using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using MahApps.Metro.Controls; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.LibCefHelpers; using Wabbajack.Util; using Application = System.Windows.Application; using Utils = Wabbajack.Common.Utils; namespace Wabbajack { /// <summary> /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// </summary> public partial class MainWindow : MetroWindow { private MainWindowVM _mwvm; private MainSettings _settings; public MainWindow() { Helpers.Init(); // Wire any unhandled crashing exceptions to log before exiting AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) => { // Don't do any special logging side effects Utils.Error(((Exception)e.ExceptionObject), "Uncaught error"); }; Utils.Log($"Wabbajack Build - {ThisAssembly.Git.Sha}"); var p = SystemParametersConstructor.Create(); Utils.Log($"Detected Windows Version: {p.WindowsVersion}"); if (!(p.WindowsVersion.Major >= 6 && p.WindowsVersion.Minor >= 2)) Utils.Log( $"You are not running a recent version of Windows (version 10 or greater), Wabbajack is not supported on OS versions older than Windows 10."); Utils.Log( $"System settings - ({p.SystemMemorySize.ToFileSizeString()} RAM), Display: {p.ScreenWidth} x {p.ScreenHeight} ({p.VideoMemorySize.ToFileSizeString()} VRAM - VideoMemorySizeMb={p.EnbLEVRAMSize})"); // Run logic to associate wabbajack lists with this app in the background Task.Run(async () => { var appPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; try { if (!ModListAssociationManager.IsAssociated() || ModListAssociationManager.NeedsUpdating(appPath)) { ModListAssociationManager.Associate(appPath); } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.Log($"ExtensionManager had an exception:\n{e}"); } }).FireAndForget(); // Load settings if (CLIArguments.NoSettings || !MainSettings.TryLoadTypicalSettings(out var settings)) { _settings = new MainSettings { Version = Consts.SettingsVersion }; RunWhenLoaded(DefaultSettings); } else { _settings = settings; RunWhenLoaded(LoadSettings); } // Set datacontext _mwvm = new MainWindowVM(this, _settings); DataContext = _mwvm; // Bring window to the front if it isn't already this.Initialized += (s, e) => { this.Activate(); this.Topmost = true; this.Focus(); }; this.ContentRendered += (s, e) => { this.Topmost = false; }; } public void Init(MainWindowVM vm, MainSettings settings) { DataContext = vm; _mwvm = vm; _settings = settings; } private void RunWhenLoaded(Action a) { if (IsLoaded) { a(); } else { this.Loaded += (sender, e) => { a(); }; } } private void LoadSettings() { Width = _settings.Width; Height = _settings.Height; Left = _settings.PosX; Top = _settings.PosY; } private void DefaultSettings() { Width = 1300; Height = 960; Left = 15; Top = 15; } private void Window_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { _mwvm.ShutdownApplication(); } } }