using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Wabbajack.Common
public static class CLIArguments
[CLIOptions("nosettings", HelpText = "Don't load the saved Settings")]
public static bool NoSettings { get; set; }
[CLIOptions("apikey", HelpText = "Manually input an Nexus api key")]
public static string ApiKey { get; set; }
[CLIOptions("install", ShortOption = 'i', HelpText = "Install a ModList via CLI")]
public static string InstallPath { get; set; }
[CLIOptions("help", ShortOption = 'h', HelpText = "Display this message")]
public static bool Help { get; set; }
public static class CLIOld
/// Parses the argument and sets the properties of
public static void ParseOptions(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 1) return;
// get all properties of the class Options
typeof(CLIArguments).GetProperties().Do(p =>
var optionAttr = (CLIOptions[])p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CLIOptions));
if (optionAttr.Length != 1)
var cur = optionAttr[0];
if (cur?.Option == null) return;
FillVariable(cur.Option, ref p, ref args, false);
FillVariable(cur.ShortOption, ref p, ref args, true);
public static void DisplayHelpText()
Console.WriteLine("Wabbajack CLI Help Text");
Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} | {1,-15} | {2,-30}", "Option", "Short Option", "Help Text");
typeof(CLIArguments).GetProperties().Do(p =>
var optionAttr = (CLIOptions[])p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CLIOptions));
if (optionAttr.Length != 1)
var cur = optionAttr[0];
if (cur?.Option == null) return;
var shortText = cur.ShortOption != 0 ? $"-{cur.ShortOption}" : "";
var helpText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cur.HelpText) ? "" : cur.HelpText;
Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} | {1,-15} | {2,-30}", $"--{cur.Option}", shortText, helpText);
private static void FillVariable(dynamic option, ref PropertyInfo p, ref string[] args, bool single)
var s = single ? $"-{option}" : $"--{option}";
if (!args.Any(a => a.Contains(s))) return;
if (p.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
p.SetValue(p, true);
var filtered = args.Where(a => a.Contains(s)).ToList();
if (filtered.Count != 1) return;
var arg = filtered[0];
arg = arg.Replace($"{s}=", "");
if(p.PropertyType == typeof(string))
p.SetValue(p, arg);
public class CLIOptions : Attribute
// --option, long name of the option. Eg: --output
public string Option;
// -shortOption, short name of the option. Eg: -o
public char ShortOption;
// text to be displayed when --help is called
public string HelpText;
public CLIOptions(string option)
Option = option;