using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive;
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Wabbajack
public static class RxExt
/// Convenience function that discards events that are null
/// Source events that are not null
public static IObservable NotNull(this IObservable source)
where T : class
return source.Where(u => u != null);
/// Converts any observable to type Unit. Useful for when you care that a signal occurred,
/// but don't care about what its value is downstream.
/// An observable that returns Unit anytime the source signal fires an event.
public static IObservable Unit(this IObservable source)
return source.Select(_ => System.Reactive.Unit.Default);
/// Convenience operator to subscribe to the source observable, only when a second "switch" observable is on.
/// When the switch is on, the source will be subscribed to, and its updates passed through.
/// When the switch is off, the subscription to the source observable will be stopped, and no signal will be published.
/// Source observable to subscribe to if on
/// On/Off signal of whether to subscribe to source observable
/// Observable that publishes data from source, if the switch is on.
public static IObservable FlowSwitch(this IObservable source, IObservable filterSwitch)
return filterSwitch
.Select(on =>
if (on)
return source;
return Observable.Empty();
/// Convenience operator to subscribe to the source observable, only when a second "switch" observable is on.
/// When the switch is on, the source will be subscribed to, and its updates passed through.
/// When the switch is off, the subscription to the source observable will be stopped, and no signal will be published.
/// Source observable to subscribe to if on
/// On/Off signal of whether to subscribe to source observable
/// Value to fire when switching off
/// Observable that publishes data from source, if the switch is on.
public static IObservable FilterSwitch(this IObservable source, IObservable filterSwitch, T valueWhenOff)
return filterSwitch
.Select(on =>
if (on)
return source;
return Observable.Return(valueWhenOff);
/// Inspiration:
public static IObservable Debounce(this IObservable source, TimeSpan interval, IScheduler scheduler = null)
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Default;
return Observable.Create(o =>
var hasValue = false;
bool throttling = false;
T value = default;
var dueTimeDisposable = new SerialDisposable();
void internalCallback()
if (hasValue)
// We have another value that came in to fire.
// Reregister for callback
dueTimeDisposable.Disposable = scheduler.Schedule(interval, internalCallback);
value = default;
hasValue = false;
// Nothing to do, throttle is complete.
throttling = false;
return source.Subscribe(
onNext: (x) =>
if (!throttling)
// Fire initial value
// Mark that we're throttling
throttling = true;
// Register for callback when throttle is complete
dueTimeDisposable.Disposable = scheduler.Schedule(interval, internalCallback);
// In the middle of throttle
// Save value and return
hasValue = true;
value = x;
onError: o.OnError,
onCompleted: o.OnCompleted);
public static IObservable SelectTask(this IObservable source, Func task)
return source
.SelectMany(async i =>
await task(i).ConfigureAwait(false);
return System.Reactive.Unit.Default;
public static IObservable SelectTask(this IObservable source, Func task)
return source
.SelectMany(async _ =>
await task().ConfigureAwait(false);
return System.Reactive.Unit.Default;
public static IObservable SelectTask(this IObservable source, Func> task)
return source
.SelectMany(_ => task());
public static IObservable SelectTask(this IObservable source, Func> task)
return source
.SelectMany(x => task(x));
public static IObservable DoTask(this IObservable source, Func task)
return source
.SelectMany(async (x) =>
await task(x).ConfigureAwait(false);
return x;
public static IObservable WhereCastable(this IObservable source)
where R : class
where T : class
return source
.Select(x => x as R)
public static IObservable Invert(this IObservable source)
return source.Select(x => !x);
public static IObservable<(T Previous, T Current)> Pairwise(this IObservable source)
T prevStorage = default;
return source.Select(i =>
var prev = prevStorage;
prevStorage = i;
return (prev, i);
public static IObservable DelayInitial(this IObservable source, TimeSpan delay)
return source.FlowSwitch(
.Select(_ => true)
public static IObservable DelayInitial(this IObservable source, TimeSpan delay, IScheduler scheduler)
return source.FlowSwitch(
.Delay(delay, scheduler)
.Select(_ => true)