using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace Wabbajack.Common.StoreHandlers { public class GOGGame : AStoreGame { public override Game Game { get; internal set; } public override string Name { get; internal set; } public override string Path { get; internal set; } public override int ID { get; internal set; } public override StoreType Type { get; internal set; } = StoreType.GOG; } public class GOGHandler : AStoreHandler { public override List Games { get; set; } public override StoreType Type { get; internal set; } private const string GOGRegKey = @"Software\\Games"; private const string GOG64RegKey = @"Software\WOW6432Node\\Games"; private RegistryKey GOGKey { get; set; } public override bool Init() { try { var gogKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(GOGRegKey) ?? Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(GOG64RegKey); if (gogKey == null) { Utils.Error(new StoreException("Could not open the GOG registry key!")); return false; } GOGKey = gogKey; return true; } catch (SecurityException se) { Utils.Error(se, "GOGHandler could not read from registry!"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae) { Utils.Error(uae, "GOGHandler could not read from registry!"); } return false; } public override bool LoadAllGames() { if(Games == null) Games = new List(); try { string[] keys = GOGKey.GetSubKeyNames(); Utils.Log($"Found {keys.Length} SubKeys for GOG"); keys.Do(key => { if (!int.TryParse(key, out var gameID)) { Utils.Error(new StoreException($"Could not read gameID for key {key}")); return; } var subKey = GOGKey.OpenSubKey(key); if (subKey == null) { Utils.Error(new StoreException($"Could not open SubKey for {key}")); return; } var gameNameValue = subKey.GetValue("GAMENAME"); if (gameNameValue == null) { Utils.Error(new StoreException($"Could not get GAMENAME for {gameID} at {key}")); return; } var gameName = gameNameValue.ToString(); var pathValue = subKey.GetValue("PATH"); if (pathValue == null) { Utils.Error(new StoreException($"Could not get PATH for {gameID} at {key}")); return; } var path = pathValue.ToString(); var game = new GOGGame { ID = gameID, Name = gameName, Path = path }; var gameMeta = GameRegistry.Games.Values.FirstOrDefault(g => { return (g.GOGIDs?.Contains(gameID) ?? false) && (g.RequiredFiles?.TrueForAll(file => File.Exists(Path.Combine(game.Path, file))) ?? true); }); if (gameMeta == null) { Utils.Log($"GOG Game \"{gameName}\"({gameID}) is not supported, skipping"); return; } game.Game = gameMeta.Game; Utils.Log($"Found GOG Game: \"{game.Name}\"({game.ID}) at {game.Path}"); Games.Add(game); }); } catch (SecurityException se) { Utils.Error(se, "GOGHandler could not read from registry!"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae) { Utils.Error(uae, "GOGHandler could not read from registry!"); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.ErrorThrow(e); } Utils.Log($"Total number of GOG Games found: {Games.Count}"); return true; } } }