using System; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.Lib.NexusApi; using Xunit; using Xunit.Abstractions; namespace Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem.Test { public class FileExtractorTests : IAsyncLifetime { private ITestOutputHelper _helper; private IDisposable _unsub; private WorkQueue _queue; public FileExtractorTests(ITestOutputHelper helper) { _helper = helper; _unsub = Utils.LogMessages.Subscribe(f => { try { _helper.WriteLine(f.ShortDescription); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } }); _queue = new WorkQueue(); } public async Task InitializeAsync() { } public async Task DisposeAsync() { _unsub.Dispose(); } [Fact] public async Task CanGatherDataFromZipFiles() { await using var temp = await TempFolder.Create(); await using var archive = new TempFile(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { await WriteRandomData(temp.Dir.Combine($"{i}.bin"), _rng.Next(10, 1024)); } await ZipUpFolder(temp.Dir, archive.Path, false); var results = await FileExtractor2.GatheringExtract(_queue, new NativeFileStreamFactory(archive.Path), _ => true, async (path, sfn) => { await using var s = await sfn.GetStream(); return await s.xxHashAsync(); }); Assert.Equal(10, results.Count); foreach (var (path, hash) in results) { Assert.Equal(await temp.Dir.Combine(path).FileHashAsync(), hash); } } [Fact] public async Task SmallFilesShouldntCrash() { await using var temp = await TempFolder.Create(); await using var archive = new TempFile(); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i ++) { await WriteRandomData(temp.Dir.Combine($"{i}.bin"), _rng.Next(10, 10)); } await ZipUpFolder(temp.Dir, archive.Path, false); var results = await FileExtractor2.GatheringExtract(_queue, new NativeFileStreamFactory(archive.Path), _ => true, async (path, sfn) => { await using var s = await sfn.GetStream(); return await s.xxHashAsync(); }); Assert.Single(results); foreach (var (path, hash) in results) { Assert.Equal(await temp.Dir.Combine(path).FileHashAsync(), hash); } } /* Takes to long to run in CI, enable when needed for verification [Fact] public async Task MissingFileFromArchiveShouldBeFound() { FileExtractor2.FavorPerfOverRAM = true; // From a bug in var src = await DownloadMod(Game.SkyrimSpecialEdition, 21166, 136259); var results = await FileExtractor2.GatheringExtract(new NativeFileStreamFactory(src), f => true, async (p, s) => { await using var stream = await s.GetStream(); return stream.Length; }); Assert.NotEmpty(results); } */ [Fact] public async Task CanExtractEmptyFiles() { await using var temp = await TempFolder.Create(); await using var archive = new TempFile(); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i ++) { await WriteRandomData(temp.Dir.Combine($"{i}.bin"), _rng.Next(10, 1024)); } await (await temp.Dir.Combine("empty.txt").Create()).DisposeAsync(); await ZipUpFolder(temp.Dir, archive.Path, false); var results = await FileExtractor2.GatheringExtract(_queue, new NativeFileStreamFactory(archive.Path), _ => true, async (path, sfn) => { await using var s = await sfn.GetStream(); return await s.xxHashAsync(); }); Assert.Equal(2, results.Count); foreach (var (path, hash) in results) { Assert.Equal(await temp.Dir.Combine(path).FileHashAsync(), hash); } } private static Extension OMODExtension = new Extension(".omod"); private static Extension CRCExtension = new Extension(".crc"); [Fact] public async Task CanGatherDataFromOMODFiles() { var src = await DownloadMod(Game.Oblivion, 18498); await FileExtractor2.GatheringExtract(_queue, new NativeFileStreamFactory(src), p => p.Extension == OMODExtension, async (path, sfn) => { await FileExtractor2.GatheringExtract(_queue, sfn, _ => true, async (ipath, isfn) => { // We shouldn't have any .crc files because this file should be recognized as a OMOD and extracted correctly Assert.NotEqual(CRCExtension, ipath.Extension); return 0; }); return 0; }); } [Fact] public async Task CanExtractFOMODFiles() { var tmpFolder = await TempFolder.Create(); var src = await DownloadMod(Game.FalloutNewVegas, 52510); var newName = src.FileName.RelativeTo(tmpFolder.Dir); await src.CopyToAsync(newName); var ctx = new Context(_queue); await ctx.AddRoot(tmpFolder.Dir); Assert.NotEmpty(ctx.Index.ByName.Where(f => f.Key.FileName == (RelativePath)"Alternative Repairing.esp")); } [Fact] public async Task SmallZipNoLongerCrashes() { var src = await DownloadMod(Game.Fallout4, 29596, 120918); await using var tmpFolder = await TempFolder.Create(); await FileExtractor2.ExtractAll(_queue, src, tmpFolder.Dir); } private static readonly Random _rng = new Random(); private static async Task WriteRandomData(AbsolutePath path, int size) { var buff = new byte[size]; _rng.NextBytes(buff); await path.WriteAllBytesAsync(buff); } private async Task WriteRandomData(Stream path, long size) { var buff = new byte[size]; _rng.NextBytes(buff); await path.WriteAsync(buff); } private static async Task AddFile(AbsolutePath filename, string text) { filename.Parent.CreateDirectory(); await filename.WriteAllTextAsync(text); } private static async Task ZipUpFolder(AbsolutePath folder, AbsolutePath output, bool deleteSource = true) { ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory((string)folder, (string)output); if (deleteSource) await folder.DeleteDirectory(); } public static AbsolutePath StagingFolder = ((RelativePath)"NexusDownloads").RelativeToEntryPoint(); private static async Task DownloadMod(Game game, int mod) { var client = DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); await client.Prepare(); var results = await client.Client!.GetModFiles(game, mod); var file = results.files.FirstOrDefault(f => f.is_primary) ?? results.files.OrderByDescending(f => f.uploaded_timestamp).First(); return await DownloadNexusFile(game, mod, file); } public static async Task DownloadNexusFile(Game game, int mod, NexusFileInfo file) { var src = StagingFolder.Combine(file.file_name); if (src.Exists) return src; var state = new NexusDownloader.State { ModID = mod, Game = game, FileID = file.file_id }; await state.Download(src); return src; } public static async Task DownloadMod(Game game, int mod, int fileId) { var client = DownloadDispatcher.GetInstance(); await client.Prepare(); var results = await client.Client!.GetModFiles(game, mod); var file = results.files.FirstOrDefault(f => f.file_id == fileId); return await DownloadNexusFile(game, mod, file); } } }