using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Common.CSP; using Directory = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory; using FileInfo = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo; using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path; namespace Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem { public class VirtualFile { private string _fullPath; private string _stagedPath; public string Name { get; internal set; } public string FullPath { get { if (_fullPath != null) return _fullPath; var cur = this; var acc = new LinkedList(); while (cur != null) { acc.AddFirst(cur.Name); cur = cur.Parent; } _fullPath = string.Join("|", acc); return _fullPath; } } public string Hash { get; internal set; } public long Size { get; internal set; } public long LastModified { get; internal set; } public long LastAnalyzed { get; internal set; } public VirtualFile Parent { get; internal set; } public Context Context { get; set; } public string StagedPath { get { if (IsNative) return Name; if (_stagedPath == null) throw new UnstagedFileException(FullPath); return _stagedPath; } internal set { if (IsNative) throw new CannotStageNativeFile("Cannot stage a native file"); _stagedPath = value; } } /// /// Returns the nesting factor for this file. Native files will have a nesting of 1, the factor /// goes up for each nesting of a file in an archive. /// public int NestingFactor { get { var cnt = 0; var cur = this; while (cur != null) { cnt += 1; cur = cur.Parent; } return cnt; } } public ImmutableList Children { get; internal set; } = ImmutableList.Empty; public bool IsArchive => Children != null && Children.Count > 0; public bool IsNative => Parent == null; public IEnumerable ThisAndAllChildren => Children.SelectMany(child => child.ThisAndAllChildren).Append(this); /// /// Returns all the virtual files in the path to this file, starting from the root file. /// public IEnumerable FilesInFullPath { get { var stack = ImmutableStack.Empty; var cur = this; while (cur != null) { stack = stack.Push(cur); cur = cur.Parent; } return stack; } } public static VirtualFile Analyze(Context context, VirtualFile parent, string abs_path, string rel_path) { var fi = new FileInfo(abs_path); var self = new VirtualFile { Context = context, Name = rel_path, Parent = parent, Size = fi.Length, LastModified = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks, LastAnalyzed = DateTime.Now.Ticks, Hash = abs_path.FileHash() }; if (FileExtractor.CanExtract(Path.GetExtension(abs_path))) { using (var tempFolder = context.GetTemporaryFolder()) { FileExtractor.ExtractAll(context.Queue, abs_path, tempFolder.FullName); self.Children = Directory.EnumerateFiles(tempFolder.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .PMap(context.Queue, abs_src => Analyze(context, self, abs_src, abs_src.RelativeTo(tempFolder.FullName))) .ToImmutableList(); } } return self; } public void Write(MemoryStream ms) { using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms, Encoding.UTF8, true)) { Write(bw); } } private void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(Name); bw.Write(Hash); bw.Write(Size); bw.Write(LastModified); bw.Write(LastAnalyzed); bw.Write(Children.Count); foreach (var child in Children) child.Write(bw); } public static VirtualFile Read(Context context, byte[] data) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var br = new BinaryReader(ms)) { return Read(context, null, br); } } private static VirtualFile Read(Context context, VirtualFile parent, BinaryReader br) { var vf = new VirtualFile { Context = context, Parent = parent, Name = br.ReadString(), Hash = br.ReadString(), Size = br.ReadInt64(), LastModified = br.ReadInt64(), LastAnalyzed = br.ReadInt64(), Children = ImmutableList.Empty }; var childrenCount = br.ReadInt32(); for (var idx = 0; idx < childrenCount; idx += 1) vf.Children = vf.Children.Add(Read(context, vf, br)); return vf; } public static VirtualFile CreateFromPortable(Context context, Dictionary> state, Dictionary links, PortableFile portableFile) { var vf = new VirtualFile { Parent = null, Context = context, Name = links[portableFile.Hash], Hash = portableFile.Hash, Size = portableFile.Size }; if (state.TryGetValue(portableFile.Hash, out var children)) vf.Children = children.Select(child => CreateFromPortable(context, vf, state, child)).ToImmutableList(); return vf; } public static VirtualFile CreateFromPortable(Context context, VirtualFile parent, Dictionary> state, PortableFile portableFile) { var vf = new VirtualFile { Parent = parent, Context = context, Name = portableFile.Name, Hash = portableFile.Hash, Size = portableFile.Size }; if (state.TryGetValue(portableFile.Hash, out var children)) vf.Children = children.Select(child => CreateFromPortable(context, vf, state, child)).ToImmutableList(); return vf; } public string[] MakeRelativePaths() { var path = new string[NestingFactor]; path[0] = FilesInFullPath.First().Hash; var idx = 1; foreach (var itm in FilesInFullPath.Skip(1)) { path[idx] = itm.Name; idx += 1; } return path; } public Stream OpenRead() { return File.OpenRead(StagedPath); } } public class CannotStageNativeFile : Exception { public CannotStageNativeFile(string cannotStageANativeFile) : base(cannotStageANativeFile) { } } public class UnstagedFileException : Exception { private readonly string _fullPath; public UnstagedFileException(string fullPath) : base($"File {fullPath} is unstaged, cannot get staged name") { _fullPath = fullPath; } } }