using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.LibCefHelpers; using Wabbajack.Lib.Validation; using Xilium.CefGlue.Common; using File = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File; namespace Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders { public class LoversLabDownloader : IDownloader { internal HttpClient _authedClient; public async Task GetDownloaderState(dynamic archive_ini) { Uri url = DownloaderUtils.GetDirectURL(archive_ini); if (url == null || url.Host != "" || !url.AbsolutePath.StartsWith("/files/file/")) return null; var id = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(url.Query)["r"]; var file = url.AbsolutePath.Split('/').Last(s => s != ""); return new State { FileID = id, FileName = file }; } public async Task Prepare() { _authedClient = (await GetAuthedClient()) ?? throw new Exception("not logged into LL, TODO"); } public static async Task GetAndCacheLoversLabCookies(BaseCefBrowser browser, Action updateStatus, CancellationToken cancel) { updateStatus("Please Log Into Lovers Lab"); browser.Address = ""; async Task CleanAds() { try { await browser.EvaluateJavaScript( "document.querySelectorAll(\".ll_adblock\").forEach(function (itm) { itm.innerHTML = \"\";});"); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex); } return false; } var cookies = new Helpers.Cookie[0]; while (true) { cancel.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await CleanAds(); cookies = (await Helpers.GetCookies("")); if (cookies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "ips4_member_id") != null) break; await Task.Delay(500, cancel); } cookies.ToEcryptedJson("loverslabcookies"); return cookies; } public async Task GetAuthedClient() { Helpers.Cookie[] cookies; try { cookies = Utils.FromEncryptedJson("loverslabcookies"); if (cookies != null) return Helpers.GetClient(cookies, ""); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } cookies = Utils.Log(new RequestLoversLabLogin()).Task.Result; return Helpers.GetClient(cookies, ""); } public class State : AbstractDownloadState { public string FileID { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public override bool IsWhitelisted(ServerWhitelist whitelist) { return true; } public override async Task Download(Archive a, string destination) { var stream = await ResolveDownloadStream(); using (var file = File.OpenWrite(destination)) { stream.CopyTo(file); } } private async Task ResolveDownloadStream() { var result = DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); TOP: var html = await result._authedClient.GetStringAsync( $"{FileName}/?do=download&r={FileID}"); var pattern = new Regex("(?<=csrfKey=).*(?=[&\"\'])"); var csrfKey = pattern.Matches(html).Cast().Where(m => m.Length == 32).Select(m => m.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (csrfKey == null) return null; var url = $"{FileName}/?do=download&r={FileID}&confirm=1&t=1&csrfKey={csrfKey}"; var streamResult = await result._authedClient.GetAsync(url); if (streamResult.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { Utils.Error(new InvalidOperationException(), $"LoversLab servers reported an error for file: {FileID}"); } var content_type = streamResult.Content.Headers.ContentType; if (content_type.MediaType == "application/json") { // Sometimes LL hands back a json object telling us to wait until a certain time var times = (await streamResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).FromJSONString(); var secs = - times.currentTime; for (int x = 0; x < secs; x++) { Utils.Status($"Waiting for {secs} at the request of LoversLab", x * 100 / secs); await Task.Delay(1000); } Utils.Status("Retrying download"); goto TOP; } return await streamResult.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(); } internal class WaitResponse { public int download { get; set; } public int currentTime { get; set; } } public override async Task Verify() { var stream = await ResolveDownloadStream(); if (stream == null) { return false; } stream.Close(); return true; } public override IDownloader GetDownloader() { return DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); } public override string GetReportEntry(Archive a) { return $"* Lovers Lab - [{a.Name}]({FileName}/?do=download&r={FileID})"; } } } public class RequestLoversLabLogin : AUserIntervention { public override string ShortDescription => "Getting LoversLab information"; public override string ExtendedDescription { get; } private readonly TaskCompletionSource _source = new TaskCompletionSource(); public Task Task => _source.Task; public void Resume(Helpers.Cookie[] cookies) { Handled = true; _source.SetResult(cookies); } public override void Cancel() { Handled = true; _source.SetCanceled(); } } }