using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Wabbajack.Common; using File = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File; using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path; namespace Wabbajack.Lib { public class ReportBuilder : IDisposable { private const int WRAP_SIZE = 80; private readonly StreamWriter _wtr; private string _outputFolder; public ReportBuilder(Stream str, string outputFolder) { _outputFolder = outputFolder; _wtr = new StreamWriter(str); } public void Dispose() { _wtr.Flush(); _wtr?.Dispose(); } public void Text(string txt) { var offset = 0; while (offset + WRAP_SIZE < txt.Length) { _wtr.WriteLine(txt.Substring(offset, WRAP_SIZE)); offset += WRAP_SIZE; } if (offset < txt.Length) _wtr.WriteLine(txt.Substring(offset, txt.Length - offset)); } public void NoWrapText(string txt) { _wtr.WriteLine(txt); } public void Build(ACompiler c, ModList lst) { MO2Compiler compiler = null; if (lst.ModManager == ModManager.MO2) compiler = (MO2Compiler) c; Text($"### {lst.Name} by {lst.Author} - Installation Summary"); Text($"Build with Wabbajack Version {lst.WabbajackVersion}"); Text(lst.Description); Text("#### Website:"); NoWrapText($"[{lst.Website}]({lst.Website})"); Text($"Mod Manager: {lst.ModManager.ToString()}"); if (lst.ModManager == ModManager.MO2) { var readmeFile = Path.Combine(compiler?.MO2ProfileDir, ""); if (File.Exists(readmeFile)) File.ReadAllLines(readmeFile) .Do(NoWrapText); } var archiveCount = lst.Archives.Count + lst.Directives.Count(d => d is SteamMeta); var totalSize = lst.Archives.Sum(a => a.Size); totalSize += lst.Directives.Where(d => d is SteamMeta).Cast().Sum(s => s.Size); Text( $"#### Download Summary ({archiveCount} archives - {totalSize.ToFileSizeString()})"); foreach (var archive in SortArchives(lst.Archives)) { var hash = archive.Hash.FromBase64().ToHex(); NoWrapText(archive.State.GetReportEntry(archive)); NoWrapText($" * Size : {archive.Size.ToFileSizeString()}"); NoWrapText($" * SHA256 : [{hash}]({hash})"); } lst.Directives.Where(d => d is SteamMeta).Do(f => { if (!(f is SteamMeta s)) { return; } var link = $"{s.ItemID}"; var size = ((long)s.Size).ToFileSizeString(); NoWrapText($"* Steam Workshop Item: [{s.ItemID}]({link}) | Size: {size}"); }); Text("\n\n"); var patched = lst.Directives.OfType().OrderBy(p => p.To).ToList(); Text($"#### Summary of ({patched.Count}) patches"); foreach (var directive in patched) NoWrapText( $"* Applying {SizeForID(directive.PatchID)} byte patch `{directive.FullPath}` to create `{directive.To}`"); var files = lst.Directives.OrderBy(d => d.To).ToList(); Text($"\n\n### Install Plan of ({files.Count}) files"); Text("(ignoring files that are directly copied from archives or listed in the patches section above)"); foreach (var directive in files.OrderBy(f => f.GetType().Name).ThenByDescending(f => f.To)) switch (directive) { case PropertyFile i: NoWrapText($"* `{i.SourceDataID}` as a `{Enum.GetName(typeof(PropertyType),i.Type)}`"); break; case FromArchive f: //NoWrapText($"* `{f.To}` from `{f.FullPath}`"); break; case CleanedESM i: NoWrapText($"* `{i.To}` by applying a patch to a game ESM ({i.SourceESMHash})"); break; case RemappedInlineFile i: NoWrapText($"* `{i.To}` by remapping the contents of an inline file"); break; case InlineFile i: NoWrapText($"* `{i.To}` from `{SizeForID(i.SourceDataID).ToFileSizeString()}` file included in modlist"); break; case CreateBSA i: NoWrapText( $"* `{i.To}` by creating a BSA of files found in `{Consts.BSACreationDir}\\{i.TempID}`"); break; } var inlined = lst.Directives.OfType() .Select(f => (f.To, "inlined", SizeForID(f.SourceDataID))) .Concat(lst.Directives .OfType() .Select(f => (f.To, "patched", SizeForID(f.PatchID)))) .ToHashSet() .OrderByDescending(f => f.Item3); NoWrapText("\n\n### Summary of inlined files in this installer"); foreach (var inline in inlined) { NoWrapText($"* {inline.Item3.ToFileSizeString()} for {inline.Item2} file {inline.To}"); } } private long SizeForID(string id) { return File.GetSize(Path.Combine(_outputFolder, id)); } private IEnumerable SortArchives(List lstArchives) { return lstArchives.OrderByDescending(a => a.Size); } } }