using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Downloaders; using Wabbajack.Downloaders.GameFile; using Wabbajack.DTOs; using Wabbajack.DTOs.Directives; using Wabbajack.DTOs.DownloadStates; using Wabbajack.DTOs.JsonConverters; using Wabbajack.Hashing.PHash; using Wabbajack.Hashing.xxHash64; using Wabbajack.Installer.Utilities; using Wabbajack.Networking.WabbajackClientApi; using Wabbajack.Paths; using Wabbajack.Paths.IO; using Wabbajack.RateLimiter; using Wabbajack.VFS; namespace Wabbajack.Installer; public record StatusUpdate(string StatusCategory, string StatusText, Percent StepsProgress, Percent StepProgress) { } public interface IInstaller { Task Begin(CancellationToken token); } public abstract class AInstaller where T : AInstaller { private const int _limitMS = 100; public static RelativePath BSACreationDir = "TEMP_BSA_FILES".ToRelativePath(); private static readonly Regex NoDeleteRegex = new(@"(?i)[\\\/]\[NoDelete\]", RegexOptions.Compiled); protected readonly InstallerConfiguration _configuration; protected readonly DownloadDispatcher _downloadDispatcher; private readonly FileExtractor.FileExtractor _extractor; protected readonly FileHashCache FileHashCache; protected readonly IGameLocator _gameLocator; private readonly DTOSerializer _jsonSerializer; protected readonly ILogger _logger; protected readonly TemporaryFileManager _manager; protected readonly ParallelOptions _parallelOptions; private readonly Context _vfs; protected readonly Client _wjClient; private int _currentStep; private long _currentStepProgress; protected long MaxStepProgress { get; set; } private string _statusCategory; private string _statusText; private readonly Stopwatch _updateStopWatch = new(); public Action? OnStatusUpdate; private readonly IResource _limiter; private Func _statusFormatter = x => x.ToString(); public AInstaller(ILogger logger, InstallerConfiguration config, IGameLocator gameLocator, FileExtractor.FileExtractor extractor, DTOSerializer jsonSerializer, Context vfs, FileHashCache fileHashCache, DownloadDispatcher downloadDispatcher, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, IResource limiter, Client wjClient) { _limiter = limiter; _manager = new TemporaryFileManager(config.Install.Combine("__temp__")); ExtractedModlistFolder = _manager.CreateFolder(); _configuration = config; _logger = logger; _extractor = extractor; _jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer; _vfs = vfs; FileHashCache = fileHashCache; _downloadDispatcher = downloadDispatcher; _parallelOptions = parallelOptions; _gameLocator = gameLocator; _wjClient = wjClient; } protected long MaxSteps { get; set; } public Dictionary HashedArchives { get; set; } = new(); public bool UseCompression { get; set; } public TemporaryPath ExtractedModlistFolder { get; set; } public ModList ModList => _configuration.ModList; public void NextStep(string statusCategory, string statusText, long maxStepProgress, Func? formatter = null) { _updateStopWatch.Restart(); MaxStepProgress = maxStepProgress; _currentStep += 1; _statusText = statusText; _statusCategory = statusCategory; _statusFormatter = formatter ?? (x => x.ToString()); _logger.LogInformation("Next Step: {Step}", statusText); OnStatusUpdate?.Invoke(new StatusUpdate(statusCategory, statusText, Percent.FactoryPutInRange(_currentStep, MaxSteps), Percent.Zero)); } public void UpdateProgress(long stepProgress) { Interlocked.Add(ref _currentStepProgress, stepProgress); OnStatusUpdate?.Invoke(new StatusUpdate(_statusCategory, $"[{_currentStep}/{MaxSteps}] {_statusText} ({_statusFormatter(_currentStepProgress)}/{_statusFormatter(MaxStepProgress)})", Percent.FactoryPutInRange(_currentStep, MaxSteps), Percent.FactoryPutInRange(_currentStepProgress, MaxStepProgress))); } public abstract Task Begin(CancellationToken token); protected async Task ExtractModlist(CancellationToken token) { ExtractedModlistFolder = _manager.CreateFolder(); await using var stream = _configuration.ModlistArchive.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); using var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Read); NextStep(Consts.StepPreparing, "Extracting Modlist", archive.Entries.Count); foreach (var entry in archive.Entries) { var path = entry.FullName.ToRelativePath().RelativeTo(ExtractedModlistFolder); path.Parent.CreateDirectory(); await using var of = path.