using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Reactive.Subjects; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.CompilationSteps; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.Lib.ModListRegistry; using Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem; namespace Wabbajack.Lib { public abstract class ACompiler : ABatchProcessor { public string? ModListName, ModListAuthor, ModListDescription, ModListWebsite, ModlistReadme; public Version? ModlistVersion; public AbsolutePath ModListImage; protected Version? WabbajackVersion; public abstract AbsolutePath VFSCacheName { get; } //protected string VFSCacheName => Path.Combine(Consts.LocalAppDataPath, $"vfs_compile_cache.bin"); /// /// A stream of tuples of ("Update Title", 0.25) which represent the name of the current task /// and the current progress. /// public IObservable<(string, float)> ProgressUpdates => _progressUpdates; protected readonly Subject<(string, float)> _progressUpdates = new Subject<(string, float)>(); public abstract ModManager ModManager { get; } public abstract AbsolutePath GamePath { get; } public abstract AbsolutePath ModListOutputFolder { get; } public abstract AbsolutePath ModListOutputFile { get; } public bool IgnoreMissingFiles { get; set; } public List SelectedArchives { get; protected set; } = new List(); public List InstallDirectives { get; protected set; } = new List(); public List AllFiles { get; protected set; } = new List(); public ModList ModList = new ModList(); public List IndexedArchives = new List(); public Dictionary> IndexedFiles = new Dictionary>(); public ACompiler(int steps) : base(steps) { } public static void Info(string msg) { Utils.Log(msg); } public void Status(string msg) { Queue.Report(msg, Percent.Zero); } public static void Error(string msg) { Utils.Log(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } internal RelativePath IncludeId() { return RelativePath.RandomFileName(); } internal async Task IncludeFile(byte[] data) { var id = IncludeId(); await ModListOutputFolder.Combine(id).WriteAllBytesAsync(data); return id; } internal FileStream IncludeFile(out RelativePath id) { id = IncludeId(); return ModListOutputFolder.Combine(id).Create(); } internal async Task IncludeFile(string data) { var id = IncludeId(); await ModListOutputFolder.Combine(id).WriteAllTextAsync(data); return id; } internal async Task IncludeFile(AbsolutePath data) { var id = IncludeId(); await data.CopyToAsync(ModListOutputFolder.Combine(id)); return id; } public async Task GatherMetaData() { Utils.Log($"Getting meta data for {SelectedArchives.Count} archives"); await SelectedArchives.PMap(Queue, async a => { if (a.State is IMetaState metaState) { if (metaState.URL == null) return; var b = await metaState.LoadMetaData(); Utils.Log(b ? $"Getting meta data for {a.Name} was successful!" : $"Getting meta data for {a.Name} failed!"); } else { Utils.Log($"Archive {a.Name} is not an AbstractMetaState!"); } }); return true; } public async Task ExportModList() { Utils.Log($"Exporting ModList to {ModListOutputFile}"); // Modify readme and ModList image to relative paths if they exist if (ModListImage.Exists) { ModList.Image = (RelativePath)"modlist-image.png"; } using (var of = ModListOutputFolder.Combine("modlist").Create()) ModList.ToJson(of); ModListOutputFile.Delete(); using (var fs = ModListOutputFile.Create()) { using (var za = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { ModListOutputFolder.EnumerateFiles() .DoProgress("Compressing ModList", f => { var ze = za.CreateEntry((string)f.FileName); using var os = ze.Open(); using var ins = f.OpenRead(); ins.CopyTo(os); }); // Copy in modimage if (ModListImage.Exists) { var ze = za.CreateEntry((string)ModList.Image); using (var os = ze.Open()) using (var ins = ModListImage.OpenRead()) { ins.CopyTo(os); } } } } Utils.Log("Exporting ModList metadata"); var metadata = new DownloadMetadata { Size = ModListOutputFile.Size, Hash = ModListOutputFile.FileHash(), NumberOfArchives = ModList.Archives.Count, SizeOfArchives = ModList.Archives.Sum(a => a.Size), NumberOfInstalledFiles = ModList.Directives.Count, SizeOfInstalledFiles = ModList.Directives.Sum(a => a.Size) }; metadata.ToJson(ModListOutputFile + ".meta.json"); Utils.Log("Removing ModList staging folder"); await Utils.DeleteDirectory(ModListOutputFolder); } public void GenerateManifest() { var manifest = new Manifest(ModList); manifest.ToJson(ModListOutputFile + ".manifest.json"); } public async Task GatherArchives() { Info("Building a list of archives based on the files required"); var hashes = InstallDirectives.OfType() .Select(a => a.ArchiveHashPath.BaseHash) .Distinct(); var archives = IndexedArchives.OrderByDescending(f => f.File.LastModified) .GroupBy(f => f.File.Hash) .ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.First()); SelectedArchives.SetTo(await hashes.PMap(Queue, hash => ResolveArchive(hash, archives))); } public async Task ResolveArchive(Hash hash, IDictionary archives) { if (archives.TryGetValue(hash, out var found)) { return await ResolveArchive(found); } throw new ArgumentException($"No match found for Archive sha: {hash.ToBase64()} this shouldn't happen"); } public async Task ResolveArchive(IndexedArchive archive) { Utils.Status($"Checking link for {archive.Name}", alsoLog: true); if (archive.IniData == null) Error( $"No download metadata found for {archive.Name}, please use MO2 to query info or add a .meta file and try again."); var result = new Archive(await DownloadDispatcher.ResolveArchive(archive.IniData)); if (result.State == null) Error($"{archive.Name} could not be handled by any of the downloaders"); result.Name = archive.Name; result.Hash = archive.File.Hash; result.Meta = archive.Meta; result.Size = archive.File.Size; if (result.State != null && !await result.State.Verify(result)) Error( $"Unable to resolve link for {archive.Name}. If this is hosted on the Nexus the file may have been removed."); return result; } public async Task RunStack(IEnumerable stack, RawSourceFile source) { Utils.Status($"Compiling {source.Path}"); foreach (var step in stack) { var result = await step.Run(source); if (result != null) return result; } throw new InvalidDataException("Data fell out of the compilation stack"); } public abstract IEnumerable GetStack(); public abstract IEnumerable MakeStack(); public static void PrintNoMatches(ICollection noMatches) { const int max = 10; Info($"No match for {noMatches.Count} files"); if (noMatches.Count > 0) { int count = 0; foreach (var file in noMatches) { if (count++ < max) { Utils.Log($" {file.To} - {file.Reason}"); } else { Utils.LogStraightToFile($" {file.To} - {file.Reason}"); } if (count == max && noMatches.Count > max) { Utils.Log($" ..."); } } } } public bool CheckForNoMatchExit(ICollection noMatches) { if (noMatches.Count > 0) { if (IgnoreMissingFiles) { Info("Continuing even though files were missing at the request of the user."); } else { Info("Exiting due to no way to compile these files"); return true; } } return false; } } }