using System; using System.Reactive; using System.Reactive.Linq; using System.Security; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CG.Web.MegaApiClient; using ReactiveUI; using Wabbajack.Common; namespace Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders { public class MegaDownloader : IUrlDownloader, INeedsLoginCredentials { public MegaApiClient MegaApiClient; private const string DataName = "mega-cred"; public LoginReturnMessage LoginWithCredentials(string username, SecureString password) { MegaApiClient.AuthInfos authInfos; try { authInfos = MegaApiClient.GenerateAuthInfos(username, password.ToNormalString()); username = null; password = null; } catch (ApiException e) { return e.ApiResultCode switch { ApiResultCode.BadArguments => new LoginReturnMessage($"Email or password was wrong! {e.Message}", true), ApiResultCode.InternalError => new LoginReturnMessage( $"Internal error occured! Please report this to the Wabbajack Team! {e.Message}", true), _ => new LoginReturnMessage($"Error generating authentication information! {e.Message}", true) }; } try { MegaApiClient.Login(authInfos); } catch (ApiException e) { if ((int)e.ApiResultCode == -26) { return new LoginReturnMessage("Two-Factor Authentication needs to be disabled before login!", true); } return e.ApiResultCode switch { ApiResultCode.InternalError => new LoginReturnMessage( $"Internal error occured! Please report this to the Wabbajack Team! {e.Message}", true), _ => new LoginReturnMessage($"Error during login: {e.Message}", true) }; } if(MegaApiClient.IsLoggedIn) authInfos.ToEcryptedJson(DataName); return new LoginReturnMessage("Logged in successfully, you can now close this window.", !MegaApiClient.IsLoggedIn || !Utils.HaveEncryptedJson(DataName)); } public MegaDownloader() { MegaApiClient = new MegaApiClient(); TriggerLogin = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { }, IsLoggedIn.Select(b => !b).ObserveOnGuiThread()); ClearLogin = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => Utils.CatchAndLog(() => Utils.DeleteEncryptedJson(DataName)), IsLoggedIn.ObserveOnGuiThread()); } public async Task GetDownloaderState(dynamic archiveINI) { var url = archiveINI?.General?.directURL; return GetDownloaderState(url); } public AbstractDownloadState GetDownloaderState(string url) { if (url != null && url.StartsWith(Consts.MegaPrefix)) return new State { Url = url, MegaApiClient = MegaApiClient}; return null; } public async Task Prepare() { } public class State : HTTPDownloader.State { public MegaApiClient MegaApiClient; private void MegaLogin() { MegaApiClient = new MegaApiClient(); if (MegaApiClient.IsLoggedIn) return; if (!Utils.HaveEncryptedJson(DataName)) { Utils.Status("Logging into MEGA (as anonymous)"); MegaApiClient.LoginAnonymous(); } else { Utils.Status("Logging into MEGA with saved credentials."); var authInfo = Utils.FromEncryptedJson(DataName); MegaApiClient.Login(authInfo); } } public override async Task Download(Archive a, string destination) { MegaLogin(); var fileLink = new Uri(Url); var node = MegaApiClient.GetNodeFromLink(fileLink); Utils.Status($"Downloading MEGA file: {a.Name}"); MegaApiClient.DownloadFile(fileLink, destination); return true; } public override async Task Verify(Archive a) { MegaLogin(); var fileLink = new Uri(Url); try { var node = MegaApiClient.GetNodeFromLink(fileLink); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } } public ReactiveCommand TriggerLogin { get; } public ReactiveCommand ClearLogin { get; } public IObservable IsLoggedIn => Utils.HaveEncryptedJsonObservable(DataName); public string SiteName => "MEGA"; public IObservable MetaInfo => Observable.Return(""); public Uri SiteURL => new Uri(""); public Uri IconUri => new Uri(""); } }