using System.CommandLine; using System.CommandLine.Invocation; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using FluentFTP.Helpers; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using SteamKit2; using Wabbajack.DTOs; using Wabbajack.DTOs.JsonConverters; using Wabbajack.Networking.Http.Interfaces; using Wabbajack.Networking.Steam; using Wabbajack.Paths; namespace Wabbajack.CLI.Verbs; public class SteamDownloadFile : IVerb { private readonly ILogger<SteamDownloadFile> _logger; private readonly Client _client; private readonly ITokenProvider<SteamLoginState> _token; private readonly DepotDownloader _downloader; private readonly DTOSerializer _dtos; private readonly Wabbajack.Networking.WabbajackClientApi.Client _wjClient; public SteamDownloadFile(ILogger<SteamDownloadFile> logger, Client steamClient, ITokenProvider<SteamLoginState> token, DepotDownloader downloader, DTOSerializer dtos, Wabbajack.Networking.WabbajackClientApi.Client wjClient) { _logger = logger; _client = steamClient; _token = token; _downloader = downloader; _dtos = dtos; _wjClient = wjClient; } public Command MakeCommand() { var command = new Command("steam-download-file"); command.Description = "Dumps information to the console about the given app"; command.Add(new Option<string>(new[] {"-g", "-game", "-gameName"}, "Wabbajack game name")); command.Add(new Option<string>(new[] {"-v", "-version"}, "Version of the game to download for")); command.Add(new Option<string>(new[] {"-f", "-file"}, "File to download (relative path)")); command.Add(new Option<string>(new[] {"-o", "-output"}, "Output location")); command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(Run); return command; } private async Task<int> Run(string gameName, string version, string file, AbsolutePath output) { if (!GameRegistry.TryGetByFuzzyName(gameName, out var game)) _logger.LogError("Can't find definition for {Game}", gameName); await _client.Login(); var definition = await _wjClient.GetGameArchives(game.Game, version); var manifests = await _wjClient.GetSteamManifests(game.Game, version); _logger.LogInformation("Found {Count} manifests, looking for file", manifests.Length); SteamManifest? steamManifest = null; DepotManifest? depotManifest = null; DepotManifest.FileData? fileData = null; var appId = (uint) game.SteamIDs.First(); foreach (var manifest in manifests) { steamManifest = manifest; depotManifest = await _client.GetAppManifest(appId, manifest.Depot, manifest.Manifest); fileData = depotManifest.Files!.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileName == file); if (fileData != default) { break; } } if (fileData == default) { _logger.LogError("Cannot find {File} in any manifests", file); return 1; } _logger.LogInformation("File is {Size} and {ChunkCount} chunks", fileData.TotalSize.FileSizeToString(), fileData.Chunks.Count); await _client.Download(appId, depotManifest!.DepotID, steamManifest!.Manifest, fileData, output, CancellationToken.None); _logger.LogInformation("File downloaded"); return 0; } }