using Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Lib.CompilationSteps; using Directory = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory; using File = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File; using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Wabbajack.Lib { public class zEditIntegration { private static MO2Compiler _mo2Compiler; public static string FindzEditPath(ACompiler compiler) { _mo2Compiler = (MO2Compiler) compiler; var executables = _mo2Compiler.MO2Ini.customExecutables; if (executables.size == null) return null; foreach (var idx in Enumerable.Range(1, int.Parse(executables.size))) { var path = (string)executables[$"{idx}\\binary"]; if (path == null) continue; if (path.EndsWith("zEdit.exe")) return Path.GetDirectoryName(path); } return null; } public class IncludeZEditPatches : ACompilationStep { private readonly Dictionary _mergesIndexed; private bool _disabled = true; public IncludeZEditPatches(ACompiler compiler) : base(compiler) { var zEditPath = FindzEditPath(compiler); var havezEdit = zEditPath != null; Utils.Log(havezEdit ? $"Found zEdit at {zEditPath}" : "zEdit not detected, disabling zEdit routines"); if (!havezEdit) { _mergesIndexed = new Dictionary(); return; } _mo2Compiler = (MO2Compiler) compiler; var settingsFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(zEditPath, "profiles"), DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Files | DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive) .Where(f => f.EndsWith("settings.json")) .Where(f => { var settings = f.FromJSON(); if (settings.modManager != "Mod Organizer 2") { Utils.Log($"zEdit settings file {f}: modManager is not Mod Organizer 2 but {settings.modManager}!"); return false; } if (settings.managerPath != _mo2Compiler.MO2Folder) { Utils.Log($"zEdit settings file {f}: managerPath is not {_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder} but {settings.managerPath}!"); return false; } if (settings.modsPath != Path.Combine(_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder, Consts.MO2ModFolderName)) { Utils.Log($"zEdit settings file {f}: modsPath is not {_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder}\\{Consts.MO2ModFolderName} but {settings.modsPath}!"); return false; } if (settings.mergePath != Path.Combine(_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder, Consts.MO2ModFolderName)) { Utils.Log($"zEdit settings file {f}: modsPath is not {_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder}\\{Consts.MO2ModFolderName} but {settings.modsPath}!"); return false; } return true; }); if (!settingsFiles.Any()) { Utils.Log($"Found not acceptable settings.json file for zEdit!"); return; } var profileFolder = settingsFiles.Where(x => File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(x), "merges.json")))?.Select(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) ? "" : Path.GetDirectoryName(x)).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profileFolder)) { Utils.Log("Found no acceptable profiles folder for zEdit!"); return; } var mergeFile = Path.Combine(profileFolder, "merges.json"); Utils.Log($"Using merge file {mergeFile}"); var merges = mergeFile.FromJSON>().GroupBy(f => (, f.filename)).ToArray(); merges.Where(m => m.Count() > 1) .Do(m => { Utils.Log( $"WARNING, you have two patches named {}\\{m.Key.filename} in your zEdit profiles. We'll pick one at random, this probably isn't what you want."); }); _mergesIndexed = merges.ToDictionary( m => Path.Combine(_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder, Consts.MO2ModFolderName,, m.Key.filename), m => m.First()); _disabled = false; } public override async ValueTask Run(RawSourceFile source) { if (_disabled) return null; if (!_mergesIndexed.TryGetValue(source.AbsolutePath, out var merge)) { if(!source.AbsolutePath.EndsWith(".seq")) return null; var seqFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(source.AbsolutePath); if (!seqFolder.EndsWith("seq")) return null; var mergeFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(seqFolder); var split = mergeFolder.Split("\\"); var mergeName = split[^1]; if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(mergeFolder, mergeName + ".esp"))) return null; var inline = source.EvolveTo(); inline.SourceDataID = _compiler.IncludeFile(File.ReadAllBytes(source.AbsolutePath)); return inline; } var result = source.EvolveTo(); result.Sources = merge.plugins.Select(f => { var origPath = Path.Combine(f.dataFolder, f.filename); var paths = new[] { origPath, origPath + ".mohidden", Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(origPath), "optional", Path.GetFileName(origPath)) }; var absPath = paths.FirstOrDefault(File.Exists); if (absPath == null) throw new InvalidDataException( $"File {origPath} is required to build {merge.filename} but it doesn't exist searched in: \n" + string.Join("\n", paths)); string hash = ""; try { hash = _compiler.VFS.Index.ByFullPath[absPath].Hash; } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { Utils.ErrorThrow(e, $"Could not find the key {absPath} in the VFS Index dictionary!"); } return new SourcePatch { RelativePath = absPath.RelativeTo(_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder), Hash = hash }; }).ToList(); var srcData = result.Sources.Select(f => File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(_mo2Compiler.MO2Folder, f.RelativePath))) .ConcatArrays(); var dstData = File.ReadAllBytes(source.AbsolutePath); await using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { await Utils.CreatePatch(srcData, dstData, ms); result.PatchID = _compiler.IncludeFile(ms.ToArray()); } return result; } public override IState GetState() { return new State(); } [JsonObject("IncludeZEditPatches")] public class State : IState { public ICompilationStep CreateStep(ACompiler compiler) { return new IncludeZEditPatches(compiler); } } } public class zEditSettings { public string modManager; public string managerPath; public string modsPath; public string mergePath; } public class zEditMerge { public string name; public string filename; public List plugins; } public class zEditMergePlugin { public string filename; public string dataFolder; } public static void VerifyMerges(MO2Compiler compiler) { var byName = compiler.InstallDirectives.ToDictionary(f => f.To); foreach (var directive in compiler.InstallDirectives.OfType()) { foreach (var source in directive.Sources) { if (!byName.TryGetValue(source.RelativePath, out var result)) throw new InvalidDataException( $"{source.RelativePath} is needed for merged patch {directive.To} but is not included in the install."); if (result.Hash != source.Hash) throw new InvalidDataException($"Hashes for {result.To} needed for zEdit merge sources don't match, this shouldn't happen"); } } } public static async Task GenerateMerges(MO2Installer installer) { await installer.ModList .Directives .OfType() .PMap(installer.Queue, m => { Utils.LogStatus($"Generating zEdit merge: {m.To}"); var srcData = m.Sources.Select(s => File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(installer.OutputFolder, s.RelativePath))) .ConcatArrays(); var patchData = installer.LoadBytesFromPath(m.PatchID); using var fs = File.Open(Path.Combine(installer.OutputFolder, m.To), FileMode.Create); Utils.ApplyPatch(new MemoryStream(srcData), () => new MemoryStream(patchData), fs); }); } } }