using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.Validation; using File = System.IO.File; namespace Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders { // IPS4 is the site used by LoversLab, VectorPlexus, etc. the general mechanics of each site are the // same, so we can fairly easily abstract the state. // Pass in the state type via TState public abstract class AbstractIPS4Downloader : AbstractNeedsLoginDownloader, IDownloader where TState : AbstractIPS4Downloader.State, new() where TDownloader : IDownloader { public override string SiteName { get; } public override Uri SiteURL { get; } public async Task GetDownloaderState(dynamic archiveINI) { Uri url = DownloaderUtils.GetDirectURL(archiveINI); var absolute = true; if (url == null || url.Host != SiteURL.Host) return null; if (!url.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/files/file/")) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url.Query)) return null; if (!url.Query.Substring(1).StartsWith("/files/file/")) return null; absolute = false; } var id = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(url.Query)["r"]; var file = absolute ? url.AbsolutePath.Split('/').Last(s => s != "") : url.Query.Substring(1).Split('/').Last(s => s != ""); return new TState { FileID = id, FileName = file }; } public class State : AbstractDownloadState where TDownloader : IDownloader { public string FileID { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } private static bool IsHTTPS => Downloader.SiteURL.AbsolutePath.StartsWith("https://"); private static string URLPrefix => IsHTTPS ? "https://" : "http://"; private static string Site => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Downloader.SiteURL.Query) ? $"{URLPrefix}{Downloader.SiteURL.Host}" : Downloader.SiteURL.ToString(); public override object[] PrimaryKey { get { return FileID == null ? new object[] {Downloader.SiteURL, FileName} : new object[] {Downloader.SiteURL, FileName, FileID}; } } public override bool IsWhitelisted(ServerWhitelist whitelist) { return true; } public override async Task Download(Archive a, string destination) { var stream = await ResolveDownloadStream(); using (var file = File.Open(destination, FileMode.Create)) { stream.CopyTo(file); } return true; } private async Task ResolveDownloadStream() { var downloader = (AbstractNeedsLoginDownloader)(object)DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); TOP: var csrfurl = FileID == null ? $"{Site}/files/file/{FileName}/?do=download" : $"{Site}/files/file/{FileName}/?do=download&r={FileID}"; var html = await downloader.AuthedClient.GetStringAsync(csrfurl); var pattern = new Regex("(?<=csrfKey=).*(?=[&\"\'])|(?<=csrfKey: \").*(?=[&\"\'])"); var matches = pattern.Matches(html).Cast(); var csrfKey = matches.Where(m => m.Length == 32).Select(m => m.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (csrfKey == null) return null; var url = FileID == null ? $"{Site}/files/file/{FileName}/?do=download&confirm=1&t=1&csrfKey={csrfKey}" : $"{Site}/files/file/{FileName}/?do=download&r={FileID}&confirm=1&t=1&csrfKey={csrfKey}"; var streamResult = await downloader.AuthedClient.GetAsync(url); if (streamResult.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { Utils.Error(new InvalidOperationException(), $"{downloader.SiteName} servers reported an error for file: {FileID}"); } var contentType = streamResult.Content.Headers.ContentType; if (contentType.MediaType != "application/json") return await streamResult.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); // Sometimes LL hands back a json object telling us to wait until a certain time var times = (await streamResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).FromJSONString(); var secs = times.Download - times.CurrentTime; for (int x = 0; x < secs; x++) { Utils.Status($"Waiting for {secs} at the request of {downloader.SiteName}", x * 100 / secs); await Task.Delay(1000); } Utils.Status("Retrying download"); goto TOP; } private class WaitResponse { [JsonProperty("download")] public int Download { get; set; } [JsonProperty("currentTime")] public int CurrentTime { get; set; } } public override async Task Verify(Archive a) { var stream = await ResolveDownloadStream(); if (stream == null) return false; stream.Close(); return true; } public override IDownloader GetDownloader() { return DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); } public override string GetManifestURL(Archive a) { return $"{Site}/files/file/{FileName}/?do=download&r={FileID}"; } public override string[] GetMetaIni() { if (FileID != null) return new[] { "[General]", $"directURL={Site}/files/file/{FileName}/?do=download&r={FileID}&confirm=1&t=1" }; return new[] { "[General]", $"directURL={Site}/files/file/{FileName}" }; } private static AbstractNeedsLoginDownloader Downloader => (AbstractNeedsLoginDownloader)(object)DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); } protected AbstractIPS4Downloader(Uri loginUri, string encryptedKeyName, string cookieDomain) : base(loginUri, encryptedKeyName, cookieDomain, "ips4_member_id") { } } }