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); await entry.Open().CopyToAsync(of, token); UpdateProgress(1); } } public async Task LoadBytesFromPath(RelativePath path) { var fullPath = ExtractedModlistFolder.Path.Combine(path); if (!fullPath.FileExists()) throw new Exception($"Cannot load inlined data {path} file does not exist"); return await fullPath.ReadAllBytesAsync(); } public async Task InlinedFileStream(RelativePath inlinedFile) { var fullPath = ExtractedModlistFolder.Path.Combine(inlinedFile); return fullPath.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); } public static async Task LoadFromFile(DTOSerializer serializer, AbsolutePath path) { await using var fs = path.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); using var ar = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Read); var entry = ar.GetEntry("modlist"); if (entry == null) { entry = ar.GetEntry("modlist.json"); if (entry == null) throw new Exception("Invalid Wabbajack Installer"); await using var e = entry.Open(); return (await serializer.DeserializeAsync(e))!; } await using (var e = entry.Open()) { return (await serializer.DeserializeAsync(e))!; } } public static async Task ModListImageStream(AbsolutePath path) { await using var fs = path.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); using var ar = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Read); var entry = ar.GetEntry("modlist-image.png"); if (entry == null) throw new InvalidDataException("No modlist image found"); return new MemoryStream(await entry.Open().ReadAllAsync()); } /// /// We don't want to make the installer index all the archives, that's just a waste of time, so instead /// we'll pass just enough information to VFS to let it know about the files we have. /// protected async Task PrimeVFS() { NextStep(Consts.StepPreparing, "Priming VFS", 0); _vfs.AddKnown(_configuration.ModList.Directives.OfType().Select(d => d.ArchiveHashPath), HashedArchives); await _vfs.BackfillMissing(); } public async Task BuildFolderStructure() { NextStep(Consts.StepPreparing, "Building Folder Structure", 0); _logger.LogInformation("Building Folder Structure"); ModList.Directives .Where(d => d.To.Depth > 1) .Select(d => _configuration.Install.Combine(d.To.Parent)) .Distinct() .Do(f => f.CreateDirectory()); } public async Task InstallArchives(CancellationToken token) { NextStep(Consts.StepInstalling, "Installing files", ModList.Directives.Sum(d => d.Size), x => x.ToFileSizeString()); var grouped = ModList.Directives .OfType() .Select(a => new {VF = _vfs.Index.FileForArchiveHashPath(a.ArchiveHashPath), Directive = a}) .GroupBy(a => a.VF) .ToDictionary(a => a.Key); if (grouped.Count == 0) return; await _vfs.Extract(grouped.Keys.ToHashSet(), async (vf, sf) => { var directives = grouped[vf]; using var job = await _limiter.Begin($"Installing files from {vf.Name}", directives.Sum(f => f.VF.Size), token); foreach (var directive in directives) { var file = directive.Directive; UpdateProgress(file.Size); switch (file) { case PatchedFromArchive pfa: { await using var s = await sf.GetStream(); s.Position = 0; await using var patchDataStream = await InlinedFileStream(pfa.PatchID); var toFile = file.To.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install); { await using var os = toFile.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); await BinaryPatching.ApplyPatch(s, patchDataStream, os); } } break; case TransformedTexture tt: { await using var s = await sf.GetStream(); await using var of = directive.Directive.To.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install) .Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); await ImageLoader.Recompress(s, tt.ImageState.Width, tt.ImageState.Height, tt.ImageState.Format, of, token); } break; case FromArchive _: if (grouped[vf].Count() == 1) { await sf.Move(directive.Directive.To.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install), token); } else { await using var s = await sf.GetStream(); await directive.Directive.To.