using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Dapper; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Model.Models.Results; using Wabbajack.BuildServer.Models; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem; namespace Wabbajack.BuildServer.Model.Models { public class SqlService { private IConfiguration _configuration; private AppSettings _settings; public SqlService(AppSettings settings) { _settings = settings; } private async Task Open() { var conn = new SqlConnection(_settings.SqlConnection); await conn.OpenAsync(); return conn; } public async Task MergeVirtualFile(VirtualFile vfile) { var files = new List(); var contents = new List(); IngestFile(vfile, files, contents); files = files.DistinctBy(f => f.Hash).ToList(); contents = contents.DistinctBy(c => (c.Parent, c.Path)).ToList(); await using var conn = await Open(); await conn.ExecuteAsync("dbo.MergeIndexedFiles", new {Files = files.ToDataTable(), Contents = contents.ToDataTable()}, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } private static void IngestFile(VirtualFile root, ICollection files, ICollection contents) { var hash = BitConverter.ToInt64(root.Hash.FromBase64()); files.Add(new IndexedFile { Hash = hash, Sha256 = root.ExtendedHashes.SHA256.FromHex(), Sha1 = root.ExtendedHashes.SHA1.FromHex(), Md5 = root.ExtendedHashes.MD5.FromHex(), Crc32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(root.ExtendedHashes.CRC.FromHex()), Size = root.Size }); if (root.Children == null) return; foreach (var child in root.Children) { IngestFile(child, files, contents); var child_hash = BitConverter.ToInt64(child.Hash.FromBase64()); contents.Add(new ArchiveContent { Parent = hash, Child = child_hash, Path = child.Name }); } } public async Task HaveIndexdFile(string hash) { await using var conn = await Open(); var row = await conn.QueryAsync(@"SELECT * FROM IndexedFile WHERE Hash = @Hash", new {Hash = BitConverter.ToInt64(hash.FromBase64())}); return row.Any(); } class ArchiveContentsResult { public long Parent { get; set; } public long Hash { get; set; } public long Size { get; set; } public string Path { get; set; } } /// /// Get the name, path, hash and size of the file with the provided hash, and all files perhaps /// contained inside this file. Note: files themselves do not have paths, so the top level result /// will have a null path /// /// The xxHash64 of the file to look up /// public async Task AllArchiveContents(long hash) { await using var conn = await Open(); var files = await conn.QueryAsync(@" SELECT 0 as Parent, i.Hash, i.Size, null as Path FROM IndexedFile i WHERE Hash = @Hash UNION ALL SELECT a.Parent, i.Hash, i.Size, a.Path FROM AllArchiveContent a LEFT JOIN IndexedFile i ON i.Hash = a.Child WHERE TopParent = @Hash", new {Hash = hash}); var grouped = files.GroupBy(f => f.Parent).ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f=> (IEnumerable)f); List Build(long parent) { if (grouped.TryGetValue(parent, out var children)) { return children.Select(f => new IndexedVirtualFile { Name = f.Path, Hash = BitConverter.GetBytes(f.Hash).ToBase64(), Size = f.Size, Children = Build(f.Hash) }).ToList(); } return new List(); } return Build(0).First(); } public async Task IngestAllMetrics(IEnumerable allMetrics) { await using var conn = await Open(); await conn.ExecuteAsync(@"INSERT INTO dbo.Metrics (Timestamp, Action, Subject, MetricsKey) VALUES (@Timestamp, @Action, @Subject, @MetricsKey)", allMetrics); } public async Task IngestMetric(Metric metric) { await using var conn = await Open(); await conn.ExecuteAsync(@"INSERT INTO dbo.Metrics (Timestamp, Action, Subject, MetricsKey) VALUES (@Timestamp, @Action, @Subject, @MetricsKey)", metric); } public async Task> MetricsReport(string action) { await using var conn = await Open(); return (await conn.QueryAsync(@" SELECT d.Date, d.GroupingSubject as Subject, Count(*) as Count FROM (select DISTINCT CONVERT(date, Timestamp) as Date, GroupingSubject, Action, MetricsKey from dbo.Metrics) m RIGHT OUTER JOIN (SELECT CONVERT(date, DATEADD(DAY, number + 1, dbo.MinMetricDate())) as Date, GroupingSubject, Action FROM master..spt_values CROSS JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT GroupingSubject, Action FROM dbo.Metrics WHERE MetricsKey is not null AND Subject != 'Default' AND TRY_CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, Subject) is null) as keys WHERE type = 'P' AND DATEADD(DAY, number+1, dbo.MinMetricDate()) < dbo.MaxMetricDate()) as d ON m.Date = d.Date AND m.GroupingSubject = d.GroupingSubject AND m.Action = d.Action WHERE d.Action = @action group by d.Date, d.GroupingSubject, d.Action ORDER BY d.Date, d.GroupingSubject, d.Action", new {Action = action})) .ToList(); } } }