using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem; using F23.StringSimilarity; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem; namespace Wabbajack.Lib.CompilationSteps { public class IncludePatches : ACompilationStep { private readonly Dictionary> _indexed; private VirtualFile? _bsa; private Dictionary> _indexedByName; private bool _isGenericGame; public IncludePatches(ACompiler compiler, VirtualFile? constructingFromBSA = null) : base(compiler) { _bsa = constructingFromBSA; _compiler = compiler; _indexed = _compiler.IndexedFiles.Values .SelectMany(f => f) .GroupBy(f => f.Name.FileName) .ToDictionary(f => f.Key); _indexedByName = _indexed.Values .SelectMany(s => s) .Where(f => f.IsNative) .GroupBy(f => f.Name.FileName) .ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => (IEnumerable)f); _isGenericGame = _compiler.CompilingGame.IsGenericMO2Plugin; } public override async ValueTask Run(RawSourceFile source) { if (_isGenericGame) { if (source.Path.StartsWith(Consts.GameFolderFilesDir)) return null; } var name = source.File.Name.FileName; RelativePath nameWithoutExt = name; if (name.Extension == Consts.MOHIDDEN) nameWithoutExt = name.FileNameWithoutExtension; if (!_indexed.TryGetValue(name, out var choices)) _indexed.TryGetValue(nameWithoutExt, out choices); dynamic? modIni = null; if (_compiler is MO2Compiler) { if (_bsa == null && source.File.IsNative && source.AbsolutePath.InFolder(((MO2Compiler)_compiler).MO2ModsFolder)) ((MO2Compiler)_compiler).ModInis.TryGetValue(ModForFile(source.AbsolutePath), out modIni); else if (_bsa != null) { var bsaPath = _bsa.FullPath.Base; ((MO2Compiler)_compiler).ModInis.TryGetValue(ModForFile(bsaPath), out modIni); } } var installationFile = (string?)modIni?.General?.installationFile; VirtualFile[] found = {}; // Find based on exact file name + ext if (choices != null && installationFile != null) { var relName = (RelativePath)Path.GetFileName(installationFile); found = choices.Where(f => f.FilesInFullPath.First().Name.FileName == relName).ToArray(); } // Find based on file name only (not ext) if (found.Length == 0 && choices != null) { found = choices.ToArray(); } // Find based on matchAll= in [General] in meta.ini var matchAllName = (string?)modIni?.General?.matchAll; if (matchAllName != null && found.Length == 0) { var relName = (RelativePath)Path.GetFileName(matchAllName); if (_indexedByName.TryGetValue(relName, out var arch)) { var dist = new Levenshtein(); found = arch.SelectMany(a => a.ThisAndAllChildren) .OrderBy(a => dist.Distance(a.Name.FileName.ToString(), source.File.Name.FileName.ToString())) .Take(3) .ToArray(); } } if (found.Length == 0) return null; var e = source.EvolveTo(); var patches = found.Select(c => (Utils.TryGetPatch(c.Hash, source.File.Hash, out var data), data, c)) .ToArray(); if (patches.All(p => p.Item1)) { var (_, bytes, file) = PickPatch(_compiler, patches); e.FromHash = file.Hash; e.ArchiveHashPath = file.MakeRelativePaths(); e.PatchID = await _compiler.IncludeFile(bytes!); } else { e.Choices = found; } if (source.File.IsNative && await VirusScanner.ShouldScan(source.File.AbsoluteName)) { if (await ClientAPI.GetVirusScanResult(source.File.AbsoluteName) == VirusScanner.Result.Malware) { Utils.ErrorThrow(new Exception($"Executable file {source.File.AbsoluteName} ({source.File}) has been marked as malware.")); } } return e; } public static (bool, byte[], VirtualFile) PickPatch(ACompiler compiler, IEnumerable<(bool foundHash, byte[]? data, VirtualFile file)> patches) { var ordered = patches .Select(f => (f.foundHash,!, f.file)) .OrderBy(f => f.Item2.Length) .ToArray(); var primaryChoice = ordered.FirstOrDefault(itm => { var baseHash = itm.file.TopParent.Hash; // If this file doesn't come from a game use it if (!compiler.GamesWithHashes.TryGetValue(baseHash, out var games)) return true; // Otherwise skip files that are not from the primary game return games.Contains(compiler.CompilingGame.Game); }); // If we didn't find a file from an archive or the primary game, use a secondary game file. return primaryChoice != default ? primaryChoice : ordered.FirstOrDefault(); } private AbsolutePath ModForFile(AbsolutePath file) { return file.RelativeTo(((MO2Compiler)_compiler).MO2ModsFolder).TopParent .RelativeTo(((MO2Compiler)_compiler).MO2ModsFolder); } } }