using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using IniParser.Model; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Compiler.CompilationSteps; using Wabbajack.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.Downloaders.GameFile; using Wabbajack.DTOs; using Wabbajack.DTOs.Directives; using Wabbajack.DTOs.JsonConverters; using Wabbajack.Installer; using Wabbajack.Networking.WabbajackClientApi; using Wabbajack.Paths; using Wabbajack.Paths.IO; using Wabbajack.RateLimiter; using Wabbajack.VFS; namespace Wabbajack.Compiler; public class MO2Compiler : ACompiler { public MO2Compiler(ILogger logger, FileExtractor.FileExtractor extractor, FileHashCache hashCache, Context vfs, TemporaryFileManager manager, CompilerSettings settings, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, DownloadDispatcher dispatcher, Client wjClient, IGameLocator locator, DTOSerializer dtos, IResource compilerLimiter, IBinaryPatchCache patchCache) : base(logger, extractor, hashCache, vfs, manager, settings, parallelOptions, dispatcher, wjClient, locator, dtos, compilerLimiter, patchCache) { MaxSteps = 14; } public static MO2Compiler Create(IServiceProvider provider, CompilerSettings mo2Settings) { return new MO2Compiler(provider.GetRequiredService>(), provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService(), mo2Settings, provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService(), provider.GetRequiredService>(), provider.GetRequiredService()); } public CompilerSettings Mo2Settings => (CompilerSettings) Settings; public AbsolutePath MO2ModsFolder => Settings.Source.Combine(Consts.MO2ModFolderName); public IniData MO2Ini { get; } public AbsolutePath MO2ProfileDir => Settings.Source.Combine(Consts.MO2Profiles, Mo2Settings.Profile); public ConcurrentBag ExtraFiles { get; private set; } = new(); public Dictionary ModInis { get; set; } = new(); public static AbsolutePath GetTypicalDownloadsFolder(AbsolutePath mo2Folder) { return mo2Folder.Combine("downloads"); } public override async Task Begin(CancellationToken token) { await _wjClient.SendMetric("begin_compiling", Mo2Settings.Profile); var roots = new List {Settings.Source, Settings.Downloads}; roots.AddRange(Settings.OtherGames.Append(Settings.Game).Select(g => _locator.GameLocation(g))); NextStep("Initializing", "Add Roots"); await _vfs.AddRoots(roots, token, async (cur, max) => UpdateProgressAbsolute(cur, max)); // Step 1 //await InferMetas(token); // Step 2 NextStep("Initializing", "Add Download Roots"); await _vfs.AddRoot(Settings.Downloads, token); // Step 3 // Find all Downloads IndexedArchives = await Settings.Downloads.EnumerateFiles() .Where(f => f.WithExtension(Ext.Meta).FileExists()) .PMapAll(CompilerLimiter, async f => new IndexedArchive(_vfs.Index.ByRootPath[f]) { Name = (string) f.FileName, IniData = f.WithExtension(Ext.Meta).LoadIniFile(), Meta = await f.WithExtension(Ext.Meta).ReadAllTextAsync() }).ToList(); await IndexGameFileHashes(); IndexedArchives = IndexedArchives.DistinctBy(a => a.File.AbsoluteName).ToList(); await CleanInvalidArchivesAndFillState(); var mo2Files = Settings.Source.EnumerateFiles() .Where(p => p.FileExists()) .Select(p => new RawSourceFile(_vfs.Index.ByRootPath[p], p.RelativeTo(Settings.Source))); // If Game Folder Files exists, ignore the game folder IndexedFiles = IndexedArchives.SelectMany(f => f.File.ThisAndAllChildren) .OrderBy(f => f.NestingFactor) .GroupBy(f => f.Hash) .ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.AsEnumerable()); AllFiles = mo2Files .DistinctBy(f => f.Path) .ToList(); var dups = AllFiles.GroupBy(f => f.Path) .Where(fs => fs.Count() > 1) .ToList(); if (dups.Count > 0) { _logger.LogInformation("Found {count} duplicates, exiting", dups.Count); return false; } ModInis = Settings.Source.Combine(Consts.MO2ModFolderName) .EnumerateDirectories() .Select(f => { var modName = f.FileName; var metaPath = f.Combine("meta.ini"); return metaPath.FileExists() ? (mod_name: f, metaPath.LoadIniFile()) : default; }) .Where(f => f.Item1 != default) .ToDictionary(f => f.mod_name, f => f.Item2); ArchivesByFullPath = IndexedArchives.ToDictionary(a => a.File.AbsoluteName); var stack = MakeStack(); NextStep("Compiling", "Running Compilation Stack", AllFiles.Count); var results = await AllFiles.PMapAll(CompilerLimiter, f => { UpdateProgress(1); return RunStack(stack, f); }).ToList(); NextStep("Compiling", "Updating Extra files"); // Add the extra files that were generated by the stack results = results.Concat(ExtraFiles).ToList(); var noMatch = results.OfType().ToArray(); PrintNoMatches(noMatch); if (CheckForNoMatchExit(noMatch)) return false; foreach (var ignored in results.OfType()) _logger.LogInformation("Ignored {to} because {reason}", ignored.To, ignored.Reason); InstallDirectives = results.Where(i => i is not IgnoredDirectly).ToList(); zEditIntegration.VerifyMerges(this); await BuildPatches(token); await GatherArchives(); await GatherMetaData(); ModList = new ModList { GameType = Settings.Game, WabbajackVersion = Consts.CurrentMinimumWabbajackVersion, Archives = SelectedArchives.ToArray(), Directives = InstallDirectives.ToArray(), Name = Settings.ModListName, Author = Settings.ModListAuthor, Description = Settings.ModListDescription, Readme = Settings.ModListReadme, Image = ModListImage != default ? ModListImage.FileName : default, Website = Settings.ModListWebsite, Version = Settings.ModlistVersion, IsNSFW = Settings.ModlistIsNSFW }; await InlineFiles(token); await RunValidation(ModList); await GenerateManifest(); await ExportModList(token); ResetMembers(); return true; } private async Task RunValidation(ModList modList) { NextStep("Finalizing", "Validating Archives", modList.Archives.Length); var allowList = await _wjClient.LoadDownloadAllowList(); foreach (var archive in modList.Archives) { UpdateProgress(1); if (!_dispatcher.IsAllowed(archive, allowList)) { _logger.LogCritical("Archive {name}, {primaryKeyString} is not allowed", archive.Name, archive.State.PrimaryKeyString); throw new CompilerException("Cannot download"); } } } /// /// Clear references to lists that hold a lot of data. /// private void ResetMembers() { AllFiles = new List(); InstallDirectives = new List(); SelectedArchives = new List(); ExtraFiles = new ConcurrentBag(); } public override IEnumerable GetStack() { return MakeStack(); } /// /// Creates a execution stack. The stack should be passed into Run stack. Each function /// in this stack will be run in-order and the first to return a non-null result will have its /// result included into the pack /// /// public override IEnumerable MakeStack() { _logger.LogInformation("Generating compilation stack"); var steps = new List { new IgnoreGameFilesIfGameFolderFilesExist(this), //new IncludeSteamWorkshopItems(this), new IgnoreSaveFiles(this), new IgnoreInPath(this, "logs".ToRelativePath()), new IgnoreInPath(this, "downloads".ToRelativePath()), new IgnoreInPath(this, "webcache".ToRelativePath()), new IgnoreInPath(this, "overwrite".ToRelativePath()), new IgnoreInPath(this, "crashDumps".ToRelativePath()), new IgnorePathContains(this, "temporary_logs"), new IgnorePathContains(this, "GPUCache"), new IgnorePathContains(this, "SSEEdit Cache"), new IgnoreOtherProfiles(this), new IgnoreDisabledMods(this), // TODO //new IgnoreTaggedFiles(this, Consts.WABBAJACK_IGNORE_FILES), //new IgnoreTaggedFolders(this,Consts.WABBAJACK_IGNORE), new IncludeThisProfile(this), // Ignore the ModOrganizer.ini file it contains info created by MO2 on startup new IncludeStubbedConfigFiles(this), new IgnoreInPath(this, Consts.GameFolderFilesDir.Combine("Data")), new IgnoreInPath(this, Consts.GameFolderFilesDir.Combine("Papyrus Compiler")), new IgnoreInPath(this, Consts.GameFolderFilesDir.Combine("Skyrim")), new IgnoreRegex(this, Consts.GameFolderFilesDir + "\\\\.*\\.bsa"), new IncludeRegex(this, "^[^\\\\]*\\.bat$"), new IncludeModIniData(this), new DirectMatch(this), new IncludeTaggedFiles(this, Settings.Include), new IgnoreExtension(this, Ext.Pyc), new IgnoreExtension(this, Ext.Log), new PatchStockGameFiles(this, _wjClient), new DeconstructBSAs( this), // Deconstruct BSAs before building patches so we don't generate massive patch files new MatchSimilarTextures(this), new IncludePatches(this), new IncludeDummyESPs(this), // There are some types of files that will error the compilation, because they're created on-the-fly via tools // so if we don't have a match by this point, just drop them. new IgnoreExtension(this, Ext.Html), // Don't know why, but this seems to get copied around a bit new IgnoreFilename(this, "HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe".ToRelativePath()), // Theme file MO2 downloads somehow new IncludeRegex(this, "splash\\.png"), // File to force MO2 into portable mode new IgnoreFilename(this, "portable.txt".ToRelativePath()), new IgnoreExtension(this, Ext.Bin), new IgnoreFilename(this, ".refcache".ToRelativePath()), //Include custom categories new IncludeRegex(this, "categories.dat$"), new IncludeAllConfigs(this), // TODO //new zEditIntegration.IncludeZEditPatches(this), new IncludeTaggedFiles(this, Settings.NoMatchInclude), new IncludeRegex(this, ".*\\.txt"), new IgnorePathContains(this, @"\Edit Scripts\Export\"), new IgnoreExtension(this, new Extension(".CACHE")), // Misc new IncludeRegex(this, "modlist-image\\.png"), new DropAll(this) }; if (!_settings.UseTextureRecompression) steps = steps.Where(s => s is not MatchSimilarTextures).ToList(); return steps; } }