using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Wabbajack.Downloaders.Interfaces; using Wabbajack.DTOs; using Wabbajack.DTOs.DownloadStates; using Wabbajack.Hashing.xxHash64; using Wabbajack.Installer; using Wabbajack.Paths.IO; using Xunit; namespace Wabbajack.Downloaders.Dispatcher.Test; [SuppressMessage("Usage", "xUnit1026:Theory methods should use all of their parameters")] public class DownloaderTests { private readonly DownloadDispatcher _dispatcher; private readonly TemporaryFileManager _temp; public DownloaderTests(DownloadDispatcher dispatcher, TemporaryFileManager temp) { _temp = temp; _dispatcher = dispatcher; } /// /// Pairs of archives for each downloader. The first archive is considered valid, /// the second should be invalid. /// public static IEnumerable TestStates => new List { // Nexus Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("U9NkoW0w21k="), State = new Nexus { Game = Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, ModID = 51939, FileID = 212497 } }, new Archive { State = new Nexus { Game = Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, ModID = 51939, FileID = 212497 + 1 } } }, // Google Drive Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("eSIyd+KOG3s="), State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.GoogleDrive {Id = "1grLRTrpHxlg7VPxATTFNfq2OkU_Plvh_"} }, new Archive { State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.GoogleDrive {Id = "2grLRTrpHxlg7VPxATTFNfq2OkU_Plvh_"} } }, /* // LoversLab Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("eSIyd+KOG3s="), State = new LoversLab {IPS4Mod = 11116, IPS4File = ""} }, new Archive { State = new LoversLab {IPS4Mod = 11116, IPS4File = ""} } }, // LoversLab Attachment Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("gLJDxGDaeQ0="), State = new LoversLab {IsAttachment = true, IPS4Mod = 853295} }, new Archive { State = new LoversLab {IsAttachment = true, IPS4Mod = 85329599} } }, */ // MediaFire Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("eSIyd+KOG3s="), State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.MediaFire { Url = new Uri("") } }, new Archive { State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.MediaFire { Url = new Uri("") } } }, // Mega Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("eSIyd+KOG3s="), State = new Mega { Url = new Uri("") } }, new Archive { State = new Mega { Url = new Uri("") } } }, // ModDB Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("V3ejL5oUeQI="), State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.ModDB {Url = new Uri("")} }, new Archive { State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.ModDB {Url = new Uri("")} } }, /* // VectorPlexus Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("eSIyd+KOG3s="), State = new VectorPlexus {IPS4Mod = 290, IPS4File = ""} }, new Archive { State = new VectorPlexus {IPS4Mod = 290, IPS4File = ""} } }, */ // Wabbajack CDN Data new object[] { new Archive { Hash = Hash.FromBase64("u7aZhqgDA6Y="), State = new WabbajackCDN { Url = new Uri( "") } }, new Archive { State = new WabbajackCDN { Url = new Uri( "") } } }, /* // Bethesda new object[] { new Archive { Hash = default, State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.Bethesda { Game = Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, IsCCMod = true, ProductId = 4, BranchId = 90898, ContentId = "4059054" } }, new Archive { Hash = default, State = new DTOs.DownloadStates.Bethesda { Game = Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, IsCCMod = true, ProductId = 6, BranchId = 9898, ContentId = "059054" } }, }; */ }; private bool AutoPassTest(Archive archive) { return false; } [Theory] [Trait("Category", "FlakeyNetwork")] [MemberData(nameof(TestStates))] public async Task TestDownloadingFile(Archive archive, Archive badArchive) { if (AutoPassTest(archive)) return; await using var tempFile = _temp.CreateFile(); var hash = await _dispatcher.Download(archive, tempFile.Path, CancellationToken.None); Assert.Equal(archive.Hash, hash); } [Theory] [Trait("Category", "FlakeyNetwork")] [MemberData(nameof(TestStates))] public async Task TestFileVerification(Archive goodArchive, Archive badArchive) { if (AutoPassTest(goodArchive)) return; Assert.True(await _dispatcher.Verify(goodArchive, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.False(await _dispatcher.Verify(badArchive, CancellationToken.None)); } [Theory] [Trait("Category", "FlakeyNetwork")] [MemberData(nameof(TestStates))] public async Task CanParseAndUnParseUrls(Archive goodArchive, Archive badArchive) { if (AutoPassTest(goodArchive)) return; var downloader = _dispatcher.Downloader(goodArchive); if (downloader is IUrlDownloader urlDownloader) { var unparsed = urlDownloader.UnParse(goodArchive.State); var parsed = urlDownloader.Parse(unparsed); Assert.NotNull(parsed); Assert.Equal(goodArchive.State.GetType(), parsed.GetType()); Assert.True(await _dispatcher.Verify(new Archive {State = parsed, Hash = goodArchive.Hash}, CancellationToken.None)); } } [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(TestStates))] public async Task CanParseAndUnParseMetaInis(Archive goodArchive, Archive badArchive) { var meta = _dispatcher.MetaIniSection(goodArchive); var parsedIni = meta.LoadIniString()["General"]; var newState = await _dispatcher.ResolveArchive(parsedIni.ToDictionary(d => d.KeyName, d => d.Value)); Assert.NotNull(newState); Assert.Equal(meta, _dispatcher.MetaIniSection(new Archive {State = newState!})); } }