using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CommandLine; using Wabbajack.Common; using Wabbajack.Common.IO; namespace Wabbajack.CLI.Verbs { [Verb("backup", HelpText = @"Copy all encrypted and personal info into a location for transferring to a new machine", Hidden = true)] public class Backup : AVerb { public static Dictionary<string, bool> Keys = new Dictionary<string, bool>() { {"bunnycdn", true}, {"nexusapikey", true}, {"nexus-cookies", true}, {"x-metrics-key", true}, {"author-api-key.txt", false} }; [Option('o', "output", Required = true, HelpText = @"Output folder for the decrypted data")] public string Output { get; set; } = ""; public AbsolutePath OutputPath => (AbsolutePath)Output; protected override async Task<ExitCode> Run() { foreach(var (name, encrypted) in Keys) { byte[] data; var src = name.RelativeTo(Consts.LocalAppDataPath); if (!src.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"{name} doesn't exist, skipping"); continue; } if (encrypted) { data = await Utils.FromEncryptedData(name); } else { data = await src.ReadAllBytesAsync(); } await name.RelativeTo(OutputPath).WriteAllBytesAsync(data); } return ExitCode.Ok; } } [Verb("restore", HelpText = @"Copy all encrypted and personal info into a location for transferring to a new machine", Hidden = true)] public class Restore : AVerb { public static Dictionary<string, bool> Keys = new Dictionary<string, bool>() { {"bunnycdn", true}, {"nexusapikey", true}, {"nexus-cookies", true}, {"x-metrics-key", true}, {"author-api-key.txt", false} }; [Option('i', "input", Required = true, HelpText = @"Input folder for the decrypted data")] public string Input { get; set; } = ""; public AbsolutePath InputPath => (AbsolutePath)Input; protected override async Task<ExitCode> Run() { foreach(var (name, encrypted) in Keys) { var src = name.RelativeTo(InputPath); if (!src.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"{name} doesn't exist, skipping"); continue; } var data = await src.ReadAllBytesAsync(); if (encrypted) { await data.ToEcryptedData(name); } else { await name.RelativeTo(Consts.LocalAppDataPath).WriteAllBytesAsync(data); } } return ExitCode.Ok; } } }