using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.HashFunction.xxHash; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; using RocksDbSharp; using File = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File; using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path; namespace Wabbajack.Common { /// /// Struct representing a xxHash64 value. It's a struct with a ulong in it, but wrapped so we don't confuse /// it with other longs in the system. /// [JsonConverter(typeof(Utils.HashJsonConverter))] public struct Hash { private readonly ulong _code; public Hash(ulong code = 0) { _code = code; } public bool IsValid => _code != 0; public override string ToString() { return BitConverter.GetBytes(_code).ToBase64(); } public override bool Equals(object? obj) { if (obj is Hash h) return h._code == _code; return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return (int)(_code >> 32) ^ (int)_code; } public static bool operator ==(Hash a, Hash b) { return a._code == b._code; } public static bool operator !=(Hash a, Hash b) { return !(a == b); } public static explicit operator ulong(Hash a) { return a._code; } public static explicit operator long(Hash a) { return BitConverter.ToInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(a._code)); } public string ToBase64() { return BitConverter.GetBytes(_code).ToBase64(); } public static Hash FromBase64(string hash) { return new Hash(BitConverter.ToUInt64(hash.FromBase64())); } public static Hash Empty = new Hash(); public static Hash FromLong(in long argHash) { return new Hash(BitConverter.ToUInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(argHash))); } public static Hash FromULong(in ulong argHash) { return new Hash(argHash); } public static Hash FromHex(string xxHashAsHex) { return new Hash(BitConverter.ToUInt64(xxHashAsHex.FromHex())); } public string ToHex() { return BitConverter.GetBytes(_code).ToHex(); } public byte[] ToArray() { return BitConverter.GetBytes(_code); } public static Hash Interpret(string input) { return input.Length switch { 16 => FromHex(input), 12 when input.EndsWith('=') => FromBase64(input), _ => FromLong(long.Parse(input)) }; } } public static partial class Utils { private static RocksDb _hashCache; public static Hash ReadHash(this BinaryReader br) { return new Hash(br.ReadUInt64()); } public static void Write(this BinaryWriter bw, Hash hash) { bw.Write((ulong)hash); } public static string StringSha256Hex(this string s) { var sha = new SHA256Managed(); using (var o = new CryptoStream(Stream.Null, sha, CryptoStreamMode.Write)) { using var i = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)); i.CopyTo(o); } return sha.Hash.ToHex(); } public static Hash xxHash(this byte[] data) { var hash = new xxHashConfig(); hash.HashSizeInBits = 64; hash.Seed = 0x42; using var fs = new MemoryStream(data); var config = new xxHashConfig {HashSizeInBits = 64}; using var f = new StatusFileStream(fs, $"Hashing memory stream"); var value = xxHashFactory.Instance.Create(config).ComputeHash(f); return Hash.FromULong(BitConverter.ToUInt64(value.Hash)); } public static Hash xxHash(this Stream stream) { var hash = new xxHashConfig(); hash.HashSizeInBits = 64; hash.Seed = 0x42; var config = new xxHashConfig {HashSizeInBits = 64}; using var f = new StatusFileStream(stream, $"Hashing memory stream"); var value = xxHashFactory.Instance.Create(config).ComputeHash(f); return Hash.FromULong(BitConverter.ToUInt64(value.Hash)); } public static async Task xxHashAsync(this Stream stream) { var config = new xxHashConfig {HashSizeInBits = 64}; await using var f = new StatusFileStream(stream, $"Hashing memory stream"); var value = await xxHashFactory.Instance.Create(config).ComputeHashAsync(f); return Hash.FromULong(BitConverter.ToUInt64(value.Hash)); } public static bool TryGetHashCache(AbsolutePath file, out Hash hash) { var normPath = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(file.Normalize()); var value = _hashCache.Get(normPath); hash = default; if (value == null) return false; if (value.Length != 20) return false; using var ms = new MemoryStream(value); using var br = new BinaryReader(ms); var version = br.ReadUInt32(); if (version != HashCacheVersion) return false; var lastModified = br.ReadUInt64(); if (lastModified != file.LastModifiedUtc.AsUnixTime()) return false; hash = new Hash(br.ReadUInt64()); return true; } private const uint HashCacheVersion = 0x01; private static void WriteHashCache(AbsolutePath file, Hash hash) { using var ms = new MemoryStream(20); using var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); bw.Write(HashCacheVersion); var lastModified = file.LastModifiedUtc.AsUnixTime(); bw.Write(lastModified); bw.Write((ulong)hash); _hashCache.Put(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(file.Normalize()), ms.ToArray()); } public static void FileHashWriteCache(this AbsolutePath file, Hash hash) { WriteHashCache(file, hash); } public static async Task FileHashCachedAsync(this AbsolutePath file, bool nullOnIOError = false) { if (TryGetHashCache(file, out var foundHash)) return foundHash; var hash = await file.FileHashAsync(nullOnIOError); if (hash != Hash.Empty) WriteHashCache(file, hash); return hash; } public static async Task FileHashAsync(this AbsolutePath file, bool nullOnIOError = false) { try { await using var fs = await file.OpenRead(); var config = new xxHashConfig {HashSizeInBits = 64}; await using var hs = new StatusFileStream(fs, $"Hashing {file}"); var value = await xxHashFactory.Instance.Create(config).ComputeHashAsync(hs); return new Hash(BitConverter.ToUInt64(value.Hash)); } catch (IOException) { if (nullOnIOError) return Hash.Empty; throw; } } } }