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install) .WriteAllAsync(s, token, false); } break; default: throw new Exception($"No handler for {directive}"); } await job.Report((int) directive.VF.Size, token); } }, token); } public async Task DownloadArchives(CancellationToken token) { var missing = ModList.Archives.Where(a => !HashedArchives.ContainsKey(a.Hash)).ToList(); _logger.LogInformation("Missing {count} archives", missing.Count); var dispatchers = missing.Select(m => _downloadDispatcher.Downloader(m)) .Distinct() .ToList(); await Task.WhenAll(dispatchers.Select(d => d.Prepare())); _logger.LogInformation("Downloading validation data"); var validationData = await _wjClient.LoadDownloadAllowList(); _logger.LogInformation("Validating Archives"); foreach (var archive in missing.Where(archive => !_downloadDispatcher.Downloader(archive).IsAllowed(validationData, archive.State))) { _logger.LogCritical("File {primaryKeyString} failed validation", archive.State.PrimaryKeyString); return; } _logger.LogInformation("Downloading missing archives"); await DownloadMissingArchives(missing, token); } public async Task DownloadMissingArchives(List missing, CancellationToken token, bool download = true) { _logger.LogInformation("Downloading {Count} archives", missing.Count.ToString()); NextStep(Consts.StepDownloading, "Downloading files", missing.Count); if (download) { var result = SendDownloadMetrics(missing); foreach (var a in missing.Where(a => a.State is Manual)) { var outputPath = _configuration.Downloads.Combine(a.Name); await DownloadArchive(a, true, token, outputPath); UpdateProgress(1); } } await missing .OrderBy(a => a.Size) .Where(a => a.State is not Manual) .PDoAll(async archive => { _logger.LogInformation("Downloading {Archive}", archive.Name); var outputPath = _configuration.Downloads.Combine(archive.Name); if (download) if (outputPath.FileExists()) { var origName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archive.Name); var ext = Path.GetExtension(archive.Name); var uniqueKey = archive.State.PrimaryKeyString.StringSha256Hex(); outputPath = _configuration.Downloads.Combine(origName + "_" + uniqueKey + "_" + ext); outputPath.Delete(); } var hash = await DownloadArchive(archive, download, token, outputPath); UpdateProgress(1); }); } private async Task SendDownloadMetrics(List missing) { var grouped = missing.GroupBy(m => m.State.GetType()); foreach (var group in grouped) await _wjClient.SendMetric($"downloading_{group.Key.FullName!.Split(".").Last().Split("+").First()}", group.Sum(g => g.Size).ToString()); } public async Task DownloadArchive(Archive archive, bool download, CancellationToken token, AbsolutePath? destination = null) { try { destination ??= _configuration.Downloads.Combine(archive.Name); var (result, hash) = await _downloadDispatcher.DownloadWithPossibleUpgrade(archive, destination.Value, token); if (hash != archive.Hash) { _logger.LogError("Downloaded hash {Downloaded} does not match expected hash: {Expected}", hash, archive.Hash); if (destination!.Value.FileExists()) { destination!.Value.Delete(); } return false; } if (hash != default) FileHashCache.FileHashWriteCache(destination.Value, hash); if (result == DownloadResult.Update) await destination.Value.MoveToAsync(destination.Value.Parent.Combine(archive.Hash.ToHex()), true, token); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Download error for file {name}", archive.Name); return false; } return false; } public async Task HashArchives(CancellationToken token) { NextStep(Consts.StepHashing, "Hashing Archives", 0); _logger.LogInformation("Looking for files to hash"); var allFiles = _configuration.Downloads.EnumerateFiles() .Concat(_gameLocator.GameLocation(_configuration.Game).EnumerateFiles()) .ToList(); _logger.LogInformation("Getting archive sizes"); var hashDict = (await allFiles.PMapAll(_limiter, async x => (x, x.Size())).ToList()) .GroupBy(f => f.Item2) .