using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using MongoDB.Driver; using MongoDB.Driver.Core.Authentication; using MongoDB.Driver.Linq; using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Model.Models; using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Models.JobQueue; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.Lib.NexusApi; namespace Wabbajack.BuildServer.Models.Jobs { public class EnqueueRecentFiles : AJobPayload, IFrontEndJob { public override string Description => "Enqueue the past days worth of mods for indexing"; private static HashSet GamesToScan = new HashSet { Game.Fallout3, Game.Fallout4, Game.Skyrim, Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, Game.SkyrimVR, Game.FalloutNewVegas, Game.Oblivion }; public override async Task Execute(DBContext db, SqlService sql, AppSettings settings) { using (var queue = new WorkQueue()) { var updates = await db.NexusUpdates.AsQueryable().ToListAsync(); var mods = updates .Where(list => GamesToScan.Contains(GameRegistry.GetByNexusName(list.Game).Game)) .SelectMany(list => list.Data.Where(mod => DateTime.UtcNow - mod.LatestFileUpdate.AsUnixTime() < TimeSpan.FromDays(1)) .Select(mod => (list.Game, mod.ModId))); var mod_files = (await mods.PMap(queue, async mod => { var client = await NexusApiClient.Get(); try { var files = await client.GetModFiles(GameRegistry.GetByNexusName(mod.Game).Game, (int)mod.ModId); return (mod.Game, mod.ModId, files.files); } catch (Exception) { return default; } })).Where(t => t.Game != null).ToList(); var archives = mod_files.SelectMany(mod => mod.files.Select(file => (mod.Game, mod.ModId, File:file)).Where(f => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.File.category_name) )) .Select(tuple => { var state = new NexusDownloader.State { GameName = tuple.Game, ModID = tuple.ModId.ToString(), FileID = tuple.File.file_id.ToString() }; return new Archive {State = state, Name = tuple.File.file_name}; }).ToList(); Utils.Log($"Found {archives.Count} archives from recent Nexus updates to index"); var searching = archives.Select(a => a.State.PrimaryKeyString).Distinct().ToArray(); Utils.Log($"Looking for missing states"); var knownArchives = (await db.DownloadStates.AsQueryable().Where(s => searching.Contains(s.Key)) .Select(d => d.Key).ToListAsync()).ToDictionary(a => a); Utils.Log($"Found {knownArchives.Count} pre-existing archives"); var missing = archives.Where(a => !knownArchives.ContainsKey(a.State.PrimaryKeyString)) .DistinctBy(d => d.State.PrimaryKeyString) .ToList(); Utils.Log($"Found {missing.Count} missing archives, enqueing indexing jobs"); var jobs = missing.Select(a => new Job {Payload = new IndexJob {Archive = a}, Priority = Job.JobPriority.Low}); Utils.Log($"Writing jobs to the DB"); await db.Jobs.InsertManyAsync(jobs, new InsertManyOptions {IsOrdered = false}); Utils.Log($"Done adding archives for Nexus Updates"); return JobResult.Success(); } } } }