TempFolder.Create()); Utils.Log(ex.ToString()); Utils.ErrorThrow(ex, $"Error while extracting {source}"); throw new Exception(); } } private static async Task ExtractAllExe(AbsolutePath source) { var isArchive = await TestWith7z(source); if (isArchive) { return await ExtractAllWith7Zip(source, null); } var dest = await TempFolder.Create(); Utils.Log($"Extracting {(string)source.FileName}"); var process = new ProcessHelper { Path = @"Extractors\innounp.exe".RelativeTo(AbsolutePath.EntryPoint), Arguments = new object[] {"-x", "-y", "-b", $"-d\"{dest.Dir}\"", source} }; var result = process.Output.Where(d => d.Type == ProcessHelper.StreamType.Output) .ForEachAsync(p => { var (_, line) = p; if (line == null) return; if (line.Length <= 4 || line[3] != '%') return; int.TryParse(line.Substring(0, 3), out var percentInt); Utils.Status($"Extracting {source.FileName} - {line.Trim()}", Percent.FactoryPutInRange(percentInt / 100d)); }); await process.Start(); return new ExtractedFiles(dest); } private class OMODProgress : ICodeProgress { private long _total; public void SetProgress(long inSize, long outSize) { Utils.Status("Extracting OMOD", Percent.FactoryPutInRange(inSize, _total)); } public void Init(long totalSize, bool compressing) { _total = totalSize; } public void Dispose() { // } } private static async Task ExtractAllWithOMOD(AbsolutePath source) { var dest = await TempFolder.Create(); Utils.Log($"Extracting {(string)source.FileName}"); Framework.Settings.TempPath = (string)dest.Dir; Framework.Settings.CodeProgress = new OMODProgress(); var omod = new OMOD((string)source); omod.GetDataFiles(); omod.GetPlugins(); return new ExtractedFiles(dest); } private static async Task ExtractAllWithBSA(WorkQueue queue, AbsolutePath source) { try { var arch = await BSADispatch.OpenRead(source); var files = arch.Files.ToDictionary(f => f.Path, f => (IExtractedFile)new ExtractedBSAFile(f)); return new ExtractedFiles(files); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ErrorThrow(ex, $"While Extracting {source}"); throw new Exception(); } } private static async Task ExtractAllWith7Zip(AbsolutePath source, IEnumerable onlyFiles) { var dest = await TempFolder.Create(); Utils.Log(new GenericInfo($"Extracting {(string)source.FileName}", $"The contents of {(string)source.FileName} are being extracted to {(string)source.FileName} using 7zip.exe")); var files = onlyFiles.ToHashSet(); using var archive = await ArchiveFile.Open(source); if (files.Count > 0) { await archive.Extract(path => { Utils.Log($"Extract file {path} {files.Contains(path)} {dest.Dir.Combine(path)}"); return files.Contains(path) ? dest.Dir.Combine(path) : default; }); } else { await archive.Extract(path => dest.Dir.Combine(path)); } return new ExtractedFiles(dest); } /// /// Returns true if the given extension type can be extracted /// /// /// public static async Task CanExtract(AbsolutePath v) { var found = await archiveSigs.MatchesAsync(v); switch (found) { case null: return false; case Definitions.FileType.EXE: { var process = new ProcessHelper { Path = @"Extractors\innounp.exe".RelativeTo(AbsolutePath.EntryPoint), Arguments = new object[] {"-t", v}, }; return await process.Start() == 0; } default: return true; } } public static async Task TestWith7z(AbsolutePath file) { var process = new ProcessHelper() { Path = @"Extractors\7z.exe".RelativeTo(AbsolutePath.EntryPoint), Arguments = new object[] {"t", file}, }; return await process.Start() == 0; } private static Extension _exeExtension = new Extension(".exe"); public static bool MightBeArchive(Extension ext) { return ext == _exeExtension || Consts.SupportedArchives.Contains(ext) || Consts.SupportedBSAs.Contains(ext); } } }