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Select(v => v.x)); _logger.LogInformation("Linking archives to downloads"); var toHash = ModList.Archives.Where(a => hashDict.ContainsKey(a.Size)) .SelectMany(a => hashDict[a.Size]).ToList(); MaxStepProgress = toHash.Count; _logger.LogInformation("Found {count} total files, {hashedCount} matching filesize", allFiles.Count, toHash.Count); var hashResults = await toHash .PMapAll(async e => { UpdateProgress(1); return (await FileHashCache.FileHashCachedAsync(e, token), e); }) .ToList(); HashedArchives = hashResults .OrderByDescending(e => e.Item2.LastModified()) .GroupBy(e => e.Item1) .Select(e => e.First()) .Where(x => x.Item1 != default) .ToDictionary(kv => kv.Item1, kv => kv.e); } /// /// The user may already have some files in the _configuration.Install. If so we can go through these and /// figure out which need to be updated, deleted, or left alone /// protected async Task OptimizeModlist(CancellationToken token) { _logger.LogInformation("Optimizing ModList directives"); var indexed = ModList.Directives.ToDictionary(d => d.To); var bsasToBuild = await ModList.Directives .OfType() .PMapAll(async b => { var file = _configuration.Install.Combine(b.To); if (!file.FileExists()) return (true, b); return (b.Hash != await FileHashCache.FileHashCachedAsync(file, token), b); }) .ToArray(); var bsasToNotBuild = bsasToBuild .Where(b => b.Item1 == false).Select(t => t.b.TempID).ToHashSet(); var bsaPathsToNotBuild = bsasToBuild .Where(b => b.Item1 == false).Select(t => t.b.To.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install)) .ToHashSet(); indexed = indexed.Values .Where(d => { return d switch { CreateBSA bsa => !bsasToNotBuild.Contains(bsa.TempID), FromArchive a when a.To.StartsWith($"{BSACreationDir}") => !bsasToNotBuild.Any(b => a.To.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install).InFolder(_configuration.Install.Combine(BSACreationDir, b))), _ => true }; }).ToDictionary(d => d.To); var profileFolder = _configuration.Install.Combine("profiles"); var savePath = (RelativePath) "saves"; NextStep(Consts.StepPreparing, "Looking for files to delete", 0); await _configuration.Install.EnumerateFiles() .PDoAll(async f => { var relativeTo = f.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install); if (indexed.ContainsKey(relativeTo) || f.InFolder(_configuration.Downloads)) return; if (f.InFolder(profileFolder) && f.Parent.FileName == savePath) return; if (NoDeleteRegex.IsMatch(f.ToString())) return; if (bsaPathsToNotBuild.Contains(f)) return; _logger.LogInformation("Deleting {RelativePath} it's not part of this ModList", relativeTo); f.Delete(); }); _logger.LogInformation("Cleaning empty folders"); var expectedFolders = indexed.Keys .Select(f => f.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install)) // We ignore the last part of the path, so we need a dummy file name .Append(_configuration.Downloads.Combine("_")) .Where(f => f.InFolder(_configuration.Install)) .SelectMany(path => { // Get all the folders and all the folder parents // so for foo\bar\baz\qux.txt this emits ["foo", "foo\\bar", "foo\\bar\\baz"] var split = ((string) path.RelativeTo(_configuration.Install)).Split('\\'); return Enumerable.Range(1, split.Length - 1).Select(t => string.Join("\\", split.Take(t))); }) .Distinct() .Select(p => _configuration.Install.Combine(p)) .ToHashSet(); try { var toDelete = _configuration.Install.EnumerateDirectories(true) .Where(p => !expectedFolders.Contains(p)) .OrderByDescending(p => p.ToString().Length) .ToList(); foreach (var dir in toDelete) { dir.DeleteDirectory(dontDeleteIfNotEmpty: true); } } catch (Exception) { // ignored because it's not worth throwing a fit over _logger.LogInformation("Error when trying to clean empty folders. This doesn't really matter."); } var existingfiles = _configuration.Install.EnumerateFiles().ToHashSet(); NextStep(Consts.StepPreparing, "Looking for unmodified files", 0); await indexed.Values.PMapAll(async d => { // Bit backwards, but we want to return null for // all files we *want* installed. We return the files // to remove from the install list. var path = _configuration.Install.Combine(d.To); if (!existingfiles.Contains(path)) return null; return await FileHashCache.FileHashCachedAsync(path, token) == d.Hash ? d : null; }) .Do(d => { if (d != null) { indexed.Remove(d.To); } }); NextStep(Consts.StepPreparing, "Updating ModList", 0); _logger.LogInformation("Optimized {From} directives to {To} required", ModList.Directives.Length, indexed.Count); var requiredArchives = indexed.Values.OfType() .GroupBy(d => d.ArchiveHashPath.Hash) .Select(d => d.Key) .ToHashSet(); ModList.Archives = ModList.Archives.Where(a => requiredArchives.Contains(a.Hash)).ToArray(); ModList.Directives = indexed.Values.ToArray(); } }